He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1550 Prayer

Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wang Le who warned them.

"Brother, do you also feel that the situation in the past two days is a little bad?" Fatty Huang asked solemnly.

Wang Le rolled his eyes speechlessly, and replied with a look of dissatisfaction: "We have been in the Siam Mountains for so many days, and we haven't gone out yet. If I don't find something wrong here, then there is nothing wrong with it." You are truly an idiot."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Ge looked at Wang Le thoughtfully and asked further: "Brother Wang, apart from feeling that the situation is not good, do you have any other findings?"

At this moment, Wang Le glanced at Zheng Ge meaningfully and asked, avoiding the answer: "Why are the three who left the team not seen again? Why do the two deacons take turns leaving the team every now and then without explaining the reason?" ?”

"Uh!" Zheng Ge couldn't help but be startled, and the eyes of Fatty Huang next to him suddenly became erratic.

Obviously, they were all reminded by Wang Le's questioning and couldn't help but realize the key.

Wang Le didn't speak again when he saw this, but closed his eyes again.

After a while, Fatty Huang broke the silence, looked at Wang Le and said softly: "Brother, are you saying there is a problem within our trial team?"

Wang Le, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened his eyes again, glanced at Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, and then asked again without comment: "What do you think?"

Fatty Huang froze, then lowered his head and fell into silence again, but there was no surprise on his face and he looked very calm. It seemed that he had already known it in his heart.

At this time, Zheng Ge couldn't help but glance at Hou Yaoting and Chen Shihao beside the bonfire in the distance, then looked at Wang Le, and asked softly with a serious face: "Are they those two?"

Wang Le did not follow Zheng Ge's gaze to look at Hou Yaoting and Chen Shihao, but stared directly at Zheng Ge, and continued to ask unchanged: "Are you sure there are only two of them?"

"Uh!" Zheng Ge was stunned for a moment. Fatty Huang next to him looked up at Wang Le with a look of shock and astonishment. Apparently he didn't expect that the other party would think so deeply!

Then Wang Le curled his lips slightly and said lightly with a relaxed and nonchalant expression: "Besides them, there may be others, such as Brother Huang and Brother Zheng."

Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge turned pale, obviously unable to accept being suspected.

The two of them were about to retort,

Then Wang Le continued to say calmly: "Maybe I am too, so everyone is suspicious."

At this time, Zheng Ge frowned and said in a deep voice: "Brother Wang, is it necessary to suspect everyone?"

Before Wang Le could respond, Fatty Huang sighed and said depressedly, "Brother Wang is just expressing everyone's thoughts."

"It is precisely because of this that the trial team is destined not to truly unite."

Wang Le couldn't help but take a deep look at Fatty Huang, thinking to himself that this guy still looked like a pig, and his heart was clear!

"As long as this guy goes through a lot of training, I believe that given time, his future achievements will be limitless." Wang Leru commented on Fatty Huang in his heart.

Zheng Ge seems a bit feminine, but in the eyes of an experienced veteran like Wang Le, he is still too immature.

With his mind wandering, Wang Le saw that it was quite a pleasure for these two people to interact with him, so he whispered in a confidential manner: "The people who are targeting our alliance trial team are far more than Zoroastrian Cult."

Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge looked calm, showing no signs of surprise.

Because the Zoroastrian Cult had retreated and no longer posed a danger, and the bad situation after entering the Siam Mountains was obviously not caused by the Zoroastrian Cult.

Then there must be another force at work.

At this time, Wang Le raised his fingers and counted slowly: "One, two, maybe a third, a fourth."

Then Wang Le shook his two fingers in front of Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, and said quietly: "We are being targeted by at least two forces."

Zheng Ge: "..."

Fatty Huang: "..."

Seeing the expressions of speechless disbelief on the two people's faces, Wang Le put away the frivolous look on his face and said in an extremely solemn voice: "There is no need to doubt it. I am sure and affirmative that we were attacked by two different forces. Keep an eye on it!”

Fatty Huang, who couldn't hide the shock on his face, asked with a heavy heart: "Brother, are you so sure?"

Wang Le snorted and said calmly: "Don't ask any more questions. Sooner or later, the fox will reveal its tail. It will be revealed when the time comes. Just make enough preparations for both of you. Don't be careless."

At this time, Zheng Ge and Fatty Huang saw that Wang Le was so serious and obviously did not mean to joke. Although they still felt unbelievable, they had to accept it and could no longer relax.

Being targeted by one force was troublesome enough, but now they were being targeted by two forces. Just thinking about it made Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge feel like they were about to be out of breath.

After being silent for a while, Fatty Huang said with a praying look on his face: "I hope they are all just a bunch of rabble!"

At this time, Zheng Ge smiled bitterly and said, "Don't be as difficult to deal with as the Zoroastrian Cult. Zheng just begged God and worshiped Buddha."

Fatty Huang glared at Zheng Ge and said, "There are only a handful of hidden Taoist traditions in the world. Is it possible that they all came out to make trouble for our trial team this time?"

"Uh!" Zheng Ge was speechless and speechless because he also felt that this was not possible.

If his luck is so bad that he has just repelled the attack of two heaven-level warriors from the Zoroastrian Cult, and then they are entangled by the hidden Taoist troops led by the heaven-level old monster, and there are more than one way, then Zheng Ge could just hit him and die. Forget it on the ground.

At this moment, not only Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, but also Wang Le were silently praying that the forces coming to attack and kill them would be affiliated forces of the hidden Taoist order in the martial arts world.

In this case, with Li Yuan, the heaven-level protector, and the famous killing god Tian Dao Yaozhong sitting here, there will definitely not be any big problems for the Alliance Trial Team.

Wang Le prayed in his heart that his luck would not be so bad. God must not play tricks on him. At the same time, he was also thinking that when the opponent was strong and the trial team was unable to resist, he could use the steep terrain of the Siam Mountains to get even better. It's easy to escape without losing your life.

Wang Le is still very confident about this. After all, he has the power of the Eye of Deception and possesses the Earth-Escape Earth Shuttle, a trump card for escaping. Even if a heaven-level old monster takes action, Wang Le may not be able to keep him. .

He has witnessed with his own eyes the terrifying combat power and methods of heaven-level warriors. He is no longer able to estimate how strong the heaven-level warriors are like before.

So now I finally have the confidence in my heart, and I no longer fear and respect those martial arts masters who are high in the realm of heaven.

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