He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,561 The Snow Ecstasy Gun

?When Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge saw the end of the endless dark sky and the densely packed martial arts masters flying towards this direction, their nerves that had just been relaxed suddenly tightened, and their eyes showed a look of despair.

"It's over, it's over, it's really over this time." Fatty Huang murmured to himself as he stood blankly on the spot, not even thinking about escaping.

The blood on Zheng Ge's face faded, he turned back to look at Wang Le who was following behind, and said with a sad smile: "Brother Wang, don't worry about us anymore, just run away!"

At this time, Wang Le, who was looking at the horizon through the Deliang Dharma Eye, relaxed, and angrily smiled and cursed at Zheng Ge and Huang Fatty: "Open your eyes, it's our people here!"

"Uh!" Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge were startled at first, then hurriedly looked at the group of powerful warriors flying over here.

Soon, the two of them saw the earth-level protector with a broken arm among them, and they both showed expressions of ecstasy.

The ups and downs of despair and ecstasy in a blink of an eye made them realize that Wang Le could tell whether the person coming was a friend or an enemy before they could.

Obviously, the broken-armed earth-level protector in the sky also saw the three lonely guys standing on the plain, and immediately accelerated his flying speed and rushed towards this side.

When the broken-armed guardian fell to the ground, Wang Le, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge rushed to greet him.

Before the Broken Arm Guardian could speak, Wang Le rushed to say with a solemn face: "Senior, now is not the time to talk. The trial team camp was heavily surrounded. Only the three of us escaped. Hurry to rescue. Bar!"

The broken-armed earth-level protector was suddenly startled and could no longer think about talking. He nodded and said yes, then took off again and soared into the sky. He joined the group of earth-level warriors and headed straight towards the trial team's camp in an instant. Fly away.

At this moment, Wang Le on the ground saw a bright green light quickly leaving the team through the Delusion-breaking Dharma Eye. Like lightning, it instantly penetrated the void for an infinite distance and flew towards the Alliance Trial Team camp in the blink of an eye. Disappeared without a trace.

When Wang Le saw this, he couldn't help but secretly gasped. He was shocked that the speed of flying in the air could be so fast.

This is the fastest martial arts expert he has ever seen so far.

"Could it be another heaven-level old monster?" Wang Le thought in his mind.

At this moment, Fatty Huang, who was in high spirits, waved his fat hand and said to the two of them proudly: "Why are you two still standing here stupidly? Let's go back quickly and be sure to kill those nasty guys who sneak up on us. Don’t leave any armor behind!”

Wang Le glanced at Zheng Ge who was eager to try, then looked at Fatty Huang with a look of contempt and said: "Don't even look at how many people flew over from high altitude just now. Don't forget that they are all earth-level experts. Wait until we catch up." When I went back, the day lilies were already cold, and not a single piece of them was left alive."

After a pause, Wang Le curled his lips and said to the two of them: "I want you to go. I just killed a mid-level earth-level powerhouse and I am tired. Now I am not interested in taking part in it again."

"Uh!" The two of them were speechless for a while. Since Wang Le didn't go, there was no point in them running back.

Besides, what Wang Le said made sense. By the time they rushed back, all those who had attacked the trial team's camp had already been killed.

"Okay then!" Fatty Huang said with a depressed look.

Wang Le laughed,

He turned around and walked back the way he came, and soon disappeared into the darkness of the night.

"Hey, brother Wang, wait for us, why are you running so fast?"

Fatty Huang shouted quickly while he and Zheng Ge chased Wang Le...

After a while, when the three of them returned to the heavily damaged and incomplete trial team camp, they saw two deacons, Tian and Zhao, who were covered in injuries, sitting next to a newly lit bonfire, bandaging and healing their injuries.

At the same time, there were five earth-level powerhouses suspended above the camp, looking around with vigilance to prevent any fish that slipped through the net from coming in and threatening the injured deacons Tian and Zhao.

When Wang Le, Fatty Huang, and Zheng Ge walked into the camp and came to the side of the blazing campfire, they discovered that there were four mutilated corpses lying on the collapsed white tent not far away.

The three of them took a closer look and found that it was the four earth-level powerhouses who had besieged the two deacons Tian and Zhao above the camp. Now they had all been destroyed without missing a beat.

If nothing unexpected happened, these four earth-level warriors should have been killed by the reinforcements brought by the broken-armed earth-level protector.

When Deacon Tian saw Wang Le and others approaching, he greeted them without waiting for them to salute: "No need to be polite, everyone, please sit down."

The three of them also knew that now was not the time to be polite, so they sat cross-legged on the edge of the bonfire.

Then Fatty Huang asked the two deacons: "Senior, how are the casualties?"

I saw Deacon Zhao sighing, shaking his head and replying: "In order to break out of the encirclement, the team dispersed, and Brother Tian and I were besieged by four late-stage powerhouses. We were on the verge of death, and we couldn't distract ourselves from other people. people."

After a pause, Deacon Zhao gave a wry smile and said: "Fortunately, the reinforcements arrived in time. I hope there will not be too many casualties. Otherwise, when we meet the alliance army at the border, we really won't be able to explain to the superiors."

At this time, Deacon Tian said with a calm face: "For the sake of the trial team, you and I have put life and death aside without any regrets. Everything else will be left to fate!"

Deacon Zhao forgot how many times he sighed and nodded silently.

Because along the way, the initiative was not in their hands, and surrounded by enemies, being able to achieve this was the best they could do.

But at this moment, the only thing they were happy about was that the reinforcements had arrived, and the heavy burden on their shoulders could finally be lifted, and they no longer had to worry about the safety of the trial team.

Immediately, Zheng Ge looked at the two deacons Tian and Zhao and asked with a worried look: "Senior Tiandao and Senior Li, are they okay?"

Deacon Zhao chuckled and replied: "Don't worry, this reinforcements are led by Senior Bao Chong, the powerful Fengxue Soul Spear of the Four Seas Sect. Now Senior Bao has gone to support those two."

Zheng Ge and Fatty Huang immediately heaved a sigh of relief. Since a heaven-level powerhouse came to help them, they could really rest assured on the next journey to the border.

If the alliance trial team, protected by three heaven-level giants and a group of earth-level powerhouses, could not successfully reach the border and were attacked by someone and the entire army was annihilated, they would accept defeat with all their heart and no complaints or unwillingness.

"Snowstorm Ecstasy Gun, as expected, another heaven-level old monster has arrived." Wang Le thought about the extremely fast and bright green light he saw before, and couldn't help but think to himself.

Not long after the five people around the campfire fell into silence, they saw members of the trial team walking into the camp...

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