He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,567 Spirits

?Although the logistics work of the alliance army is extremely efficient, there was no time to prepare hot water in the rush, so Wang Le simply washed it with a bucket of cool cold water prepared for him in the tent, and then left the Fayan space. Take out a clean blue gown and put on it.

From the time he left the 49 cities of the mortal world to the present, his hair, which was short and broken at first, is now long and shawl. Wang Le did not use a wooden hairpin or a square scarf to tie up his long hair like the other people, but used a thin silk thread to tie up his long hair. I simply tied the belt and put it behind my head, just to keep it from getting messy.

He acts spontaneously and inadvertently, coupled with that fair-skinned face and a pair of black and white eyes, he is like a hermit walking out of a landscape painting, exuding an unforgettable sense of freedom and ease. .

Of course, Mr. Wang himself has no way of knowing this, let alone feeling his own temperament.

Just like that, without letting Wang Le wait long, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge came over to invite them to the banquet.

Soon, thirteen members of the trial team, including Wang Le, walked out of the tent where they lived. After everyone arrived, the round-faced man in yellow military uniform led everyone away from the camp. In this camp, we walked deeper into the camp along a road with yellow flags on both sides.

Wang Le, who was walking behind the crowd, looked far away and found that except for the yellow flags in this area, the flags in other areas of the camp were of different colors, giving people a colorful feeling.

But behind the bright colors, as Young Master Wang who had been on the battlefield for many years, he still felt the cruel and bloody iron-blooded killing invisibly.

Along the road, there were three posts, one sentry, five steps and one post. As we walked deeper into the camp, the guards became tighter and the atmosphere became more solemn and depressing. As a result, the rookie members of the trial team inadvertently became... He became a little nervous, his relaxed expression was no longer replaced by a serious and unsmiling face.

The only exception was Mr. Wang, who was in a relaxed mood as always. He couldn't help but feel a little funny when he saw Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge next to them, looking straight at each other and looking serious and expressionless.

Then Wang Le smiled softly and said to the two of them: "We are attending a banquet, not going to the battlefield to kill the enemy. Why are we keeping a straight face? Relax, you are all from a famous family after all, don't be too embarrassed." If the price drops, you will be looked down upon."

Although Wang Le spoke very quietly, other members of the trial team around him heard it, and all of them couldn't help but blush. Luo Yin, who was walking not far ahead, turned around and glared at Wang Le.

Fatty Huang looked at Wang Le with a look of helplessness and said, "This is the first time for us, big girls, to get on the sedan chair. Anyone else would be nervous. How can we be like you, who is already a veteran?"

"Uh! You old man?" Wang Le's face darkened. He was hit with 10,000 points of critical damage and was immediately speechless.

Zheng Ge next to him saw this and immediately laughed out loud with schadenfreude.

Unconsciously, because of Wang Le's interference, Fatty Huang, Zheng Ge, and even other trial team members relaxed their tense moods.

When everyone followed the round-faced middle-aged man to a large white tent in the middle of the camp, they all calmed down from unnecessary tension and their expressions returned to normal.

There was no guard at the entrance of the tent. After opening the curtain, members of the trial team filed in and walked in.

When Wang Le, who was walking at the end, entered the tent, the curtain at the door was pulled down again by the middle-aged man guarding the door.

and walked in.

The interior space of the tent is very large, about 300 square meters. There is no decoration inside. There is nothing except tables and futons. It looks very simple.

At this time, in the tent, except for the broken-armed protector who was on the ground floor, the two deacons Tian and Zhao, and another man in yellow military uniforms, had already sat down cross-legged in front of the main table.

Wang Le found a table placed in the corner of the tent, then sat cross-legged on the futon placed behind the table.

This style of banquet is obviously in line with the customs of the feudal dynasty. For Wang Le, it has a special taste in his heart and is a novel feeling.

After everyone was seated, the tent curtain was quickly reopened, and warriors came in carrying delicacies and jars of spirits, which were placed on each table in an orderly manner. went up, and then retreated silently.

As soon as the mud seal on the mouth of the wine jar was opened, the whole tent was immediately filled with the aroma of wine, making people feel drunk even before they drank.

After everyone poured their wine into the big bowl, the oldest and most prestigious person present, Deacon Tian, ​​raised his wine bowl and said loudly: "You young talents, after going through fierce twists and turns, have finally reached the border. The hardships involved are beyond words. Three I can’t finish talking for three days and three nights, so Tian will not waste any more words, keep everything in words, and do it first as a sign of respect!”

After finishing speaking, Deacon Tian drank the full bowl of liquor in two gulps.

Seeing this, everyone, especially the members of the trial team present, became a little excited and poured the wine from the big bowl straight into their mouths.

After all, along the way, they encountered life-threatening dangers again and again, which they never expected when they left the sect.

Looking back on this entire dangerous journey, they were both thankful and terrified that they did not become a part of those fallen trial team comrades.

Fortunately, I finally escaped this nightmare.

As for the border experience that is about to begin next, everyone is holding the mentality of being drunk now and waiting until they wake up tomorrow.

This is also because they are too tired and exhausted both physically and mentally.

After Wang Le followed the others and drank a bowl of strong wine silently, a blush instantly appeared on both sides of his thin white cheeks. Then his face became a little surprised and surprised, and he thought to himself: "I'm sorry, what's wrong with this wine?" It’s brewed, and the taste is not spicy but rather light and a little sweet, but the stamina is so strong that I’m frightened!”

This convinced Mr. Wang, who never got drunk after a thousand cups of wine, that if he drank the entire jar of liquor on the table, he would definitely become drunk and unconscious.

Of course, the premise is that the innate power in the Dantian is not used to force the liquor out of the body.

Fatty Huang, who was sitting at the table next to him, saw the look of surprise on Wang Le's face that could not be concealed. He couldn't help but chuckle and asked in a low voice: "How is this wine? Is the wine in your mortal world stronger?"

Wang Le put down the wine bowl in his hand and nodded with no choice but to admit: "It is indeed very strong. This wine can make a warrior drunk if he drinks too much, not to mention that ordinary people may lose their lives if they drink it. "

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