He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1572 Wang Yunxiang

? After a night of silence, when Wang Le woke up and walked out of the tent, the cold air of the late autumn morning in the martial arts world hit his face, and a layer of goosebumps could not help but form on his neck.

Wang Le, wearing a thin green shirt, stood in front of a small white tent, squinting his eyes and looking at the thousands of warriors who were doing morning exercises to familiarize themselves with the battle formations under the rising sun in the distance.

The neat and concise movements, as well as the rhythmic shouts of the warriors, under the sunlight, give people a shocking feeling of endless killing.

Although he has long since left the military and has not been on the battlefield for a long time, Wang Le, who has extremely high tactical literacy, after observing the momentum displayed by the alliance army in the practice battle formation from a distance, he was even more sure that he had underestimated him. This motley crew.

And this also made Wang Le finally understand something.

That was Qingyangzi's original judgment on the outcome of the border battle. Without any reason, he was sure that the martial arts alliance would defeat the vampire army.

Now it seems that Qingyangzi must have known for a long time that there are extraordinary talents in the martial arts alliance, who have enough wisdom and means to unite the people of the alliance's major forces into a powerful army that can enforce orders and prohibitions.

All these thoughts flashed through Wang Le's mind, and he couldn't help but sigh deep in his heart: "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I still underestimate the world."

At this moment, from the small white tents on the left and right, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge walked out of them almost in no particular order.

Wang Le put away the complicated thoughts in his heart, smiled and greeted the energetic two people: "I really envy you two brothers for sleeping so well. My little brother didn't sleep well last night!"

Fatty Huang first said hello to Zheng Ge, then walked up to Wang Le and suddenly said softly: "Last night, a senior brother from the sect came to bring a message. After breakfast, we will go to the master's residence."

After a pause, Fatty Huang continued: "The two younger brothers will go with the older brother later. In this case, in the next training mission, those who are thoughtful will not dare to go too far even if they play some tricks."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Ge said with a smile: "I won't go. Someone came from the lower gate last night. I have to go see the uncle who came to join the battle later."

Fatty Huang immediately put his hands on his hands and said with a smile: "Then this would be the best. When the time comes, the two major sects will form an alliance with the two of us as the link. In this way, we can also learn from each other."

When Wang Le, who was standing aside, saw this, he could only sigh and think: "It is true to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade! Now I can only count on the big backers behind these two brothers, otherwise I will not be able to carry out the execution." During the training mission, there must be no big troubles, but small troubles."

As his thoughts turned around, Wang Le smiled and said to Fatty Huang: "Then I will borrow the help of my elder brother to visit the senior in white robe and jade sword."

Fatty Huang laughed, patted Wang Le on the shoulder and said, "It's too pretentious for us brothers to talk politely to each other."

At this moment, the round-faced man who was responsible for receiving members of the trial team appeared and invited everyone to have breakfast.

When Fatty Huang saw this, he said to Wang Le: "Let's go and fill our stomachs first. Then someone will naturally pick us up to meet our master."

Wang Le nodded and followed Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge to the meeting point.

Soon, all members of the trial team were assembled.

Then, led by the round-faced middle-aged man, they walked along the opposite road to the center of the camp last night.

Along the way, the middle-aged man introduced the relevant situation to the members of the trial team.

That is, the trial team is different from the alliance army in both their residence and canteen.

To put it simply and popularly, it means treating members of the trial team on a small scale, and their treatment is much better than that of the alliance army.

It can be seen from the accommodation arranged yesterday that each member has his own independent tent.

You know, the Alliance army has a dozen people sleeping together in a tent.

When Wang Le heard the middle-aged man tell everyone about the special canteen prepared for the trial team, he could only sigh in his heart: "Those old guys at the top of the alliance army really treat the young geniuses like the trial team as their treasures. , for fear of hurting them."

It's a sigh of relief. Of course, Mr. Wang, who has followed the glory, is willing to accept such a meticulous arrangement.

The tent cafeteria specially set aside by the upper echelons of the alliance for the trial team, although it is much smaller than the tent where the banquet was held last night, it is still about two hundred square meters.

This is enough for the current trial team of only thirteen people, and it will not appear crowded at all.

After the round-faced middle-aged man brought the members of the trial team into the cafeteria, he briefly explained a few words and then left in a hurry to do other things.

Because this is the first official day after the trial team joins the alliance army, everyone inevitably has their own thoughts.

In the dull atmosphere, after simply filling their stomachs, the trial team members in the cafeteria left in a hurry.

During this period, Zheng Ge also left the dining hall tent early.

Only Young Master Wang slowly ate until he was eighty percent full, then stood up and walked out with the waiting Fatty Huang.

While the two were chatting and walking towards their residence, a short middle-aged man with a slight hunchback and a simple face suddenly walked towards them.

Fatty Huang, who was still joking, his eyes lit up and he rushed to greet them. When Wang Le saw this, he knew that the person to pick them up was coming.

"Brother, has Master come back from outside?" Fatty Huang hugged the hunchbacked middle-aged man's shoulders and asked straight away.

The short middle-aged man who was called senior by Fatty Huang smiled honestly, nodded and replied: "After I found you, junior brother, last night, I sent a message to notify the master, so it was still dark in the morning. The old man rushed back to the camp."

Having said this, the middle-aged man glanced at Wang Le who was standing next to him, and then asked Fatty Huang: "Who is this?"

Fatty Huang immediately slapped his head and blamed himself: "Look at my memory, why did I forget to introduce you two?"

Immediately, Fatty Huang introduced Wang Le and the hunchbacked middle-aged man to each other.

Only then did Wang Le learn that this hunchbacked middle-aged man was from the same family as him five hundred years ago, and his name was Wang Yunxiang.

Before Wang Le could say a few polite words to his boss, the impatient Fatty Huang said, "You two, now is not the time to be intimate. Let's wait until we meet Master!"

Wang Yunxiang nodded, then looked at Wang Le and said with a smile: "Brother Wang, I will give you a few toasts during lunch."

Immediately, the three of them stopped talking nonsense. Wang Yunxiang took Wang Le and Fatty Huang to see Ye Jintian, the Supreme Elder of Lingtai Sect.

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