He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1612: Vampire Transit

After Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge changed their clothes and came out of the grove, the three of them did not linger further on the shore. They quickly crossed the vast wilderness area according to the route marked on the map of mountains and rivers, trying to enter the mountains before dawn. Among them, this can also better hide the whereabouts.

On the way, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, who were still grudges, kept complaining to Young Master Wang, which was considered a small pleasure.

While on the road, the three of them never met even a single member of the trial team.

Wang Le was not surprised by this. After all, the boundary was too large. The thirteen members of the trial team went deep into it, just like water dripping into the sea, and could basically be ignored.

In addition, due to the competition between members of the trial team, everyone will deliberately avoid each other.

At least at the beginning of this experience mission, the most important thing at the moment is to avoid conflicts as much as possible and concentrate on hunting vampires.

While on the road, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge began to admire Wang Le more and more.

Because under the leadership of the two deacons Tian and Zhao, the members of the trial team only need to follow behind and do not need to consider other things, such as identifying the correct walking direction based on the terrain, hydrological environment, etc., to avoid unnecessary mistakes. , you have to choose a new route.

Nowadays, if you walk alone in the wild, you can only rely on yourself.

For Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, this journey would have been difficult if they had not traveled with Wang Le.

Even if he could reach the place where vampires gather, he would inevitably end up on some unnecessary and unfair roads during the journey because of his lack of experience.

After all, it's one thing to be able to understand a map of mountains and rivers, but it's another thing to actually walk on it.

This is like a self-driving tour. Even if you have a detailed map, you still have to find a local tour guide. Otherwise, you will inevitably suffer a loss.

Although Wang Le had never been to the border before, and it was his first time like Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, he had experienced various complex and abnormal wild environments during his military career, and finally survived. .

As the saying goes, the true nature remains the same despite all changes. Whether in the secular world or in the martial arts world, the environment is ever-changing. As long as we can grasp the essence, there will naturally be no problem.

For Mr. Wang, who has long been accustomed to surviving in the wild, he successfully arrived at the vampire gathering place without any unexpected factors.

It's a piece of cake.

As dragsters, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge also humbly accepted Wang Le's teachings on how to identify the direction based on the wind, terrain, and even the position of the stars in the sky, so as to avoid the possibility of getting lost.

Fortunately, both of them are naturally smart people and can understand everything. Otherwise, in this dangerous and unpredictable strange environment, Wang Lecai would not have the patience to talk about the experience and common sense of these wild survival environments.

Time passed unknowingly. Wang Le kept comparing the topographic map of mountains, rivers and rivers on his waistband magic weapon with his surrounding environment. When he was sure that he was about to pass through the wilderness and plains and was about to reach the endless mountain range, he suddenly stopped. Come down.

This is the darkest time before dawn.

Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, who had always followed Wang Le's lead, showed confusion when they saw their third brother suddenly stopped and stopped moving forward.

Before Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge could ask, Wang Le said softly: "I smell a hint of blood in the wind blowing this way."

"Ah?" Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge's expressions suddenly changed, their nerves tightened, and they looked around with great vigilance.

"Brother, why didn't I smell it?" Fatty Huang walked up to Wang Le and asked with a slight frown.

At this time, Wang Le said calmly without changing his face: "It may be that the distance is too far, or it may be that the time is too long, so the smell of blood has dissipated so much that it is inaudible."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Ge, who walked to the other side of Wang Le, asked with a puzzled face: "Then why can you smell it, third brother?"

Wang Le didn't even look at Zheng Ge. A faint golden light flashed in his eyes. At the same time as the clairvoyance power of the Eye of Deception started, he responded calmly: "When the two brothers were killed in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and they were bleeding and floating in the oars. You can smell it when you don’t remember how many lives and lawsuits are under your hands.”

After a pause, Wang Le, who opened his Delusion-Destroying Dharma Eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly and continued softly: "You can even feel the invisible murderous intention remaining in the air."

"Uh!" Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge couldn't help but shudder deep in their hearts. They suddenly understood why Wang Le seemed to be a different person when they were confronting Ke Yunsong, and their whole bodies were full of violence!

Just when Fatty Huang was about to speak, Wang Le suddenly put his finger in front of his mouth, signaling to stop talking.

Then Wang Le took a step forward and left Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge behind. Then he concentrated on using the Delusion-breaking Dharma Eye to quickly see through the direction of the wind where the smell of blood was drifting, and the range became farther and wider...

Just when Wang Le saw the towering mountains all the way to about 20 kilometers through the Delusion-breaking Dharma Eye, a team of at least a thousand vampires also came into view.

At this moment, in the line of sight of Breaking the Law, a team of vampires covering the sky and moon were flying towards this side, and they were chasing a member of the trial team who was waving his wings with all his strength and running away, as if he was playing a game of cat and mouse. .

"Hiss!" Wang Le couldn't help but gasped when he saw this desperate scene.

At this moment, whether it was the cold wind or the fright, the skin on Wang Le's neck had goosebumps!

"I'm going to choke you!" Wang Le's scalp was numb and tight, and he couldn't help but think of the scene when thousands of vampires passed through the sky on Deer Island.

At this moment, in the sight of the PoWan Dharma Eye, the dense team of vampires suddenly accelerated their speed, instantly swamping the member of the trial team who was waving his wings with all his strength.

In the blink of an eye, only scattered snow-white skeletons were left, falling one by one from the dark vampire team.

"Fuck!" The murderous intent in Wang Le's eyes flashed away, and he cursed in a low voice.

Although he has a competitive relationship with these members of the trial team, and it is possible for him to stage a life-and-death drama, but seeing the scene of members of the trial team being slaughtered by aliens, he unconsciously felt a sense of sadness in his heart.

Wang Le exhaled a breath of turbid air to suppress the fluctuating emotions in his heart, and regained his composure, because he knew that now was not the time to mourn spring and autumn. The vampire team would arrive in a blink of an eye, so he had to get through this level safely first and save his life!

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