He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1621: Meet Zhuang Yu again

A heavy rain disrupted the original itinerary plan, so after the three of them had eaten and drank enough, they had to stay in the cave to recharge their batteries.

Unknowingly, after the rain stopped, the sky became bright, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun shone through the branches and leaves on the big stone blocking the entrance of the cave.


Wang Le pushed away the big stone at the entrance of the cave and walked out.

The scattered sunlight shone on Wang Le's face, as well as on Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge who were following behind.

"It seems we have to hurry up during the day." Zheng Ge said casually, squinting his eyes and looking up at the sky.

Fatty Huang replied nonchalantly: "As long as we can get to the designated vampire gathering place as soon as possible, it doesn't matter whether it's day or night."

At this time, Wang Le, who was standing in front, didn't look back. He turned his back to the two of them and said, "Without further delay, let's get on the road quickly so that we can reach our destination early."

"Although there is no need to rush to reach the destination first, it would not be good if you arrive at the vampire gathering place last."

After Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge nodded in agreement, Wang Le didn't waste any more words and hurried towards the top of the mountain in a flash.

After seeing this, the two people quickly followed them and disappeared into the dense forest in the blink of an eye. They continued to climb over the mountains and ridges towards their destination...


The journey was non-stop. After noon, they had just climbed over a towering mountain. The three people who were speeding through the mountains and valleys were not ready to rest.

Wang Le, who was walking at the front, turned on his Delusion-Destroying Dharma Eye again as always, checking and confirming whether there were any dangerous factors nearby.

Just when Wang Le thought nothing unexpected would happen, his expression suddenly changed.

Immediately, in Powang Fayan's sight, on the hillside not far ahead, Zhuang Yu, one of the Qing Palace twins, and a strange man in his forties were meditating and resting.

Moreover, there were still some blood stains on the clothes of these two people, obviously they had just experienced a life and death fight.

From the way Zhuang Yu and the strange man coexisted peacefully, Wang Le knew without even thinking that they were on the same boat.

When Wang Le saw this, he stopped moving forward and thought with a somewhat ugly expression: "How dare you hunt vampires?

Trial team members can also ask foreign aid to help them in battle. "

Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, who were following behind, couldn't help but look confused when they saw Wang Le suddenly stop.

"Brother, why don't you leave?" Fatty Huang stepped forward and asked Wang Le.

Wang Le, whose face returned to calmness, narrowed his eyes slightly, looked towards the hillside where Zhuang Yu and the strange man were, and responded calmly: "There are acquaintances of ours in front of us."

Zheng Ge, who had just walked over, changed his expression and asked quickly: "Which trial team member?"

Wang Le didn't show off, and told Zheng Ge directly: "Zhuang Yu, one of the twins of Qing Palace."

The two of them were about to breathe a sigh of relief when Wang Le said: "There is also a strange middle-aged man, whom I have never seen before."

"What?" Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge became nervous instantly, with unexpected looks on their faces.

Like Wang Le, these two people did not expect that the vampire hunting experience had just begun, and someone other than members of the trial team would come in to disrupt the situation and break the rules of the game unscrupulously.

Fatty Huang immediately scolded with an angry look: "The people in Qing Palace are too damn arrogant. When we get back to the camp, I will definitely file a complaint!"

At this time, Zheng Ge, who was also dissatisfied, frowned deeply and said, "You are so bold. Zhuang Yu is not afraid of being discovered by those heaven-level old monsters who are in charge of the training mission. Isn't he going to be unable to eat and walk around?"

Wang Le glanced at Zheng Ge first, then sighed helplessly and depressedly, and said, "It's not like he was not discovered by those old monsters at the heaven level. Don't forget that we also happened to bump into Zhuang Yu now."

"If we hadn't met today, we would have been kept in the dark."

Before Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge could speak again, Wang Le continued: "Zhuang Yu is not afraid of being defeated by my younger brother, but the strange man with him must be very powerful in martial arts. Otherwise, Then you won’t be qualified to enter the scene and disrupt the situation.”

"So let's stay away for the time being and avoid direct conflict."

At this moment, although Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge were very unhappy, they remained calm, so they would not impulsively go to Zhuang Yu to ask for clarification.

As for how Wang Le discovered that Zhuang Yu was not far ahead, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge were very sensible and did not ask further questions.

Then Fatty Huang's face was changing and he said in a deep voice: "Let me write this down first, and when I get back, I will report it truthfully to Senior Nantian who is in charge of this training mission. If there is no explanation, I will ask Master to come in." Spoil the situation!"

"Uh!" Wang Le suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth and said a little funny: "If Senior Ye comes in to disrupt the situation, the first place in the training mission will definitely be easy to catch. I can be lazy, little brother, and there is no need to work hard to earn a lot of money. Extra points.”

Fatty Huang smiled and was about to speak when he saw Zheng Ge saying solemnly: "Let's leave here first to avoid being discovered by Zhuang Yu and the others."

Just as Wang Le was about to nod in agreement and prepare to leave, his expression suddenly changed because he sensed an unfamiliar invisible consciousness coming this way.

At this moment, Wang Le said quickly: "We have been discovered, run away!"

At the same time, Wang Le grabbed the arms of Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge without hesitation, and then activated the power of the Dragon's Invisible Eyes to Break the Illusion. In the blink of an eye, the two of them disappeared into the air and quickly left the distance. , to avoid the visit of this strange consciousness.

This is not the first time Wang Le has come into contact with his own spiritual consciousness released by martial arts experts. Before this, he has come into contact with not only the invisible spiritual consciousness released by earth-level experts, but also the powerful spiritual consciousness released by those heaven-level old monsters. And experienced it personally.

So the moment Wang Le came into contact with this strange consciousness, he knew it was released by the strange man.

At the same time, Wang Le, based on the strength of this invisible consciousness, could confidently guess that the strange man's cultivation level was at least in the middle stage of martial arts.

Just as Wang Le, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge were disappearing again, the strange man meditating on the mountainside opened his eyes with a solemn expression and said in a deep voice: "There are people at the bottom of the mountain, but they ran away so fast, Tao A certain consciousness released a patrol and alert, but the trace of that person was instantly lost!"

Zhuang Yu suddenly stood up with a change of expression, and asked in a panic: "Senior Brother Tao, we have to find that person quickly, otherwise once your traces are exposed, it will be over."

The man surnamed Tao frowned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Don't worry, without real evidence, Wu Nantian, who is in charge of the training mission, will not accept it at all. Besides, that person may not be a member of the trial team."

When Zhuang Yu heard what the man named Tao said, he immediately relaxed.

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