He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1643: Keep distance (2)

When the familiar figure of Yin Liaoyuan appeared in the sight of Pohuan Fayan, Wang Le looked calm and did not feel surprised or strange.

Because last night, at least before he said goodbye to Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, Yin Liaoyuan was the only member of the trial team who left the unknown mountain.

At this time, in the sight of Pohuan Fayan, the invisible Wang Le saw Yin Liaoyuan holding his natal magic weapon, a sharp spear with silver light, piercing the heart of a severely injured vampire on the ground with an indifferent expression, and then picked Then he threw it onto the corpses of three other nearby vampires.

Wang Le's slightly narrowed eyes flashed with cold light, and there was a cold sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth. He said with disdain in his heart: "I saw this guy taking the initiative last night. I even looked at him with a high look. I didn't expect that he and Zhuang Yu were both the same." They’re like birds of a feather, it seems that Qing Palace and Martial Arts Temple, the top martial arts circles, are nothing more than this, which is really disappointing.”

Thinking of this, the invisible Wang Le couldn't help but shake his head, with a deep look of disapproval on his face, feeling disdain for Yin Liaoyuan's behavior.

No matter how high Yin Liaoyuan's cultivation level was and how powerful his methods were, Wang Le would not think that this guy would achieve much success in the martial arts in the future.

Because in Wang Le's view, such an unscrupulous person who likes to take advantage of opportunities cannot become popular at all.

Just when Wang Le silently looked through the Yin Liaoyuan, giving the vampires who were seriously injured on the ground the last shot, and gaining combat points, the three black-clothed earth-level powerhouses high above the plain had already caught up with the five vampires. And soon a fierce fight broke out.

For a moment, this side of the world was filled with swords, swords and shadows across the sky. Blood covered the sky and the sun and moon were dim. Violent roars and collisions continued, and the melee between a group of earth-level warriors was so fierce.

Although this was not Wang Le's first time seeing earth-level warriors fighting, he was still shocked and dizzy.

While watching the battle, Wang Le, who was invisible, also saw the true cultivation level of the black-clothed warriors. In addition to the two who had reached the middle stage of the earth level, there was also one who was at the early stage of the earth level with a weaker cultivation level.

It was also the strong performance of the two men in black who had reached the mid-level earth level that directly crushed this group of vampires composed of marquis and duke, defeating the opponent to a complete defeat, and now they have reached the point where the entire army has been annihilated.

Wang Le looked at the two duke vampires who were seriously injured by the strong man in black and fell to the ground from the air. He couldn't help but secretly thought: "This is equivalent to a duke vampire with an early level of cultivation at the earth level. In one fell swoop, he can make that Yin With twenty combat merit points obtained, plus another dozen or so marquis vampires whose cultivation is equivalent to the Xuan level, it seems that I have to give up my first place in the battle merit rankings."

Thinking of this,

Wang Le was not angry because Yin Liaoyuan broke the rules of the game and took advantage of opportunism to gain merit points. It just adds to the urgency of hunting more vampires.

The only thing that made Wang Le curious was Yin Liaoyuan. How could he be so bold that just moments after Wu Nantian issued the warning, he turned around and turned a deaf ear, and then found strong support to help him obtain combat points?

"Isn't this guy afraid that he will be deprived of the qualification to participate in training missions like Zhuang Yu?" Wang Le, who was invisible, touched his chin and thought thoughtfully in his heart.

Of course he didn't believe that Yin Liaoyuan was out of his mind and resorted to off-board moves without any support. He must have some unknown means to be so unscrupulous.

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, the three black-clothed earth-level powerhouses also severely injured each of the five vampires and shot them to the ground in a very short period of time.

At this time, in the sight of Pohuan Fayan, Yin Liaoyuan in the distance also set the piles of vampire corpses on fire, then quickly appeared at the end of the plain, and rushed here non-stop.

Wang Le, who then became invisible, saw a scene that made him feel strange and puzzled.

That is, when Yin Liaoyuan rushed here and got closer and closer to the five vampires who were seriously injured on the ground, the three black-clothed earth-level strongmen seemed to have discussed it long ago and retreated from the air in a tacit understanding. Walk.

This kept a certain distance between himself and Yin Liaoyuan.

Wang Le couldn't help but frown when he saw this, and for a moment he couldn't understand what kind of trick Yin Liaoyuan and the three black-clothed earth-level powerhouses were playing.

When Yin Liaoyuan rushed to the five vampires who were seriously injured and had no power to resist, carrying his natal magic weapon, the silver sharp spear, the three black-clothed earth-level powerhouses fell to the ground, and at the same time, they still separated the two sides. The distance was kept at about fifty meters, as if they were avoiding something at all times.

Yin Liaoyuan waved the sharp silver spear in his hand, turning into a silver gun shadow and instantly rushed in front of the five vampires. Then he raised the gun and pierced the vital hearts of these vampires one by one.

Soon, Yin Liaoyuan followed the same pattern and set fire to the five vampire corpses.

After doing all this, Yin Liaoyuan opened his mouth and put the silver sharp spear, his natal magical weapon, back into his dantian.

At this time, among the three men in black standing in the distance, a middle-level earth-level strongman asked Yin Liaoyuan: "Junior brother Liaoyuan, where should we go next?"

As soon as he finished speaking, another mid-level earth-level expert in black clothes standing nearby reminded him: "Although we know that as long as you are more than thirty meters away from Liaoyuan, you can avoid those heaven-level elders. Weird surveillance, but no matter which way we go, the premise is to avoid anyone discovering our whereabouts!"

After a pause, the black-clothed mid-level earth-level expert continued with a solemn tone: "If we are discovered by members of the trial team, we will report it to the heaven-level old monster who is in charge of the training mission. Then we will be responsible for this training." Everything the mission has accomplished will be wasted.”

"By then, my three brothers and sisters will definitely die and become the dead souls of those old monsters at the heaven level."

"Even if you, Junior Brother Liaoyuan, can save your life, you still can't explain it to the elders in the palace, so we must be careful!"

After the two black-clothed mid-level powerhouses finished speaking, Yin Liaoyuan, who had a calm face, smiled confidently, and then responded: "Please rest assured, three senior brothers. In the next period of time, except for junior brothers, Except for me, the other members of the trial team will just wait and stay in the empty vampire gathering place."

Before the three black-clothed earth-level experts could refute, Yin Liaoyuan further explained: "Junior brother, the reason why I dared to leave that vampire gathering place and take the initiative to hunt vampires is because I know how to avoid those days when Wu Nantian Under the supervision of the old monster, I dare to let the three senior brothers help me hunt vampires to gain combat points."

"But the other members of the trial team don't know the loopholes to avoid surveillance and can't call in reinforcements, so they don't dare to appear alone where the war is about to start."

Speaking of this, Yin Liaoyuan sneered and said: "Those members of the trial team are very precious about their lives. In the chaotic situation that is about to start a war, they don't have the courage to go alone!"

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