He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,672: You are the only one

Seeing that Zhao Hongtu was so confident about the two cyan beads stored in the black metal box, the elder vampire did not dare to act rashly even if he had doubts.

After all, you only have one life, and no one dares to make fun of their own life without being sure of it.

What's more, the elder vampire also unconsciously felt the danger brought by these two beads. It was definitely not Zhao Hongtu's bluff.

At this time, Wang Le, who was hiding in the distance, had no words from Zhao Hongtu.

Because behind this guy is Qing Gong, the top force in the martial arts world, a behemoth with profound knowledge and many masters, Wang Le has no doubt that the two beads Zhao Hongtu took out will be junk. It is indeed possible to save them at the critical moment. There is no doubt that the good things in one’s own life are.

After all, Zhao Hongtu is also a strong man who has reached the middle stage of martial arts. If you think about it with your knees, you know that he still has some status in Qing Palace.

So it is not surprising that he has several life-saving trump cards.

Thinking of this, Wang Le, who was invisible, couldn't help but secretly rejoice: "Fortunately, this elder vampire appeared. Otherwise, if I let the young master fight with this Zhao Hongtu to the end, he would probably suffer a big loss!"

Then I saw Zhao Hongtu holding a sword in one hand and a black metal box in the other and said to the elder vampire in a deep voice: "Since you are not sure about keeping me, let's break up. You go your own way, and I will." Take my single-plank bridge!"

The elder vampire looked at Zhao Hongtu with a changeable expression, and asked without answering: "Is the cultivation level of your sect ancestor at the martial arts heaven level?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Hongtu burst into laughter. The elder vampire couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't understand what was so funny about this guy. Is this question funny?

Zhao Hongtu stopped laughing, looked at the elder vampire with pride and replied: "Although my ancestor is in the realm of heaven, he is a person who has reached the peak of heaven in martial arts!"

"In today's martial arts world, you are the only person who can rival my ancestor."

Having said this, Zhao Hongtu sneered and said: "But this person has been missing for many years, and his life and death are unknown, so there is no doubt that my ancestor is the number one in the martial arts world today!"

"Uh!" Wang Le, who was invisible in the distance, couldn't help rolling his eyes. He really wanted to rush up and give shameless Zhao Hongtu a big mouth.

"Hmph! What a shameless statement. If Qingyangzi knew that this person named Zhao dared to disrespect his master,

Guaranteed to make him walk around with endless food! "Wang Le thought in his heart very unhappy.

After all, Qingyangzi has always had nothing to say about his Wang Lehao. At this time, he heard Zhao Hongtu derogating Xiaoyaozi, the leader of Guixu Temple, and boasting about his Qinggong ancestor Di Hao.

If Wang Le was indifferent after hearing this, it would be really inhumane.

"If you don't want to turn this person named Zhao into a bloody food in your mouth, then don't be afraid! Let's do it!"

Young Master Wang, who was watching the fire from the other side, kept muttering in his heart.

At this moment, Wang Le hoped that both the elder vampire and Zhao Hongtu would be harmed, and then he would reap the benefits. Earn one hundred combat points.

In Wang Le's expectant gaze, after listening to Zhao Hongtu's boast about his ancestor Di Hao, the elder vampire's face flashed with surprise, and he sneered and said in a deep voice: "If your ancestor's status was that high, If it's high, you, a middle-level earth-level expert, can't even say it in front of him and still want to get his gift? Do you think I will believe you if you say this?"

I saw that Zhao Hongtu did not show any shame, but nodded and replied with a matter-of-fact expression: "You are right, but the treasure refined by my ancestor has been kept in the sect, and later as a reward, It was given as a gift by my palace master."

At this point, Zhao Hongtu stared at the elder vampire fiercely and said in a cold voice: "Don't delay mom, please give me an answer whether you want to continue fighting or go your separate ways!"

The elder vampire narrowed his brown eyes and replied without any further hesitation: "I'll give you ten seconds to get out of my sight, otherwise, you won't be able to leave even if you want to!"

Zhao Hongtu saw that the other party had a tough mouth and a tone of unwillingness to admit defeat, so he did not dare to say anything sarcastic to avoid really irritating the other party. Then there would be no way to end it, and there would be no good fruit for himself, so he did not dare to say anything again. Put one down, turn around and fly away in the direction of the wasteland.

At this time, unless Zhao Hongtu was a fool, he would continue to go deep into the area controlled by vampires.

As for Wang Le, Zhao Hongtu had already thrown him out of the sky, and he didn't care whether he was dead or not.

At this time, Wang Le, who was hiding in the distance, saw that Zhao Hongtu turned into a small black dot in the blink of an eye. He couldn't help but touch his nose and thought to himself: "Nah, you can run faster than a rabbit. I'm starting to doubt your black dots." Is there a real treasure in the metal box?”

Of course, this thought only flashed through Wang Le's mind. He had not forgotten the horror and panic that the two blue beads the size of pigeon eggs in the box brought to him.

In addition, even the elder vampire who was equivalent to the late stage of martial arts did not dare to act rashly when faced with the two cyan beads. In the end, he was willing to give up the blood food in his mouth and let Zhao Hongtu leave. This is evident.

At this time, I saw the elder vampire who had not left, his face was changing and he was waving his wings and staying in the distance, as if he was struggling.

After four or five minutes of this, the elder vampire sighed deeply, waved his wings and left the place with a helpless expression, flew away along the route he had just come from, and disappeared from Wang Le's sight in the blink of an eye. No trace.

After the invisible Wang Le saw them all leaving, he let out a long breath and relaxed his tense nerves. Then he waved the wings behind his back and the magic weapon fell from a high altitude into a valley on the ground.

Wang Le, who appeared in the valley after removing the power of the PoWan FaYan Dragon, quickly found a clean place to sit cross-legged and rest.

After all, he repeatedly activated the power of the Desolation Dharma Eye, and for the first time used Nanhua Temple's strongest martial art, the Nine Transformations of Heavenly Silkworm, to engage in a life-and-death fight with Zhao Hongtu, a mid-level powerhouse.

All of this finally made Wang Le feel a deep fatigue that he had not felt for a long time.

Especially the activation and use of the first of the Nine Transformations of Heavenly Silkworm, the consumption of the innate power in the Dantian is really shocking. Wang Le believes that if he continues to fight with Zhao Hongtu, all the innate power will be squandered very quickly.

This is unimaginable for Wang Le.

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