He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,710 Breakthrough successful!

Wang Le, who was immersed in the state of enlightenment, had already forgotten day and night, and how long time had passed.

In the dark, there was a slight movement in the always calm heart, and then a low roar was heard from Wang Le's throat, which filled and echoed in the dark cave.

At this moment, Wang Le, who had been preparing for a long time, knew that the time for a breakthrough had arrived, so he did not delay any longer. He grabbed two high-grade purple source stones from the side at any time, frantically moved the innate power in his dantian and began to attack the invisible and touchable source stone. No, I can only understand the indescribable bottleneck of cultivation!

For a moment, Wang Le heard a continuous low roar coming from his body, like lightning and thunder on the eve of a storm, piercing the dead silence in the cave.

Immediately, Wang Le's face and even the skin all over his body glowed with golden light. In the blink of an eye, Wang Le's clothes turned into ashes.

I saw the real dragon tattooed on the naked Wang Le's chest and back. The purple-gold light blooming at this moment was extremely dazzling, sweeping away all the various sources of light that filled the cave.

And this also makes the extremely simple cave invisible and filled with an indescribable aura of nobility.

At this moment, Wang Le, bathed in this light aura, took out the source stones piled nearby more and more frequently.

Because Wang Le can clearly feel that the barrier that prevents him from advancing to a higher martial arts realm is under the crazy impact of innate power, just like a river dam hit by a monstrous flood. It is beginning to collapse and may burst at any time!

This invigorated Wang Le even more. As the Origin Stones consumed in his hand became faster and faster, the Origin Stones piled nearby were rapidly decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the Source Stones piled nearby were all consumed, Wang Le didn't have time to think too much. He directly took out the purple Source Stone from the Dharma Eye Space to help him continue to attack the bottleneck, vowing to break through that barrier!

However, consuming so many Origin Stones was beyond Wang Le's expectation.

Before the retreat, the number of Origin Stones he took out from the Dharma Eye Space and piled beside him was at least five times the number of Origin Stones consumed to attack the cultivation bottleneck during the last retreat. Wang Le thought it was more than enough, but he didn't expect it was far from enough.

This was also the time when the Originium veins were dug deep underground in Bai Yujing and a huge fortune was made. Otherwise, at this critical moment, Young Master Wang could only stare and make a joke.

Closer to home, in the process of breaking through the bottleneck, the innate power gradually began to undergo qualitative changes as the high-speed operation continued to consume and replenish it.

At this time, the innate power in Wang Le's Dantian,

Rhythmically, it slowly changes from a golden liquid crystal shape to a golden particle bead shape.

And these golden granular innate powers are large and small, and each small granular innate power surrounds the slightly larger golden granular innate power, and in a way that is difficult to express in words. The pattern keeps spinning.

At this moment, of course Wang Le could personally feel the astonishing changes in the innate power within his Dantian.

If we say that after breaking through the bottleneck of cultivation last time and causing a qualitative change in innate power, the inside of Dantian is like an unexplored wild universe.

So this time, he broke through the bottleneck of cultivation and caused a qualitative change in his innate power, making the wild universe in Dantian begin to look more like a thing.

And those countless golden granular innate powers, large and small, exist like the sun, moon and stars, and operate according to the most primitive laws, forming another small world.

I don't know how long it took, but when the innate power in Wang Le's dantian completely completed the qualitative transformation and transformed into large and small golden particles, a "click" exploded in his mind.

At this moment, the barrier that had been blocking promotion to a higher martial arts world was finally broken under the tireless impact of innate power!

A higher martial arts realm is in sight!

At this moment, Wang Le's calm face showed a look of ecstasy, and suddenly his whole body froze, as if his whole body had been evacuated and his soul had left his body...

When Wang Le came back to his senses, he suddenly found that he was no longer in the cave, but in a sea of ​​blood and corpses, standing on a mountain peak made of countless heads.

At this time, there were vampires covered in blood circling and flying high in the sky above their heads.

Wang Le lowered his head and glanced at the bloody and ferocious heads he was stepping on. He couldn't help but look strange, because these heads felt familiar to him.

"Well, these vampires and the heads at their feet seem to be the same guys who died in the hands of the young master." Wang Le said softly to himself with his eyes slightly narrowed.

Following Wang Le, he couldn't help but think in his heart: "This time I broke through the bottleneck and promoted to a higher realm. The invasion of external demons was much more severe than the last time I broke through. It was so realistic that it created such a realistic illusion! It's really incredible!" "

Thinking of this, Wang Le's face showed a sneer and disdain.

Because in Wang Le's eyes, no matter how realistic this illusion is, it is still fake, so he just needs to keep his peace of mind.

Let him be strong, let him be strong, the breeze blows on the hills, but I stand still.

Immediately, Wang Le sat down on the head with a calm and indifferent expression.

At this moment, the vampires flying high in the sky were seen attacking in the air, rushing straight towards Wang Le.

At the same time, the ferocious heads sitting under the buttocks suddenly flew up and bit Wang Le's body one by one.

Wang Le snorted coldly and closed his eyes without even looking at the vampires or heads.

Because he knew that these were all hallucinations. Once he stood up to resist, he would definitely fall into a state of violence and killing, which would inevitably cause fluctuations in his mood and the consequences would be unimaginable.





Suddenly, under the roar of the wind, Wang Le's ears were filled with roars of hatred, and his whole body became a target for the attacks of these ferocious heads and vampires.

This made Wang Le feel severe pain in his body, but he just frowned and did not stand up to resist.

For Wang Le, this kind of severe pain pales in comparison to the agony of being made worse than death by the blood of the candle dragon in the lake bottom space, and is not worth mentioning.

Gradually, gradually, the severe pain Wang Le could feel became less and less...

When Wang Le no longer felt the severe pain and opened his eyes, he saw the familiar depths of the cave in front of him.

At this moment, a feeling that made Wang Le burst into tears came to his heart.

Because he, Wang Le, succeeded in breaking through!

At this moment, Wang Le's whole body, bones, and internal organs trembled violently.


The crunching sound of densely packed joints echoed in the cave.

Wang Le clenched his fists, raised his head with a ferocious face, and let out a deafening roar!

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