He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,712 Celebrate yourself

Although he does not know the number of Origin Stones that other martial arts masters need to consume when they break through the bottleneck of their cultivation in retreat, Wang Le can be sure that the number of Origin Stones he consumed during his retreat will definitely make everyone aware of it if it is leaked to the outside world. People were stunned and caused an uproar.

When I broke through the cultivation bottleneck in this retreat, I had enough Origin Stones for my consumption. This was mainly due to my good luck in the past and I successfully excavated the Origin Stone veins underground in Bai Yujing.

But Wang Le dare not guarantee that between now and the next time he retreats to break through the bottleneck of cultivation and achieve a higher martial arts realm, he will be able to have unlucky luck like he did in Bai Yujing last time, and be able to mine a source stone vein. Special dig.

As for returning to Bai Yujing's underground source stone veins to continue digging, Wang Le knew on his knees that it was completely impossible. This was simply wishful thinking.

Because the reason why we were able to enter the underground source stone veins of Bai Yujing last time was because of the right time, place and people.

I believe that Bai Yujing has already closed all the loopholes into the underground Source Stone veins. If Wang Le wants to successfully mine Source Stone again, he will have to consider whether he can save his own life.

After all, the source stone vein deep underground in Bai Yujing was prepared for the city defense formation.

Even a heaven-level old monster would have to retreat when encountering Bai Yujing's city defense formation, not daring to confront it head-on, let alone Wang Le.

Although after this retreat, he successfully broke through the bottleneck of cultivation and took a step forward on the road of martial arts, making himself stronger and more confident, Wang Le is not yet arrogant enough to compete with the old monsters of the heaven level. .

Not to mention not being afraid of Bai Yujing's city defense formation.

"Why are you thinking about this? I don't know when it will be until the next time I break through the bottleneck. The worst thing is that it will be difficult to pass." Wang Leru thought in his heart.

After all, he had just taken one step further on the road to martial arts, and he started to worry about the next progress. For Wang Le, it was a bit unfounded, and there was no need to be so anxious.

Because time is still long, there is no telling that great opportunities will be waiting for Wang Le in the future!

Thinking of this, Wang Le dismissed all the messy thoughts in his mind and stopped thinking about the troublesome things like breaking through the bottleneck next time and needing the Origin Stone.

Immediately, Wang Le straightened his blue gown, walked out of the dark depths of the cave and came to the entrance, then pushed away the huge boulder blocking the entrance.

At this moment,

The sun outside shone on Wang Le.

Wang Le narrowed his eyes in discomfort. After all, he had been staying deep in the dark cave for the past few days and never came out.

After taking some time to adapt, Wang Le slowly opened his eyes and walked outside the cave before stopping.

At this moment, Wang Le was seen taking a deep breath of fresh air with a face full of enjoyment. After all, he had been staying in the cave these days and was really suffocated.


At this moment, Wang Le's stomach made a protest sound again.

"Uh!" Wang Le suddenly came back to his senses from the state of enjoyment, then moved his feet and rushed into the forest quickly, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye...

About twenty minutes later, Wang Le was seen carrying two bundles of dry firewood on a thick wooden stick. At the same time, there was a black convenience bag hanging on the stick. He came out of the forest with a relaxed and comfortable expression, and then got back into the cave. .

Immediately, Wang Le first lit a bonfire in the cave, and then took out half of the fresh beast meat and related condiments, as well as some mineral water and noodles from the Dharma Eye Space.

In addition, Wang Le also took out cooking utensils such as iron pots and spatulas.

Obviously Wang Le is going to have a big fight. After all, no matter how delicious the barbecue is, you can't just eat it all the time. There will always be times when you get tired of it.

In addition, this time he successfully broke through the bottleneck of cultivation and achieved a higher martial arts realm. It is a great joy after all.

Since no one is celebrating Wang Le, let’s celebrate it ourselves!

In the following time, Wang Le became completely busy. First, he marinated the beast meat with seasonings, then pierced it with a sharpened wooden stick and roasted it on the fire.

At this time, Wang Le did not forget to take out some wild fruits that had been torn from the tree and washed them from the black convenience bag, and then threw them into the fire. This was also to increase the flavor of the barbecue and make it taste richer. feel.

While waiting for the beast meat to be roasted, Wang Le had no time to spare. He quickly lit a fire and placed the iron pot on top, then poured mineral water into the pot.

After the water in the pot boiled, Wang Le put the noodles he had taken out from the Dharma Eye Space into the iron pot. At the same time, he took out the washed wild mushrooms and other wild vegetables from the black convenience bag and put them in.

Of course, no matter the wild fruits, wild mushrooms and other wild vegetables put into the fire, they are not poisonous.

For Wang Le, who has extensive experience in wild survival, judging whether food is poisonous is simply a piece of cake.

Time passed quickly as Chef Wang showed off his skillful cooking skills.

When the beast meat on the fire was grilled to a fragrant aroma and the noodles in the pot were cooked, Wang Le couldn't wait to nibble on the barbecue, while not forgetting to pick up the delicious noodles in the pot.

"When I was doing a big shopping trip in the secular world, I forgot to buy eggs. Otherwise, if I had fried three poached eggs, it would have been perfect."

While Wang Le was eating noodles, he thought to himself with regret.

But regrets are regrets. Wang Le didn't slow down at all whether he was eating noodles or barbecue. He devoured all the edible things in front of him as fast as a wind, leaving only a piece of food on the ground. The bones and the small iron pot were stained with oil and there was not even a sip of soup left.

After a while, Wang Le, who was squatting in front of the fire, finished smoking an after-dinner cigarette, burped with satisfaction, and then cleaned up the chaotic "battlefield" in front of him.

Take the bottles of condiments scattered on the ground, use the unused mineral water to clean the iron pots and other stoves, and then put them back into the Dharma Eye space without leaking.

Because in the following days, Wang Le will still need these condiments, stoves and other things. They are essential goods for traveling far away. Of course, it is a shameful waste, so they must not be thrown away casually.

Soon, Wang Le put the things into the Dharma Eye space and extinguished the bonfire. He turned around and left the cave without continuing to cultivate.

Because the duration of this retreat far exceeded Wang Le's original plan, it further occupied the remaining time for the experiential task of hunting vampires.

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