He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,731 Much the same

Wang Le's muttering to himself immediately resonated with the surrounding members of the trial team.

Because Fan Zhinan's scream of despair before his death has now become an indelible shadow in everyone's heart.

"That's right. If a strong person in the late martial arts stage takes action, with Fan Zhinan's strength, he is guaranteed to be silenced and silenced in an instant."

"Is it possible that Senior Nan Tian made a mistake and made a mistake in judgment?"

"Whether Senior Nan Tian made a mistake is only a secondary matter. The most important thing is to catch the murderer as soon as possible. Otherwise, you and I will surely spend our days having trouble sleeping and eating!"


Amidst the continuous discussion, every member of the trial team had a more or less worried look on their face. After all, they were being targeted, and hidden arrows could be shot out at any time, which could kill them in a matter of minutes. No one will feel at peace.

Faced with the doubts, worries and uneasiness of the trial team members, Wu Nantian and Tiandao Yaozhong did not rush to respond.

It was not until the chatter in the crowd gradually decreased and everyone became quiet that Wu Nantian looked at the crowd calmly and said, "According to what you said, the deceased screamed before he died, which alerted everyone."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and then Wu Nantian asked: "Only based on this, can we deny that the murderer is not a strong person in the late stage of martial arts?"

"Uh!" All the members of the trial team present were speechless. Wang Le raised his eyebrows and had to admit in his heart: "It seems that I was negligent and did not realize that this might be sold intentionally by the murderer. The flaw is just a cover-up."

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, Wu Nantian continued unhurriedly: "If you want to achieve something in the future, you must try to see through the appearance of everything and work hard to discover the true meaning. , Otherwise, the future achievements will be limited and there will not be much potential.”

After a pause, Wu Nantian pointed to the two corpses lying not far away on the ground, then looked at everyone and patiently explained: "I don't care whether they screamed or did anything else before they died, as long as You need to see the fatal wounds left on the body to know clearly.”

"It can be seen from the fatal wound that it was left by a flying sword, a top-grade magic weapon. I believe anyone with a little bit of vision can see it."

Having said this, Wu Nantian sneered slightly and added: "Although the flying sword, the best magic weapon, is rare, if we use this as a clue to find the murderer, we will probably wait until the year of the monkey and the horse and the moon to get an accurate result.


Then Wu Nantian suddenly changed the subject and said: "So I took a different approach and specifically inspected and analyzed the damaged muscles at the wounds of the two corpses, as well as the hearts that were completely destroyed in the body and chopped into pieces by flying swords!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tian Dao Yaozhong, who was standing next to him, said in surprise: "Brother Nan Tian, ​​what are you..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Nantian hummed, nodded and said, "The wound was not only caused by the flying sword, a top-grade magic weapon, but also by the murderer's innate power!"

"Ah?" At this moment, all the members of the trial team present were completely shocked.

At this time, Wang Le, who could not hide the surprise and confusion between his brows, couldn't help but think in his heart: "Can the murderer's innate power be analyzed just by relying on the fatal wound?"

"Even if the innate power is analyzed, so what? Is it possible that the murderer can still be found in turn?"


For a time, countless big question marks popped up in Wang Le's mind. After all, he still didn't know much about martial arts.

Although Wang Le felt confused and puzzled at this moment, he did not doubt what Wu Nantian said at all.

After all, Wu Nantian is a heaven-level boss. Since he dares to say such words in public, he must be on target and has undoubted authority.

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, Wu Nantian spoke again: "Because there are high and low skills in cultivation, there are pros and cons."

"What's more important is the different cultivation techniques. Because the internal meridians that practice cultivation are different, the innate power generated in the Dantian is naturally different."

"Of course, because these different cultivation methods are all derived from the most authoritative training outline in the martial arts world, the power of cultivation is basically the same."

"This also makes it difficult for most warriors to distinguish the differences in the innate power produced by practicing different exercises."


As Wu Nantian explained in detail, Wang Le's eyes couldn't help but shine with a hint of enlightenment.

This is because Wang Le himself has not practiced any martial arts and has followed a unique martial arts path, thus developing unique innate power.

Nowadays, it is rare to hear an authoritative analysis of martial arts cultivation techniques and innate power from a heaven-level master. In addition, Wang Le has just been promoted to a new level in seclusion. Wang Le can be said to be fascinated by it.

Some of the confusions about cultivation that existed in my mind were solved one by one by Wu Nantian's analysis and Wang Le's talent.

Because of this, Wang Le, who had a calm face, felt secretly happy as if he had eaten ice cream in the summer.

When Wang Le was having endless aftertaste, his expression suddenly turned strange, because he suddenly thought of something extremely important to him in martial arts practice.

"It stands to reason that now that I have been promoted to a new martial arts realm, I can easily kill the mid-level martial arts masters head-on. I should be able to fly in the air, right? But how can I do this without the help of flying magic weapons? Fly down?"

Wang Le thought in his heart, feeling speechless and having a headache.

In the final analysis, it was caused by my lack of knowledge about martial arts.

"Obviously he has the strength of the mid-level martial arts, but he can't even fly in the air. It's so fucking embarrassing!"

Young Master Wang couldn't help but sigh in his heart, sighing secretly.

The reason why I only realized about flying in the air now is mainly because since I was promoted to a new martial arts realm, I have been preparing for the next battle with vampires for the past two days, and I completely forgot about such an important matter. All clean.

Thinking of this, Wang Le glanced at the two brothers, Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, who were standing next to him, and decided in his heart: "When I go back to rest later, I must ask them clearly about the flight. "

Just when Wang Le was thoughtful, Wu Nantian, after explaining, glanced meaningfully at all the members of the trial team present, and said noncommittally: "I hope that none of you will have the same innate power as the murderer. The innate power is the same."

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