He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,743 Appetizer

After a while, when Wang Le and other members of the trial team rushed to the front line under the leadership of Tian Dao Yaozhong, Bao Chong, dressed in a purple robe, stood conspicuously on the top of a mountain like a javelin. .

Immediately, Tiandao Yaozhong led the trial team to the top of the mountain where Bao Chong was.

At this moment, everyone looked far away, with flags waving and smoke rising into the sky. Every corner and sky of the endless mountain range across the narrow plain was already filled with vampires.

Wang Le, who was on the top of the mountain among the crowd, looked around and saw that on his side, groups of alliance troops were scattered all over the mountains and plains in an orderly manner.

At the same time, many earth-level martial arts masters led groups of Xuan-level warriors who relied on winged magic weapons to form an array, suspended in the sky with great momentum, and faced off against the vampires in the opposite high altitude across the narrow plain area. .

The location of the hilltop selected for the Snow Ecstasy Gun Baobao was very particular. It was located behind the alliance army to avoid the first contact with vampires. At the same time, it was protected by teams of warriors on the left and right.

Wang Le glanced at the groups of warriors wearing black metal armor and holding silver spears as magical weapons, and knew that they belonged to the elite ranks of the alliance's army.

Because the momentum of these nearly 10,000 warriors is very different from other teams. The invisible murderous aura exuded by each warrior is more condensed and steady, just like a leopard when hunting, full of tenacity and patience, and the ability to kill with one strike. confidence!

What's more important is that the nearly 10,000 warriors are divided into five formations. In each formation, Wang Le can see a sky-level old monster sitting in charge, including Fatty Huang's master, Ye Jintian, a white-robed jade sword.

When Wang Le glanced at Ye Jintian, the other party even looked at Wang Le as if he was aware of it, with a faint smile on his face and a nod at the same time.

"Uh!" Wang Le quickly showed a respectful smile and nodded, and then couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Among the thousands of people, the young master just took a glance, and he was discovered unexpectedly. The martial arts heaven-level strong It’s really extraordinary!”

Just when Wang Le was distracted, Fatty Huang next to him said with a trembling voice: "There are too many invading vampires. Just looking at them makes people's scalp numb."

Wang Le put his thoughts away and realized that not only Fatty Huang was pale, but the faces of other members of the trial team were not much better either. Many members of the trial team saw so many vampires that their eyes were filled with fear. Fear and retreat.

At this time, Zheng Ge swallowed his saliva and said to Fatty Huang: "I heard that there are as many as 200,000 vampires invading this time."

After a pause,

Zheng Ge further said: "This means that it is difficult for vampires to enter the martial arts world. Otherwise, the number of vampires will definitely be even greater."

Wang Le glanced at Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, and said calmly: "No matter how many vampires there are, the alliance army must find a way to drive them out, otherwise, there will be endless troubles."

"And this is what Senior Nantian and the others have to worry about. As for us little characters, just do our best, such as completing this training mission well."

Having said this, Wang Le blinked at the two of them and said with a chuckle: "The more vampires, the better, because in this case, as long as you have enough strength, you can earn countless battle points."

Before Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge could respond, they saw Yin Liaoyuan of the Martial Arts Temple standing not far away. He suddenly interrupted and said, "Hey, I want to earn countless military exploits on the battlefield." Points, it depends on whether you have this life or not!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Qingong Zhuangyu standing nearby looking at Wang Le with hostility. At the same time, he snorted coldly and agreed: "Yes, but don't kill too many vampires on the battlefield. Instead, he became the blood food in the mouth of a vampire!"

Before Wang Le could refute, he saw Fatty Huang looking at Yin Liaoyuan and Zhuang Yu with a sneer, and counterattacked with full of sarcasm: "Both of you are already mud bodhisattvas. You cannot save yourself when crossing the river. You should first think about how you can survive." Come off the battlefield!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Gepi took over the topic with a smile and continued: "Don't forget that you are not on the same starting line as everyone else!

"So let's focus on how to smooth out the negative combat points!"

"You!" Yin Liaoyuan and Zhuang Yu's faces turned red and white instantly, extremely embarrassed.

"Pfft!" Fatty Huang burst out laughing immediately. Other members of the trial team who had been watching Yin Liaoyuan and Zhuang Yu for a long time would certainly not miss the opportunity to laugh at these two people, although they did not laugh as unscrupulously as Fatty Huang. , but their faces were full of ridicule and disdain, and they laughed softly.

But at this moment, Bao Zhan, who had been standing in front with his back to everyone, looking at the vampires opposite, suddenly turned back and looked at the members of the trial team coldly, and then said in a deep voice: "It's already this time, you can still laugh, It seems that everyone is relaxed and not nervous, Bao is very satisfied with your fearless performance in the face of danger!"

Before the words were spoken, everyone quickly stopped laughing and returned to a serious expression on their faces, because anyone who was not a fool could tell that Bao Chong was speaking ironically.

Following Bao Chong's reprimand, Yin Liaoyuan and Zhuang Yu breathed a sigh of relief. As the proud sons of heaven, it was really embarrassing for them to face the ridicule of so many people. It was even more uncomfortable than killing them.

Just when the atmosphere became depressing and everyone became serious, Tiandao Yaozhong broke the silence, changed the subject and warned the members of the trial team: "After the war between our alliance army and the vampire army begins, you must pay attention at all times. Changes in the situation on the battlefield,"

"Because only in this way can it be possible to discover the weak points of the vampire side on the battlefield, so that when hunting vampires, we can avoid the strongest points, so that we can be safer and not fall into a very dangerous situation. "

Having said this, Tiandao Yaozhong continued with a solemn face: "Once you go to the battlefield, you can only rely on yourself for everything. Don't count on the protectors."

"Because you can count on it for a while, but you can't count on it forever. Even if you can survive on the battlefield of the training mission this time, you may not be able to survive in the great battle in the future!"

At the end, Tiandao Yaozhong looked at everyone meaningfully and said: "This training mission is just an appetizer. The future is the focus. By then, there will be crises and opportunities coexisting. I hope you will do well."

After finishing speaking, Tiandao Yaozhong turned around, found a big rock nearby and sat down, closed his eyes and stopped talking to everyone.

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