He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,758 947 Merit Points (1)

Wang Le, who was watching coldly, was resting and recuperating while thinking to himself: "The previous one hundred and twenty-seven combat merit points, plus the eight hundred and twenty combat merit points just obtained today, means that I have accumulated a total of Nine hundred and forty-seven combat points."

At this time, Wang Le couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment when he thought that the combat merit points he had obtained were only fifty three combat merit points away from a thousand combat merit points.

If I remember correctly, Wang Le's current military merit points are basically comparable to those martial arts experts on another military merit monument.

What's even more valuable is that the time it took Wang Le to obtain these combat points was extremely short.

In particular, these combat points are basically obtained by hunting down Duke Vampires and Lord Vampires.

Far from being like those martial arts masters on the Mysterious Rank Combat Power List on another war merit monument, they all hunted down marquis vampires worth one merit point in battle after battle, and accumulated thousands of merit points over time. .

Because of this, Wang Le's record can definitely be listed on the ranking list of another battle monument, and compete with those strong men on the list!

Of course, these are secondary. What Wang Le cares about the most is ranking first in the training mission.

"Although there is no good opportunity to hunt the Lord Vampire again, I still can't give up easily. No matter what today, I have to make my combat points exceed 1,000!"

The invisible Wang Le took a deep breath and silently made a decision in his heart.

With his mind wandering, Wang Le, who was invisible, couldn't help but lower his head and look down at the long and narrow plain area. Countless soldiers from both sides were engaged in the most brutal battles on it.

Every moment, every second, and even every breath, countless Alliance warriors and vampires were injured or even died.

As soldiers from both sides continued to fall and die in battle, this long and narrow plain was no longer as crowded as it was at the beginning. However, the piles of bones on the ground had already become mountains, and every corner of the plain was soaked with blood and became muddy. …

At this moment, for Wang Le, this top battlefield high in the sky is no longer suitable for him to continue hunting vampires, so it is time to return to the ground.

Although the battlefield situation on the ground is more chaotic, compared to the top battlefield high in the sky, it is obviously not enough.

But the only thing that worries Wang Le is some heaven-level old monsters on the Alliance army side.

He has been on the ground battlefield from the beginning, not knowing what he wants to do.

What Wang Le is most afraid of is that the opponent also has prince vampires wandering around the plain battlefield. If he accidentally bumps into them, it will be a serious problem.

In the blink of an eye, countless complex thoughts flashed through Wang Le's mind, but in the end, they could not stop his decision to return to the ground battlefield.

Because in addition to continuing to obtain combat points, there is another thing that is extremely important to Wang Le.

That is Qing Gong Zhuang Yu and Wu Shen Yin Liaoyuan, two serious troubles. Wang Le must get rid of them as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

And the battlefield is the best place to get rid of them.

As long as Wang Le gets rid of Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan cleanly on the battlefield, he can save a lot of trouble, such as the entanglement between the two top forces of Qing Palace and Wushen Temple afterwards.

The invisible Wang Le thought as he slowly fell to the ground from a height of ten thousand feet. At the same time, he did not forget to use the clairvoyance power of the Delusion Eye to carefully search for traces of Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan.

Although this is a move to find a needle in a haystack, if you don't try, the possibility of finding Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan is almost zero.

Unless there was a miracle, Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan were accidentally bumped into by Wang Le.

The reason why miracles are called miracles is because they are not difficult to happen. Wang Le didn’t expect this!

Closer to home, while Wang Le, who fell from high altitude to the ground, carefully searched for Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan, he did not forget to seize the time to restore his physical strength and the innate power in his dantian, so that he could better cope with the next situation.

After a while, the invisible Wang Le used his clairvoyant power to see through the Delusion Eye. He did not find the shadows of Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan. Instead, he discovered other members of the trial team, such as his defeated general Luo Yin, who was being attacked by two people. The earth-level protectors protected and hunted vampires bravely, and completely became bloody people.

"Regardless of this guy's character, he is a man." The invisible Wang Le commented on Luo Yin in his heart.

Because from what Wang Le saw, Luo Yin hunted vampires independently and did not rely on the two earth-level protectors around him.

When the invisible Wang Le was only five or six meters away from the ground, there was still no trace of Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan.

Wang Le, who had been mentally prepared for this, was not surprised or disappointed, but he still felt a little helpless.

Just when Wang Le was about to fall to the ground, the figure of Fatty Huang suddenly appeared in Powang Fayan's sight.

What surprised Wang Le was that he did not find any protectors around Fatty Huang to protect his life.

The invisible Wang Le did not think any more, but waved his wings without hesitation and flew towards the direction of Fatty Huang.

Because at this moment, Fatty Huang was entangled with three marquis vampires and could not escape at all.

In just a few more moments, Fatty Huang will undoubtedly perish.

In a flash of lightning, the invisible Wang Le flew quickly from the air above the heads of Fatty Huang and the three Marquis vampires.

At this time, Wang Le was seen pounced in the air with his bare hands without hesitation, and slapped one of the Marquis Vampires on the Tianling Cap with his palm.


The unprepared Marquis vampire had no way to hide under Wang Le's thunder blow. The Tianling Gai was directly knocked down by Wang Le's palm, and the contents of his head were instantly shattered to pieces, with blood and blood. White brain matter spurted out from the ears, nose, mouth and eyes.

Before the other two marquis vampires could react, Wang Le, who was invisible, punched out his fists one after another, hitting their chests and heads, which were directly fatal parts, almost indiscriminately.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

Click, click, click!


The two vampires who were caught off guard had no resistance at all. In the blink of an eye, they were killed on the spot by Wang Le without any suspense.

After repeatedly killing the Duke Vampire and the Elder Vampire, now killing the Marquis Vampire worth one battle point was effortless and unchallenging for Wang Le.

At this time, Fatty Huang's face was full of surprise. He knew with his knees that his third brother, who was good at invisibility, had rescued him, otherwise no one else would have rescued him!

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