He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,766 Sure enough, something went wrong

Wang Le is not a tough guy either. The fast-paced and high-intensity continuous killing of Duke vampires and elder vampires on the high-altitude top battlefield had already made him very tired.

Although Wang Le took the time to rest for a while before and after rescuing Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, he was far from returning to his peak condition.

Now that he was killing a lot of people on this ground station and accumulating his combat merit points to 1,100 merit points, Wang Le finally stopped, wiped off the blood stains on the special military thorns on his hands, and then talked with Dai in his hand. The fists above suppressed the mountains and rivers and were collected into the Dharma Eye space.

After doing all this simply and quickly, Wang Le, who was invisible, immediately waved the wings on his back to fly off the ground, withdrew from the battlefield and flew straight to the rear of the alliance army.

Because Wang Le knew very well that if he continued to kill, although he could earn more combat points, his physical strength and the innate power in his Dantian would be drained.

Once the situation changes suddenly, Wang Le, who is already exhausted, will not be able to cope with it.

Whether it is to protect Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, or to protect himself, he will be powerless, and the consequences will be disastrous.

It can be said that it was completely wise for the invisible Wang Le to withdraw from the battlefield before his physical strength and innate power were exhausted.

If you continue to be greedy for battle points and continue to be stuck on the battlefield, then you will definitely be in a passive state in the next situation.

When the invisible Wang Le flew over the plain battlefield from high altitude and entered the rolling mountains behind the alliance army, he saw Wu Nantian standing on the top of the mountain with a solemn face from a distance, and Tiandao Yaozhong, who was next to him, also had a face that was no better. Where to go, full of worry.

The invisible Wang Le quietly landed back on the top of the mountain where the members of the trial team had been before, preparing to rest and recuperate. At the same time, he did not forget to follow the sight of Wu Nantian and others to the opposite mountain range across the plain battlefield. Looked over.

Immediately, Wang Le turned on his Delusion-Destroying Dharma Eye again, and saw through the dazzling seven-color light to the depths.

They saw that among the nine vampires who were trapped in the formation and struggling to resist, four of the prince-level vampires were missing. If there were no accidents, they would definitely have perished.

The remaining two prince-level vampires were at the end of their rope at this time, and their bodies were covered in wounds with no intact place.

If it weren't for the care of the three vampires with long braids and Qing Dynasty costumes, the last two vampires alive would have died at any time.

As for the seven alliance heaven-level old monsters who have the upper hand, with the blessing of the large formation,

Although no one died, after such a long period of life-and-death struggle, they were almost at their limit.

To say which of the two sides will be unable to sustain it first, it is undoubtedly the vampire side.

After all, in the situation of being passively beaten, both physically and mentally, you are in unparalleled torment, and you may collapse at any time and complete the game.

Although the three vampires with long braids and Qing Dynasty costumes were extremely powerful, better than the prince-level vampires, they were like fish caught in a big net when they were caught in the Beidou Seven God-killing Formation. Son, there is simply no way to use your strength.

To be able to manage to protect themselves for so long in such a difficult and dangerous situation was beyond the expectations of the seven heaven-level old monsters in the alliance.

It also made Wu Nantian, who was sitting behind the alliance army and always in command, start to become worried.

Because the Alliance army won this war as soon as possible, more and more soldiers would die in the battle.

Wu Nantian didn't want to think that when he finally won the victory, he would become the bare commander. In that case, he would not be able to explain to the big heads in the Alliance Council of Elders.

After all, in order to form this alliance army, all the major forces in the alliance sent their best disciples.

If they all died on this border, Wu Nantian could imagine that he would not get anything good without using his brain or his knees.

After a while, the invisible Wang Le put away his sight and no longer looked into the battle situation deep in the seven-color light, because he had to seize the time to rest so that he could return to his peak condition as soon as possible.

The invisible Wang Le glanced at Wu Nantian and other heaven-level old monsters at the top of another mountain in the distance, and said in his heart: "It doesn't matter if there are more people killed. The key is not to make any mistakes next, and give up the victory that is about to be won." lost."

After thinking about it, the invisible Wang Le put away his thoughts and prepared to go down from the top of the mountain. Then he found a place nearby to hide and have a good rest before talking.

Just when the invisible Wang Le moved his feet and was about to speed up and rush down the mountain, suddenly an earth-shaking violent roar came from the distance. Almost at the same time, the entire ground shook violently, and even the mountain peaks collapsed, and the earth Huge ravines appeared as a result of the tear, which was as frightening as if an earthquake of magnitude 89 had occurred!

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

Click, click, click!


For a time, hundreds of thousands of soldiers from both sides on the plain battlefield were caught off guard and staggered, unable to stand firm at all.

This also forced the vampire army to flap its wings and fly high into the sky, while the Alliance army flapped its wings and quickly left the ground.

But there were still vampires and alliance soldiers who had no time to react and fell directly into the torn ravines on the ground.

In this chaotic situation, no one had the intention to continue fighting and fled in panic, abandoning their helmets and armor.

This also caused the stalemate on the battlefield to be broken instantly.

At this time, Wang Le, who reacted quickly, had already waved the wings on his back and left the collapsed mountain peak in time to reach high in the sky.

The invisible Wang Le looked at the chaotic scene of vampires and alliance soldiers in front of him without restraint. His face was full of depression, and he couldn't help cursing in his heart: "What the hell are you afraid of? , as expected, something went wrong!"

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of soldiers from both sides crowded the sky above the plain battlefield, completely blocking the seven-color light emanating from the mountains on the opposite side.

At this time, Wang Le didn't need to see through the Delusion Dharma Eye to know that the problem lay on the battlefield deep in the seven-colored light.

Just when Wang Le was feeling depressed, Wu Nantian, who was high up in the distance, took out the huge horn again and quickly blew it to collect the alliance soldiers who had lost their restraints and fled in all directions.


Amidst the deep and deep sound of the horn, the originally chaotic and disorganized Alliance army began to gather in an orderly manner, and then withdrew in an orderly manner from the narrow plain area and the sky above, retreating straight to the rear.

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