He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1802 Mysterious Seed

Wu Nantian waved his hand indifferently and said with a faint smile: "I had an encounter with Han Ruoshui when we were young, so I should take care of his disciples."

After a pause, Wu Nantian continued: "Besides, it is beneficial and harmless to form a good relationship with a martial arts genius like you."

Tiandao Yaozhong said in a serious yet joking manner: "When Brother Nan Tian and I are born and walk in the martial arts world in the future, if you meet me, I will take care of you because of our friendship today." Yes."

Wang Leman nodded solemnly and responded: "If this junior meets the two disciples in the future, he will definitely repay the kindness of the two seniors today."

Wu Nantian smiled with satisfaction, and then silently took out a palm-sized brass metal box engraved with various patterns from the cuff of his robe.

There was a crisp sound of the machine switch. Wu Nantian opened the brass-colored metal box and saw a shriveled earth-yellow seed inside. The skin was wrinkled together. It was about the size of a walnut kernel and looked ordinary. Nothing special, nothing special or eye-catching.

This made Wang Le, who was staring at the shriveled seed, a little disappointed, and couldn't help but mutter: "Is this the mysterious seed left over from ancient times?"

Wu Nantian laughed, gently re-covered the box, and handed it to Wang Le. At the same time, he nodded and replied: "Yes, this is the mysterious seed whose life essence has passed away."

Wang Le took the brass-colored metal box containing the mysterious seeds, looked it up and down, stuffed it into the sleeves of his robe, and at the same time put it into his Dharma Eye space with a thought.

Then Wang Le curled his lips and said with disdain: "In the eyes of this junior, the box is more valuable than this mysterious seed."

"Uh!" Wu Nantian and Tiandao Yaozhong were stunned at first, and then burst into laughter. Apparently they didn't expect Wang Le to look down on this mysterious seed so much.

Tiandao Yaozhong smiled angrily and scolded: "Since you don't like this mysterious seed, then Yao can trade other treasures with you, are you willing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Le shook his head and refused without hesitation: "Of course not."

"Oh?" Wu Nantian looked at Wang Le curiously, and then asked: "Since you don't like this seed, why don't you exchange it for other treasures?"

Before Wang Le could respond, Tian Dao Yaozhong snorted coldly and said to Wang Le with a smile on his face, "Boy,

Is it possible that you suspect that Yao cannot bring out enough treasure? "

Wang Le shook his head and responded calmly: "Of course not. With your old status and status, it would be strange if you don't have a few treasures on you."

Tiandao Yaozhong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why is that?"

Wang Le smiled slightly and responded: "Because I haven't studied this mysterious seed yet, which means my fate with it is not over yet."

"Only after we have thoroughly studied it can we decide whether it is destined or not."

"Uh!" Tiandao Yaozhong and Wu Nantian were immediately speechless by the reasons given by Wang Le.

At this time, Wang Le shrugged his shoulders, spread his hands, and continued as if it was a matter of course: "It is obviously not a wise move to make an exchange with the senior before fully grasping the seed."

After a pause, Wang Le chuckled and further said: "There are numerous similar examples in the world of antiques, that is, selling antiques that he didn't understand at a cabbage price to others, only to find out later that they were national treasures. This intestine is so green."

Having said this, Wang Le smiled like a fox, squinted his eyes and continued quietly: "The lessons learned from the past are still vivid in my mind. I don't want to regret it one day."

Tiandao Yaozhong was startled at first, then he laughed and scolded angrily: "Well, you kid, just study this mysterious seed slowly!"

Wu Nantian looked at Wang Le deeply, and then reminded: "Boy, before this mysterious seed fell into your hands, it had been studied countless times by many senior heaven-level giants in the Alliance Elders Council, but In the end, there was still nothing.”

Wang Le smiled and replied with an unchanging expression: "If we really get something, then this mysterious seed will not fall into the hands of this junior."

Then Wang Le blinked and continued with a chuckle: "Perhaps this mysterious seed has been waiting for me, the destined person, to appear, so it was deliberately kept from those who studied it before!"

"Uh!" Wu Nantian was stunned for a moment, and Tiandao Yaozhong interjected speechlessly: "Although this seed is something left over from ancient times, because it has been so long ago, the essence of life has long been lost, even if you If you can really uncover its mystery, your efforts will be useless and won’t bring you any benefit.”

Wang Le replied with a nonchalant look on his face: "I am very satisfied that this junior has been able to complete the ancient body refining technique, but I have never thought about getting any benefits from this mysterious seed." |

"I'm just curious about the ancient times of the fault, so I want to study this mysterious seed to satisfy my curiosity."

At this moment, what Wang Le did not declare was that since he experienced all kinds of incredible things in the ruins space at the bottom of the lake, and confirmed that the ancient mythical beasts really existed, it could be said to have completely overturned all his previous perceptions.

As for the era when mythical beasts like Zhu Jiuyin or True Dragon existed, Wang Le could no longer think of any other era besides the ancient era that had long since been discontinued and full of mystery and unpredictability.

Because of this, Wang Le's curiosity about ancient times has become even stronger.

After all, everything he has achieved in martial arts now is thanks to this weird dragon tattoo on his body.

It is precisely because of this relationship that Wang Lecai would not be interested in exploring the ancient times of Nao Shizi.

While Wang Le was thinking about it, Wu Nantian had a complicated look on his face and said with a wry smile: "Since ancient times, all the predecessors have been studying and pursuing the long-lost ancient era, but no one has ever been able to remove the cover of the ancient era. of heavy fog.”

Wang Le nodded in agreement, because this was not the first time he heard similar words.

At this time, Tiandao Yaozhong spoke up and said: "After all the previous sages and masters have studied the ancient times, it is not that there is nothing gained at all."

Wang Le suddenly became stunned and quickly asked: "What's the harvest?"

I saw Tiandao Yaozhong avoid answering and asked: "We who practice martial arts all call ourselves warriors, and the practice in ancient times is a completely different system of practice. Do you know what they are called?"

"Uh!" Wang Le shook his head without hesitation to express his ignorance. At the same time, he rolled his eyes secretly and muttered: "If I knew, would there be any need to stand here and ask you?"

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