He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1827: Concealing the Injury

Wang Le stood in a small tent with no light and darkness. It wasn't until Wang Yunxiang left for a while that he sat cross-legged on the newly spread straw mat.

"If possible, I want to leave here now."

In the darkness, Wang Le's eyes flickered and he murmured to himself.

He successively killed three middle-level martial arts masters and one late-level martial arts master. Although his performance was brilliant, under the condition of going all out, and Wang Le was injured and did not fully recover, he Now the injuries on his body are getting worse.

Fortunately, the root was not damaged, otherwise, the trouble would have been huge. It would have taken a long time to fully recover and return to the previous peak state.

It is precisely because the injury is tending to get worse that we cannot leave now, but have to play it by ear on the next journey.

If he left the camp and ran away now, his secret opponents would definitely think that Wang Le was seriously injured in tonight's series of life-and-death battles and that's why he ran away with a guilty conscience.

In this case, those earth-level powerhouses who had just been completely frightened by Wang Le's killing of chickens and monkeys would definitely be ready to take action.

Wang Le didn't want to have too many enemies chasing him on the way back.

Because the more enemies there are, the more uncontrollable variables there will be, so Wang Lecai went on a killing spree tonight to scare those with evil intentions.

In Wang Le's eyes, there are only a few heaven-level old monsters chasing him on the way back in the future, so no matter how dangerous the situation is, at least it will not be out of his control.

As Wang Yunxiang said when he left, he, Wang Le, was not really afraid of those heaven-level old monsters.

Anyway, when facing a martial arts heaven-level expert, the most important thing is to run away. Wang Le has no psychological burden on this.

If he, Wang Le, was unable to escape from the pursuit of a heaven-level powerhouse with the power of the Deception-Destroying Dharma Eye, then he would have to hold his nose and admit it.

After a while, Wang Le, whose thoughts were constantly ups and downs, came to his senses and did not continue to think about it. After all, it was already late and he had to seize the time to heal his wounds.

This is why Wang Le is extremely confident in the unique innate power in his Dantian, and is certain that it can heal his injuries as quickly as possible and return him to a healthy state.

"Alas! I hope everything goes well in the days to come and no more troubles will happen. I am already injured and am already unable to do what I want, alas!"

Wang Le sighed softly, praying silently in his heart, and finally closed his eyes and entered a state of spiritual enlightenment...


At three o'clock in the morning, Fatty Huang and Wang Yunxiang were standing not far from the small tent.

"Brother, the sun has already hit your butt. Why hasn't he come out yet? Is the injury serious?" Fatty Huang asked with worry on his face.

"I don't know. You also know that Brother Wang can't express his emotions and anger. No one can tell the severity of his injuries in the life-and-death battle last night." Wang Yunxiang frowned deeply and shook his head.

Fatty Huang paced back and forth impatiently, and said in a deep voice with regret, "I shouldn't have left him at the trial team station to rest last night. If he had come to Master with me, this wouldn't have happened." It was about being attacked and killed in the middle of the night.”

"Uh!" Wang Yunxiang said with a bitter smile: "There are unpredictable events in the sky, and people have misfortune and fortune. No one can guess what will happen in the next second. It is too late to say this now."

As soon as he finished speaking, the curtain of the tent was suddenly opened from the inside, and Wang Le walked out with a smile.

When Fatty Huang and Wang Yunxiang saw that Wang Le was finally willing to come out of the tent, they hurriedly greeted him.

Before the two people who came over could speak, Wang Le smiled and said, "Even if the elder brother asked me to leave the trial team station and come here to rest last night, the younger brother would not agree."

"Uh!" Fatty Huang was stunned at first, then blurted out and asked: "Is it possible, brother, that you have already guessed that there was going to be an attack and murder last night?"

Wang Le smiled noncommittally and replied lightly: "Whether you guessed it or not, I will never leave.

Because this is not my character, Wang Le. "

Then, before Fatty Huang could continue to ask, Wang Le took the initiative to change the subject and asked the two of them: "When will the army break camp and set off?"

Wang Yunxiang replied without hesitation: "When the soldiers who collected their remains on the frontline battlefield come back, and after a simple memorial ceremony, the army will break camp and set off to officially return home."

After a pause, Wang Yunxiang looked at Wang Le with concern and asked: "Brother Wang, is your injury okay?"

Wang Le replied with a nonchalant look on his face: "If it hadn't been for the continuous battle between Yao Mozi last night, my little brother's injuries would have been cured long ago."

"Now it will take at least three or four days to recuperate before I feel fully recovered."

At this time, Fatty Huang smiled happily and said, "That's good. Three or four days of hard work won't hinder anything big. Brother, I'm just afraid that your injury will get worse, which will directly delay the rest of the journey."

Wang Le smiled and sighed silently in his heart, and said to himself: "How can it be so easy! If the injury is serious this time, if the estimate is not wrong, it will take at least half a month to fully recover!"

This is why Wang Le deliberately concealed the true extent of his injuries out of fear that Fatty Huang and others would be worried.

In addition, people talk a lot, and walls have ears, so it’s better not to say it openly, just keep it to yourself and know it in your heart.

At this moment, bursts of deep and shocking horn sounds suddenly came from the direction of the marching field of the camp.

Wang Yunxiang glanced at the direction from which the horn sound came, and then said to Wang Le and Fatty Huang: "The soldiers who collected the bones are back. Let's all go over and gather!"

Then the three of them stopped talking nonsense. Wang Le and Huang Fatty followed Wang Yunxiang and left the Lingtai Sect's station and rushed to the marching ground as quickly as possible. They soon formed a huge flow of people together with other soldiers who heard the horn sound. Like a surging river, it rolls along the main road in the camp...

After a while, when the three of them followed the flow of people to the marching ground, Wang Yunxiang said to Wang Le and Fatty Huang: "Let's separate for now. You two go and join the trial team members!"

At this time, there was no need for Wang Yunxiang to remind Wang Le and Fatty Huang that the Heavenly Sword was shining brightly, and Bao Chong, the Snow Ecstasy Spear who had not been seen for a long time, was standing with the members of the trial team.

Because the alliance soldiers quickly entered their queues in an orderly manner after entering the marching field, Wang Le and Fatty Huang did not dare to neglect, and quickly bid farewell to Wang Yunxiang, and then went to the place where the members of the trial team met. past.

When the two appeared in front of everyone in the trial team, everyone's eyes unanimously focused on Wang Le.

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