He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1833: Flowing Clouds and Flowing Waters

Ye Jintian sincerely sighed: "This is the precious thing about that boy. Although he is very scheming, slick and sophisticated, and the cruelty of his killing methods is something I have never seen in my life, he is kind to us who are in the same boat." Nothing to say. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Fatty Huang suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Uh!" Ye Jintian and Wang Yunxiang were stunned and looked at Fatty Huang in confusion.

At this time, Fatty Huang smiled and explained: "Master's evaluation of Wang Le reminded me of something he once said, so I couldn't help but laugh."

Before the two of them could ask, Fatty Huang continued: "He once told Zheng Ge and me about his life purpose, which is to treat friends as warm as spring, and treat enemies as cold as winter."

"Throughout this journey, everything he did was to fulfill his purpose as a human being."

Ye Jintian and Wang Yunxiang fell silent immediately, saying nothing more...

After a while, just when Fatty Huang and Wang Yunxiang were about to leave and go back to rest, Ye Jintian's expression suddenly changed, and then he returned to his natural state.

At this time, Wang Yunxiang looked at Ye Jintian in surprise and said: "Master, there are seniors of heaven rank visiting the camp, and there are more than one..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Jintian interrupted: "They have all left."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fatty Huang, whose face changed greatly, said worriedly: "Then Wang Le's departure can no longer be hidden."

I saw Ye Jintian said calmly: "It's not that easy to hide it from my fellow disciples who are at the Heaven level. Anyway, Wang Le has left. If they want to chase him, then let's chase him!"

After a pause, Ye Jintian smiled softly and said: "Even if we are chasing him now, the horror is that it will be all in vain and the journey will be in vain."

While the three people in the tent were talking, they saw silhouettes of people rising into the sky one after another from the major forces' stations in the marching camp, flying straight to the ends of the sky in all directions...


It's late at night and the dew is heavy.

Under the starry night sky, the invisible Wang Le stood on a hill.

Looking at the distant fire that dyed half of the sky red, the soldiers had already entered the marching camp in sleep.

Wang Le did not run away immediately like Fatty Huang, Ye Jintian and others thought.

Because if you don't get rid of Qing Gong Zhuang Yu and Martial God God Yin Liaoyuan, even if you successfully escape and return to Nanhua Temple, you will still have to guard against them and stay awake at night.

Of course Wang Le is not afraid of Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan, but what he is afraid of is the sect's orthodoxy behind them.

Whether it is the Qing Palace or the Martial Arts Temple, they are the top forces in the martial arts world, and their foundations are profound and powerful, no less than those hidden traditions in the martial arts world.

If Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan were not eliminated early, there was no telling when these two guys would make a mistake and encourage their orthodox sect to send experts to come and cause trouble for Wang Le.

Of course, once Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan are successfully eliminated, Wang Le will inevitably become the object of suspicion by Qing Palace and Wushen Temple.

However, in Wang Le's eyes, getting rid of Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan would do more good than harm. The premise is that he should not leave any evidence behind during the attack and killing of these two people.

After the always cautious Major Wang carefully considered the pros and cons, it was destined that the decision could not be changed, and Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan entered the countdown to death.

Now that he is staying here, in addition to killing Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan, Wang Le also wants to find the sentinels sent by the three hidden Taoist forces.

In this case, so that I can have a rough idea of ​​how strong these three groups are.

Of course, if there were no scouts sent by three groups of people near the alliance army, Wang Le would not be disappointed, let alone force it deliberately.

The invisible Wang Le suppressed his fluctuating thoughts and regained his composure, officially entering combat mode.

Then he left his place, quickly ran down the hill where he was, and rushed straight to the marching camp in the distance like an invisible lightning bolt.

Prior to this, the invisible Wang Le had already used the clairvoyant power of the Desolation Dharma Eye to locate the campsites of Qingong Zhuangyu and Martial God Temple Yin Liaoyuan.

Therefore, after the operation started, Wang Le's goal was very clear, and he was the first to kill the Qinggong troops in the marching camp.

In less than a few minutes, the invisible Wang Le arrived near the marching camp, and then effortlessly dodged the groups of soldiers on duty who were patrolling and guarding, and successfully sneaked into the camp.

After entering the camp, Wang Le, who had already found the best route through the clairvoyance power of the Delusion-breaking Dharma Eye, did not delay at all. It only took him five or six minutes to successfully find the Qing Palace station in this "white ocean".

Avoiding the patrol team of disciples near the Qing Palace, the invisible Wang Le quietly came to the white tent where Zhuang Yu stayed.

The invisible Wang Lexun activated the power of the Eye of Deception and instantly looked through the white tent without light, only to see Zhuang Yu sitting cross-legged on the straw mat and meditating.

Wang Le's heart moved, and he took out the commonly used special military spikes from the Dharma Eye space and held it tightly in his hand. At the same time, he walked carefully to the tent door, not forgetting to use the Delusion Dharma Eye to see if there were any warning measures or traps inside and outside the door.

Obviously, Zhuang Yu didn't think anyone would dare to come to the Qing Palace where there were many masters to attack and kill him, so he didn't take any measures.

The invisible Wang Le quietly opened a corner of the curtain in front of the door and quickly slipped into the tent like a civet cat.

And at the moment when he slipped into the tent, the invisible Wang Le did not stop at any time, and rushed towards Zhuang Yu with his feet, and the special military thorn in his hand was inserted directly into the vital part of his neck and throat!

You know, even a strong man in the late stage of martial arts was helpless when facing Wang Le's sneak attack, and finally lost his life in frustration, not to mention Zhuang Yu, who only had a profound level of cultivation!


In the blind darkness, the invisible special military thorn accurately and fiercely slashed across Zhuang Yu's neck and throat. The hot blood burst out instantly and was instantly cooled in the cold air that was more than ten degrees below zero.

In the flash of lightning, the specially made military thorn slit open the vital parts of his neck and throat, and then inserted into Zhuang Yu's chest and heart. It stirred back and forth cleanly and turned into tofu cubes.

"Uh-huh!" Zhuang Yu opened his eyes wide with shock and despair, and his throat had been torn open and he couldn't make a complete sound.

The invisible Wang Le pulled out a special military thorn to avoid the blood splattering from Zhuang Yu's body.

Wiping away the blood stuck to the military thorns, Wang Le quickly left the tent without even looking at Zhuang Yu, who was lying in a pool of blood.

From start to finish, the whole process was as natural as flowing water, without any surprises.

For Wang Le, there is no difficulty in attacking and killing a Xuan-level warrior like Zhuang Yu.

This is true even though I am injured now and am not in peak condition.

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