He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1852: Breaking the Formation

At the critical moment, the invisible Wang Le had no time to think about it, let alone duck to the side. He suddenly retracted his wings and magic weapon in a hurry, and his whole body fell to the ground in an instant.

At this moment, the flying sword weapon blooming with blood-red light shot past in a matter of seconds.

As long as Wang Le slows down even a little bit, this blood-red flying sword will definitely pierce him to the core!

You know, Wang Le relied on the dragon's hidden power to not be afraid of someone peeking into his true body, so he did not activate the ancient defense technique of the diamond glazed shield to protect his whole body.

Once you are hit by this blood-red flying sword, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured and dying!

Knowing that he had saved his life, Wang Le was so frightened that he was covered in sweat. While he was shouting that he was lucky, he continued to fall to the ground.

When the distance was still five or six meters high, Wang Le, who was still frightened, quickly spread his wings and magic weapon to stop the falling momentum.

Wang Le, who was frightened, raised his head and looked at the blood-red flying sword weapon that was flying into the distance and losing momentum. He couldn't help but think in his heart: "I'll give it to you. This person hasn't been rescued yet. I almost missed it." I’ll leave it here.”

This time in danger, Wang Le, who was invisible, no longer dared to underestimate this unknown killing array.

And this also made Wang Le no longer dare to be careless when destroying the formation flag.

The blood-red flying sword magic weapon suddenly moved suddenly, apparently because it destroyed the yellow triangular formation flag.

But soon, after the invisible Wang Le regained his composure, he suddenly discovered that the power of the entire formation had dropped significantly since the blood-red flying sword magic weapon broke away from the huge energy shield.

When Wang Le, who was invisible, saw this, he couldn't help but sweep towards the killing array, that is, the other six flying sword instruments that were integrated into the huge energy mask. They were orange, green, yellow and so on, a total of six colors.

These correspond to the various colors of light flowing on the energy shield, and also correspond to the various colors of sword rays fired at a group of alliance heaven-level old monsters in the killing array.

"It seems that these flying sword weapons of different colors are the most important components of the killing array." Wang Leru, who was invisible, thought.

Thinking of this, the invisible Wang Le, while being cautious, continued to fire rockets and missiles to clear those formation flags.

But this time, for the sake of safety, the invisible Wang Le opened the diamond glazed cover to protect his whole body.

At this time, a group of alliance heaven-level old monsters in the killing array felt the weakening of the killing array's offensive very keenly.

It's a pity that they were trapped in the killing formation and could not understand the situation outside the formation. They did not know that one of the blood-red flying swords of the Seven Sword God-killing Formation had escaped from the formation due to Wang Le's persistent destruction.

Fengxue Ecstasy Gun couldn't help but ask the surrounding sky-level old monsters: "Who is breaking the formation to rescue us?"

Everyone shook their heads in unison to express ignorance, and one of them, Lu Yong, said: "It has been so long. Although the offensive of the formation is gradually weakening, if this continues, it will take a lot of time to completely break the formation."

After a pause, Lu Yong further said to everyone: "It can be seen that the strength of those who break the formation is limited."

As soon as he finished speaking, one of the heaven-level old monsters couldn't help but sneer and said: "Limited strength? If you and I wanted to break the Seven Sword God-killing Formation outside, there would be no way to do it."

"Uh!" Lu Yong was immediately speechless and could only smile a little awkwardly and say nothing.

Seeing this, Tiandao Yaozhong stood up to the rescue and said: "No matter who is breaking the formation outside, or whether they are strong or weak, we still need to work together to do our own thing."

Having said this, Tiandao Yaozhong looked at everyone with a stern face and continued in a deep voice: "That is to find the only way out of this killing formation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yong immediately nodded and responded: "Tiandao is right. Just relying on the people outside to break the formation, you and I don't know how long it will take to break out of the formation, so we find this The only way to survive in the Seven Sword God-killing Formation is the royal way!"

After a pause, Lu Yong continued with confidence: "As the power of the Seven Sword God-killing Formation gradually weakens,

The only hidden door will be easier to find. "

At this time, Ye Jintian nodded, then looked at everyone present and said: "Everyone, if this is the case, then we don't want to sit here and wait for death. Without further delay, let's act quickly!"

These alliance heaven-level old monsters present are all understanding people. It is a matter of life and safety. Of course, there is no reason to object. Without exception, they all responded in unison. Then the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers. They took the initiative to launch an offensive and worked together to rush to the edge of the killing array. Go and try to find the only living door in the killing array...

When a group of alliance heaven-level old monsters who were trapped in the Seven Killings and God-killing Formation were trying to find the only way to survive, Wang Le, who was outside the killing formation, once again touched the second flying sword weapon.


The flying sword weapon blooming with deep orange light came out of the formation, passed by the invisible Wang Le, shot towards the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This time Wang Le was prepared, otherwise he would be in danger again.

"Hey, it seems that these flying sword instruments integrated with the formation are related to the formation flag. Once the formation flag is destroyed, the flying sword will backfire."

The invisible Wang Le couldn't help but think in his heart.

Because it was exactly when he pulled the trigger to fire the rocket and destroy a plain triangular flag that the dark orange flying sword weapon came back to bite him.

And this routine is exactly the same as the crimson flying sword weapon that used to backfire on him.

That's why Wang Le came to the conclusion that destroying the formation flag might trigger the flying sword weapon to escape from the formation and backfire on him.

Thinking of this, Wang Le suddenly made a decision, that is, he would no longer destroy the arrays that built the killing array one by one, but instead look for the array flags to destroy.

Because Wang Le could clearly feel that after the dark orange flying sword magic weapon came out of the formation, the power of the nameless killing formation in front of him had once again weakened a lot.

Wang Le believed that if the other five flying sword instruments integrated with the killing formation were all out of the formation, they would not be far away from breaking the formation.

By then, if the old monster of the Tian Dao Yao Middle Alliance is still unable to break out of the formation, then Wang Le can only spread his hands, unable to do anything.

Then Wang Le, who had made up his mind, took the risk of the flying sword's backlash to look for the hidden formation flag, and then launched rockets to destroy it.

Fortunately, there are enough rockets and bombs in the Fayan space. Otherwise, facing this Seven Killings and God-killing Formation, the invisible Wang Le can only stare.

And just as the rockets and bombs destroyed the colorful triangular formation flags one after another, not every triangular formation flag was related to the flying sword magic weapons in the formation.

Therefore, Wang Le, who was invisible, could only maintain enough patience and destroy the various triangular flags one by one.

Soon, one after another flying sword weapons that were integrated into the killing array were touched and shot toward the invisible Wang Le.

Wang Le, who was well prepared, dodged every one of them without any danger and saved the day.

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