He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1856 Absolute Strength

Wang Le glanced at Lu Yong with interest and thought to himself: "As a member of his own family, Old Man Lu does not have the same confidence in Wan Zhongtian as outsiders do. He must have some difficulties that are not known to outsiders. And Xin Mi."

At this moment, Wang Le couldn't help but think of the conversation he had eavesdropped on between the old man and the young man in Huayin Pavilion.

At that time, the old man from Huaying Pavilion was very sure and confident about defeating Wan Zhongtian.

As for killing Wan Zhongtian, that is another matter, completely impossible.

The old man had a very clear understanding of this.

Thinking of this, Wang Le looked up again and looked deep into the clouds high in the sky, silently speculating in his heart: "It seems that the protagonists involved in this life and death fight are Qingong Wanzhongtian and Huayinge old man, two late martial arts heaven-level people. Giant."

"Although I have an indissoluble bond with Qing Gong, but one code leads to the other, I hope the final winner will be Wan Zhongtian. Otherwise, hundreds of thousands of alliance troops want to return to their clan safely. The door is tight enough.”

Just when Wang Le and a group of alliance sky-level old monsters were having different thoughts, a harsh and earth-shaking "boom" came from deep in the clouds high in the sky, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

I saw a human-shaped light group blooming with purple light first rushing out from the depths of the clouds, and then falling straight to the ground.

At the same time, a powerful and suffocating spiritual consciousness was released from the purple human-shaped light group, like an invisible huge wave and tsunami, overwhelming everyone including Wang Le.

At this moment, the expressions of everyone on the ground changed. Whether it was Wang Le, who was the weakest in cultivation, or a group of heaven-level old monsters such as Tian Dao Yaozhong, they were crushed by this powerful spiritual consciousness indiscriminately. Can't move!

To put it simply, everyone wants to escape, but their bodies are imprisoned by this extremely powerful consciousness.

"Is this the strength of the late martial arts heaven level?"

In the midst of lightning and flint, Wang Le, facing a life and death crisis, couldn't help but flash this thought.

At this moment, a nearby Heaven-level old monster shouted in despair: "My life is at stake!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw thousands of golden lights in the sky penetrating the clouds and illuminating the world. Then a human-shaped light group blooming with golden light rushed out, chasing the human-shaped light group blooming with purple light!

At this time, Wang Dashu, who was about to activate the hidden power of the Dragon's Eye of Deception and escape, saw the situation and immediately recognized that the golden human-shaped light group was Qinggong Wanzhongtian!

Almost at the same time, the pale-faced Lu Yong shouted ecstatically: "Uncle Master!"

The heaven-level old monster who had just shouted that I was going to die suddenly found his life in desperate situation and couldn't help laughing.

Because Qingong Wanzhongtian, who was transformed into a golden human-shaped light group, was too fast, he caught up not far behind the purple human-shaped light group in a blink of an eye.

And this also caused the powerful spiritual consciousness that imprisoned everyone to disappear in an instant like the ebbing tide of the sea.

Obviously Wan Zhongtian, who caught up later, put too much pressure on the opponent.

At this moment, Wan Zhongtian, who was transformed into a golden human-shaped light group, laughed arrogantly and said: "Old thief Doluo, fifty years have passed by in a flash, but you have not made any progress at all. It is really disappointing to Wan Zhongtian." Someone is disappointed.”

Immediately, the purple human-shaped light group, which Wan Zhongtian called the old thief of Doluo, responded angrily: "You old man, don't push me too hard! Otherwise, I, Huayinge, and you, Qing Palace, will fight to the death!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wan Zhongtian, who was hot on his heels, replied with murderous intent: "Want to die? I, the Qing Palace, can only ask for it! When the time comes, Wan will definitely act as a vanguard and be the first to reach your Huayin Pavilion Dojo!"

After a pause, Wan Zhongtian changed the topic and continued in a gloomy tone: "But unfortunately, old thief Doluo, you didn't have the chance to see Wan massacre all the people in Huayin Pavilion. Next year, today will be your memorial day!" Die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Le and a group of alliance heaven-level old monsters on the ground saw Wan Zhongtian, a golden human-shaped light group, disappearing behind the old thief Doro.

Before the onlookers on the ground had time to see clearly, the old thief Doro, who was transformed into a purple human-shaped light ball, was not far in front of him.

A little golden light suddenly appeared!

In the electric light and flint, this golden light expanded instantly, turning into a huge golden spiral vortex, with a diameter of about five or six meters.

At this time, the old thief Doro, who was transformed into a purple human-shaped light ball, had no time to stop the momentum of flying forward, and crashed into this huge golden spiral vortex as if he had thrown himself into a trap!

The moment everyone, including Wang Le, saw this spiral vortex, they were all like ordinary people, dizzy, unsteady, and staggering around.

Young Master Wang, who had the weakest cultivation among the people, sat unsteadily and fell to the ground.

Before this was over, one of the Alliance Heaven-level old monsters let out a heart-rending scream, covering his head with his hands in agony and rolling back and forth on the ground.

At this time, Qing Gong Lu Yong reminded loudly and horrified: "Stop staring and close your eyes quickly, otherwise you will go crazy!"

"Also, don't let go of your spiritual consciousness to explore. This killing move of Grandmaster Master will swallow your spiritual consciousness!"

It was obvious that the alliance heaven-level old monster rolling on the ground had recklessly released his spiritual consciousness, and ended up like this!

At this time, Wang Le and a group of heaven-level old monsters felt awe-inspiring after hearing this. In addition, they had learned from the past and some of their colleagues were still rolling on the ground, so everyone closed their eyes without hesitation or forced their eyes away and did not dare to look away anymore. Read on.

Boom boom boom——

Boom boom boom——

Clang, Clang, Clang——


The huge golden spiral vortex was expanding and contracting suddenly, and dense and continuous crashing sounds were heard.

Of course, everyone on the ground only heard the sound and did not dare to look at the golden spiral vortex in the sky.

Wang Le, who took a deep breath of cold air and resisted the dizziness, stood up and cursed in his heart: "What the hell is this? It's so weird. I accidentally made it happen." That’s it!”

Thinking of this, Wang Le, who was terrified, had a deeper understanding of the powerful people in the late stage of the martial arts heaven level.

At this time, Wang Le couldn't help but think: "The late martial arts heaven level is so terrifying. I wonder what kind of supreme existence the Guixu Temple Master Xiaoyaozi and Qinggong Emperor Hao, who have reached the peak of martial arts, will be?"

At this moment, Wang Le was not interested in the battle situation in the air, but was reflecting on himself.

Because the strength displayed by Qinggong Wanzhongtian made Wang Le deeply realize how insignificant he was. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was an ant.

Even if he, Wang Le, possesses the invincible power of the Eye of Destruction, he will be directly crushed in the face of absolute strength, unable to resist!

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