He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1874 Ten Thousand Beast Flowers

Seeing this, the young waiter nodded in agreement with a wink, then turned around and retreated to prepare the meal.

As soon as the young waiter disappeared on the second floor, another waiter wearing the same clothes and a white towel on his shoulders appeared in the lobby on the second floor carrying tea.

First they greeted him respectfully, then washed cups and poured tea, and then the older guy quietly retreated.

From beginning to end, the whole process was smooth and smooth, with a hint of abruptness, which made Wang Le feel sincerely comfortable, far better than the restaurant where he and Qingyangzi dined in Bai Yujing earlier.

Wang Le picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. Suddenly, a faint bitterness appeared in his mouth. Before the taste buds on the tip of his tongue had time to react, another sweetness came out and reverberated...

For a time, his somewhat impetuous heart slowly calmed down. Wang Le, who was full of enjoyment, put down the tea cup and couldn't help but sigh: "This is the foundation of thousands of years!"

As the saying goes, details determine success or failure, and the foundation of Shangpinju lies in the perfection of details, truly making guests feel at home.

Of course, as an out-and-out foodie, Wang Le would have to taste the fine wine and delicacies that would be served later before he could make a final evaluation.

While Wang Le was sipping the good tea, he also used his peripheral vision to pay attention to the other three guests at the window.

Judging from the clothes and aura of these guests, it is obvious that they are all martial arts experts.

As for the strength of these people's cultivation, although Wang Le cannot make an accurate judgment, with his rich fighting experience, he can tell that none of these guys sitting in the hall on the second floor is a fuel-efficient lamp. All of them are ruthless characters who are difficult to deal with.

Especially for a middle-aged guest sitting alone facing the window, he exuded an aura that Wang Le felt was very familiar - hostility.

And this is the aura that can only exist in those who have experienced the edge of life and death again and again, crawled out of the sea of ​​​​blood from the mountains of corpses, and finally survived.

Being in the same space as such a person, Wang Le couldn't help but become more vigilant.

"I really didn't expect that the Ten Thousand Beast Flower would appear in the Pilgrimage City this time."

"What's so strange about this? Before the world's environment changed drastically, Pilgrimage City had withstood countless attacks by beasts. It can be said that underneath this Pilgrimage City is the cemetery of the demon clan!"

"And the Ten Thousand Beast Flowers have always bloomed in the land where there are thousands of monster bones, and this time is certainly no exception."


The three martial arts experts sitting together at the next table were whispering, which immediately attracted Wang Le's attention and interest.

"The Flower of Ten Thousand Beasts? What is this? It sounds quite mysterious." A trace of confusion flashed in Wang Le's eyes, and he muttered secretly.

Wang Le's eyes lit up and he thought to himself: "I dare you to come to the Holy City with so many martial arts masters not targeting the alliance army, but coming for Lao Shizi's Ten Thousand Beast Flowers!"

Thinking of this, Wang Le suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. He didn't want to have any more interactions with the alliance army.

Those heaven-level old monsters who had encountered the alliance army before had caused a karma between themselves and the hidden Taoist order Huayin Pavilion, and there would be a lot of trouble in the future.

For someone like Wang Le who is always afraid of trouble, of course he should avoid it whenever he can.

Just when Wang Le was completely relieved,

The young waiter led his companions and put the food and wine on the table one after another.

After pouring good wine for Wang Le, when the young waiter left, he did not forget to say respectfully: "Senior, if you have any orders, just say hello. The boy will be waiting by the stairs outside the door."

Wang Le originally planned to ask this young man what Ten Thousand Beasts Flower was, but after thinking about it he gave up the idea and planned to ask him again later when he was arranging accommodation after dinner.

"It's nothing, just go about your business!"

Wang Le sent the young waiter away, then picked up his chopsticks and ate the delicacies on the table without any courtesy.

At this time, Wang Le forgot all about the alliance army, the secluded orthodoxy, and the Ten Thousand Beast Flowers he just heard about, and concentrated on dealing with the table full of delicacies that were so delicious that he wanted to bite his tongue.

It is indeed a Shangpinju that has been in business for thousands of years and has never closed down. Every dish is delicious and satisfies Wang Le's long-awaited appetite.

Since entering the martial arts world, Wang Le has lived like an ascetic, and he cannot eat as much as he wants in the secular world.

Not to mention that since joining the alliance trial team, I have basically been eating dry food. Beast meat that has not changed for thousands of years. It would be a lie to say that I am not tired of eating it.

At this moment, Wang Le was concentrating on these delicacies, which were made from unknown ingredients and had never been eaten before. From time to time, he would take a sip of Sword Immortal Drunk to quench his thirst.

While Feng Zhuan Can Yun was dealing with the whole table of delicious dishes, Wang Lebu forgot to sigh secretly: "The ancestors said that traveling thousands of miles and reading thousands of books can increase your knowledge, but for me, traveling thousands of miles is an important purpose. Just eat delicious food from all over the world!”

Faced with the special delicacies of Shangpinju, Mr. Wang sighed deep in his heart that the trip was worthwhile. It was a very correct decision to include the pilgrimage city as a place on the way back.

Of course, this means that Wang Le already knows that many martial arts masters have come to the Holy City, not because the alliance army is passing through here, but because of the so-called Ten Thousand Beast Flowers.

At this moment, when the other guests in the lobby on the second floor saw Wang Le eating in such an exaggerated manner, their expressions became very exciting.

There are those who are funny, there are those who are speechless, and there are those who are contemptuous.

The two beautiful women in the middle of the hall who had been playing the flute had never seen such a strange guest like Wang Le before. They were so stunned that they almost forgot to play the flute.

"The way this guy eats in such an exaggerated way doesn't make him a warrior like us. Instead, he looks like ordinary victims who have been fleeing famine for months without having anything to eat."

"Hey, a hundred kinds of rice can feed a hundred kinds of people. There's nothing to make a fuss about. This guy just eats it in an indecent way. It's not a big deal."

"Don't say anything, be careful of the trouble coming from your mouth. Nowadays, dragons and snakes are mixed in this pilgrimage city, so be cautious!"


Whispering discussions at the table next to him reached Wang Le's ears, but he didn't care at all.

After a while, the pot of Sword Immortal was drunk, and at the same time, the dozen or so plates and dishes on the table became so clean that they were so bright that they could be used as mirrors.


Wang Le, who was full of wine and food, burped, poured a cup of hot tea that was not cold yet, contentedly leaned back on the chair and drank slowly.

"It would be great if I could live like this every day from now on."

Wang Le, whose face was full of enjoyment, thought beautifully in his heart.

Obviously, this is just a thought, at least it is impossible to achieve before reaching the peak of martial arts.

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