He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1885 The cat that smells fishy

Wan Zhongtian was suspended deep in the clouds high in the sky and did not pursue him. Instead, he stood motionless and watched Huo Song disappear at the end of the sky until he disappeared.

Wan Zhongtian's brows gradually wrinkled, and a trace of sadness appeared on his face for the first time. He whispered to himself: "I wonder if our ancestor can successfully refine the artifact after living in seclusion deep in the restricted area for many years?"

After being silent for a few seconds, Wan Zhongtian sighed deeply and murmured to himself again: "I hope the refining is successful! Otherwise, the consequences will be unpredictable when facing those immortals from the hidden world!"

After finishing speaking, Wan Zhongtian put away his gaze towards the end of the sky, then disappeared into the depths of the high-altitude clouds and fell back to the ground without a trace.

At this time, the martial arts experts who were above Yipin Ju fell back to the ground one after another.

"Hey, I didn't expect this heaven-level battle to end in an anticlimax. It's really disappointing."

"I really didn't expect that Qingong Wanzhongtian, who failed to reach the peak of martial arts, is still alive, and is still alive and kicking in this pilgrimage city. It seems that he is bound to seize the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower."

"It's not surprising that the people from the Qing Palace participated in the fight for the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower. What people didn't expect was that hidden sects like the Zoroastrian Cult and Huayin Pavilion would also get involved."


Amidst the noisy discussions coming from the surrounding area, the expressionless Wang Le stepped into the courtyard and closed the door again.

Wang Le, who walked through the courtyard and returned to the living room, immediately frowned and sat down in the chair.

The conversation between Huo Song and Wan Zhongtian, although it only touched on the topic and did not talk about the core secrets, still made Wang Le worried about Qingyangzi's current situation in Guixuguan.

It can be said that Guixuguan is Wang Le's biggest supporter in the martial arts world.

To be more precise, if something unexpected happens to Qingyangzi, then Wang Le will lose his biggest support.

As for Grandpa Jiyang's Nanhua View, it has long since declined and lost its glory for thousands of years. It cannot be Wang Le's confidence at all.

After being silent for a while, Wang Le took a deep breath, stood up, and said to himself: "It seems that I can only work hard and practice on my own!"

Immediately, Wang Le suppressed his worries about Qing Yangzi, forced himself to regain his calm state, and then left the living room and returned to the bedroom on the second floor.

Immediately, Wang Le was seen sitting cross-legged on the bed, his body and mind became empty and he quickly entered the state of cultivation, waiting with peace of mind for the day when the flowers of beasts will be born and bloom in this holy city...


Time flew by, and before he knew it, Wang Le had lived in Level 1 for five days.

These days, Wang Le never leaves the house and practices peacefully. Even his meals are delivered directly to his residence by the young waiter.

Except for the high cost and the consumption of a lot of Origin Stones, which made Wang Le feel a little bit pained, I was very satisfied with the rest and had nothing to fault.

The only person Wang Le had contact with in these five days was the young guy.

After going back and forth, Wang Le also learned that the young man's name was Quan Desheng. He had grown up in this pilgrimage city and was a veritable native.

Quan Desheng's talent is limited, and he is now almost twenty years old and has not yet achieved the martial arts Huang Jie and is still trapped in the realm of innateness.

If this Quan Desheng were placed in the world of mortals, he would definitely be a rare master, but in this world of martial arts he is just an ant worth mentioning.

Closer to home, Wang Le, who was practicing at home this evening, suddenly felt a little depressed, thinking that it might be because he had been practicing so hard these days and never relaxed.

Therefore, Wang Le adhered to the idea of ​​​​relaxation and morality and did not persist in it. He immediately woke up from trance and did not continue to practice.

When Wang Le went out and came to the yard, the night had already begun to turn dark.

After all, it is the depth of winter, and the nights are always longer than the days.

Wang Le's face didn't show the slightest emotion and looked very calm, but there was unavoidable depression deep in his heart. He couldn't help but sigh to himself: "There are constant conflicts inside and outside the pilgrimage city every day, and bloodshed and deaths are becoming more and more frequent, but until Now, there is not even a shadow of the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower.


Thinking of this, Wang Le couldn't help but murmured softly: "Isn't this Ten Thousand Beast Flower a disciple of others?"

After all, after staying in this pilgrimage city for five days, the time to return to Nanhua Temple has already been delayed.

If in the end, the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower never bloomed in this pilgrim city, then Wang Leke would be really depressed.

"It's okay if God doesn't let me get the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower this time, but please don't play with me again!" Wang Le prayed silently deep in his heart.

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, he vaguely heard familiar footsteps outside the hospital, walking towards here from far away.

"Uh!" Wang Le raised his eyebrows and said, "Didn't I tell you at noon that I don't need Wanshan at night? Why did Quan Desheng come here?"

Thinking of this, Wang Le walked to the door of the small courtyard and opened the door before the young man named Quan Desheng knocked on the door.

When Wang Le saw that Quan Desheng was empty-handed, he immediately knew that Quan Desheng was not here to deliver dinner.

Then Wang Le turned around and walked into the courtyard, turning his back to Quan Desheng and asking calmly: "Is there any new news inside and outside the Holy City?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Quan Desheng, who crossed the threshold and entered the yard, could not hide his excitement and replied quickly: "It is very likely that the flower of beasts will bloom in this world."

Wang Le stiffened and stopped immediately, turned around, looked at Quan Desheng with sharp eyes and asked, "Really? Are you sure?"

Quan Desheng shook his head without hesitation and said, "Of course I can't be sure."

Before Wang Le could scold him, Quan Desheng changed the subject and said, "But since the sun set today, people from all walks of life living in the pilgrimage city have left the city one after another. And as time goes by, the people who have left the city have now More and more!"

"This shows that something big happened outside the city. Otherwise, this situation would never have happened!"

"Obviously only the birth of the Beast Flower will cause such a big commotion!"

While Quan Desheng was speaking, Wang Le, who was stirred up in his heart, quickly opened his Dharma Eyes to see through the surrounding courtyards.

At this time, in the sight of Powang Dharma Eye, the nearby single-family courtyards were deserted, and the old monsters living in them had left at some point.

"Let me check it out, these sly and cunning guys are like cats smelling fishy smell. They run really fast, and they are so subtle that I don't notice them at all!"

Wang Leman thought in his heart depressedly, he really wanted to give himself a slap in the face, he was so focused on practicing that he forgot to monitor the movements around him.

Fortunately, Quan Desheng came to notify him in time, otherwise, he would have been kept in the dark.

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