He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1892 Green Tree

In a very short period of time, bolts of lightning struck one after another in the corner space of the Beast Tide Cemetery, and as time went by, the striking lightning became more dense and dizzying.

For a moment, the space in the corner of the beast cemetery that was struck by thousands of lightnings turned into nothingness, as if it had turned into a thunder battery, completely dispelling the darkness of the night and making it as bright as day.

At this time, due to the strike of millions of lightnings and their tendency to spread, large piles of bones were turned into powder and scattered in the air as if it was snowing heavily...

"Hiss!" Wang Le, who was suspended in the sky, witnessed all this. He had already forgotten how many times he gasped, and his whole body was covered with goosebumps.

At this moment, Wang Le, who was invisible, witnessed this shocking scene that he had never seen before, and was completely convinced that the Tao Bao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower would be born and bloom tonight.

If the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower hadn't appeared and bloomed against the background of such a shocking scene, then Wang Le could only say that he was blind and that all these years had been in vain.

At this time, Wang Le, who was invisible, looked at the place covered with thunder batteries in the beast-tide cemetery on the earth, and couldn't help but think in his heart with numbness: "Young master really understands what a Taoist treasure is, and he actually made such a fuss Such a big movement.”

"It's true that Daobao is blessed by nature."

Just when Wang Le's heart was filled with thoughts and emotions, the place where thousands of thunder and lightning struck suddenly dimmed!

Immediately, a little green appeared in the core of the place where lightning struck, and then it turned into a green as big as a baby's hand visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Wang Le, who is invisible, believes that apart from his own Dharma Eye that can see through this change, perhaps only those heaven-level beings can.

Because the thousands of lightnings that suddenly appeared in the void were too terrifying, and each lightning was enough to wipe out the top powerhouses.

When Qingyangzi passed through the serial killing array at the Guixuguan ruins, he was seriously injured by a lightning strike.

You must know that the lightning that injured Qingyangzi was generated by the killing array, that is, artificially generated lightning.

Compared to the natural lightning generated in the void in front of you, the power of this artificially generated lightning is simply a drop in the bucket.

Because of this, the invisible Wang Le even believed that none of the heaven-level old monsters lurking near the beast tide cemetery at this time had the courage or the ability to see clearly the emerald green at the core of thousands of lightnings. Variety!

Back to the subject, just as the invisible Wang Le was thinking, he saw that at the core of the corner space that was struck by dense lightning, the emerald green color changed into the size of a baby's palm and continued to spread, making the emerald green cover more and more area. The bigger.

Suddenly, this piece of emerald green light suddenly skyrocketed, reaching its dazzling peak, which made Wang Le's eyes close involuntarily.

When the invisible Wang Le reacted and opened his eyes again to look at the emerald green, he was instantly stunned, his face full of surprise and disbelief.

At this time, in the sight of Wang Le's Po-Wang Dharma Eye, he saw that the emerald green where the thousands of lightning struck had disappeared, but a small emerald-green tree was growing in that place.

"Uh!" Wang Le, who was invisible, rubbed his eyes with disbelief, fearing that he might be dazzled by the mistake and wishing he could flick his ears and take a closer look.

I saw that this small green tree, which was as thick as an adult's arm, was about 1.6 meters tall. There were nine branches on it, each of which was relatively thinner than the tree body.

There are nine thinner branches on each branch, and Wang Lemo counted nine green leaves on each branch.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is an emerald green bud the size of a table tennis ball on each branch.

The emerald green color of this small tree reminded Wang Le of something.

That was the top-quality imperial green jadeite that I had picked up when I was gambling on stones in the secular world.

The small green tree in Powangfa's eyes seemed to be a master-level work of art carved from a huge piece of top-quality imperial green jade, the pinnacle of wonder!

At this time, dense lightning kept hitting the small green tree like it was tickling.

To be more precise, these streaks of lightning seemed to be controlled by a pair of invisible hands, making the final subtle carvings to make up for the small green tree, making it reach a truly perfect state...

"Uh!" Wang Le, who was invisible, looked at this small emerald green tree with his eyes through the Deception Technique, and touched his nose with a speechless face. He couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "I'll give it to you, this Ten Thousand Beasts Flower" Why is it a tree? Is it a mistake? It can't be another Taoist treasure, right?"

Just when Mr. Wang was suspicious of the small green tree in front of him, he suddenly saw the small tree shuddering and swaying slightly from side to side as if its soul life had been injected into it.

Then he saw the small green tree swinging, absorbing all the lightning bolts that hit the tree.

Especially the buds growing on the branches absorb the most lightning, at least more than half of it.

I saw that these eighty-one flower buds became increasingly green and solid after absorbing the incredible amount of bright lightning.

Just as countless lightning bolts were completely absorbed by the small green tree, and finally revealed their true form in everyone's eyes, Wang Le, who was invisible, immediately heard a warrior suspended high in the distance shouting excitedly. : "The Flower of Ten Thousand Beasts has been born and will bloom tonight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a warrior near the sky who was as puzzled and confused as Wang Le, and questioned: "This is simply a tree-shaped treasure, where is the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the invisible Wang Le heard a steady stream of laughter coming from far and high in the sky, full of ridicule and contempt for the doubters.

"Hahaha, it's so rare and strange. This treasure is called the Flower of Ten Thousand Beasts, so does it have to be a flower and not a tree?"

"Could it be that if you call me stupid, you really are stupid?"

"Hehe, before you compete for this great opportunity, you don't even know what the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower looks like. It's really ridiculous. Even if you are not a fool, you are still an idiot."


The endless sarcasm and ridicule not only made the warrior who raised the question blush, but also wanted to dive into the cracks in the ground and hide.

It also made Mr. Wang, who was invisible in the sky, very embarrassed. He couldn't help but secretly said angrily: "You guys can just laugh at you to your heart's content! Anyway, there is only one Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower. In the end, either no one will get it, or there will be only one." People get it!”

"At that time, we will no longer have the chance to meet Dao Bao Ten Thousand Beast Flowers, and you will cry to heaven and earth!"

As the saying goes, people compete for a breath, and Buddhas compete for a stick of incense. At this moment, Young Master Wang began to really become interested in competing for the Taoist Treasure Ten Thousand Beasts Flower!

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