He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1895: Big Melee

The invisible Wang Le watched with cold eyes as groups of heaven-level old monsters appeared one after another. He couldn't help but think in his heart: "The temptation of the Ten Thousand Beast Flowers that can allow warriors to successfully reach the pinnacle of martial arts is too great. No matter how good these old guys are at cultivating Qi, they can't help but think." You have to break the gong!"

Wang Le, who has experienced countless lives and deaths, has a maturity that is incompatible with his age. In addition, he does not have to have the Dao Bao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower, so he can always maintain himself in the calmest and rational state, without being distracted by his inner greed. Give control.

If Wang Le's talent was average, or if he had a short lifespan like a heaven-level old monster, and he had to have the Dao Bao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower in order to successfully reach the pinnacle of martial arts, then he would definitely not be as calm and rational as he is now.

But there is never an if in this world.

It can be said that at this moment, the only person who can always remain patient enough, except for those terrifying late-stage heaven-level beings who have not yet shown their traces, is Wang Le, a unique and unique flower.

At this moment, Wang Le, who was invisible, first saw a group of at least 1560 earth-level warriors spilling their blood into the sky, dying on the spot.

Now I see a normally aloof heaven-level old monster completely letting go of his reserve and rushing towards the Taobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower like a mad dog after seeing flesh and bones. I can't help but secretly sigh: "In order to reach the pinnacle of martial arts, these usually sanctimonious people... The guys have all lost their skin and become completely old street gangsters!"

At this moment, even if there are 10,000 reasons for Wang Le to come into contact with Ye Jintian, Tong Yueshan and other close seniors of the heavenly level, then there are 10,000 reasons why he is not willing to do so, and he wants to go both ways without hesitation.

And in the process of groups of three or five, at least twenty or thirty heaven-level old monsters, rushing to the ground from all directions from high altitude, because the common target is the Taoist Beast Flower growing in the beast tide cemetery on the ground, So the distance between them soon became closer and closer.

Suddenly, just when these heaven-level old monsters were about to form a circle because they were fighting for the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower, there was an unfamiliar-faced heaven-level old monster among them, and without any warning, he suddenly attacked an upper-level member of the alliance army not far away. A heaven-level powerhouse.

Although this heaven-level powerhouse from the upper echelon of the alliance army was caught off guard, he did not panic because of it. He narrowly avoided it and then launched an unceremonious counterattack!

Dang Dang Dang——

Bang bang bang——

Boom boom boom——


As soon as the two of them fought, they reached the top of the court. There was no intention of testing each other. After all, the heaven-defying opportunity was right in front of them, and no one dared to hold back.

Because in the competition between masters, especially this kind of life-and-death fight, victory or defeat is often decided by a thin line. If anyone does not go all out, he may be killed on the spot!

The entire process from the first party to the sudden attack and then to the point of madness seemed slow but actually fast, taking no more than ten seconds.

And this also caused the power that broke out from the fight between the two sides to instantly affect the heaven-level old monsters next to them.

"You stupid old guy! If you want to settle a personal feud, just stay away, but you are harming people at this time!"

"The dare is intentional!"

"Hmph! It's better to choose a different day than to hit it. I'll just settle an old score here!"


Amidst the chaotic shouting and cursing, these old monsters quickly started attacking each other. In the chaos, they did not forget to continue to fall towards the corner of the Beast Tide Cemetery where the Daobao Ten Thousand Beast Flowers grew.

The world of martial arts is very big, but the world of martial arts is also very small, especially for these high-ranking heaven-level experts.

You must know that the sects behind each of these heaven-level old monsters who are now fighting for the Ten Thousand Beast Flowers are obviously very powerful forces with profound foundations. Otherwise, there would simply not be enough training resources to train them into heaven-level martial arts experts. .

And these forces are all fighting for food in this territory of the martial arts world, and the grievances and resentments between each other are of course inevitable.

Not to mention that these heaven-level old monsters at the top of the pyramid in the martial arts world have many personal grievances between them.

It is precisely because of this that as long as there is an introduction, a big fight will break out without hesitation.

And in the midst of this mess,

The familiar silver-white sword light appeared again, and it was the work of one of the early-stage heaven-level experts with a strange face.

After a while, the extremely familiar scarlet sword light from before also reappeared.

As expected, Wang Le did not make a mistake in his judgment. The person who could use such powerful and sharp swordsmanship was an unknown middle-level martial arts master.

At this time, this mid-level heaven-level strongman who displayed a scarlet sword light was only slightly outstanding among many heaven-level old monsters.

Because among the bastards competing for the Taoist treasure Ten Thousand Beasts Flower, he was not the only one to reach the mid-level heaven level in martial arts. There were also several other mid-level heaven level experts, such as Old Man Niu from Pantheon and Wu Nantian, the owner of Hongni Xiaozhu.

It can be seen that this time the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower was born and bloomed, it attracted too many top masters and strong men in the martial arts world. It was a gathering of heroes.

Not to mention the terrifying existences that have reached the late stages of martial arts, but there are still no traces of them!

At this time, Wang Dashu, who had been invisible and suspended high in the sky, raised his brows habitually after seeing this, and couldn't help but look towards other directions high in the sky again.

Because of such a fierce heaven-level melee, the fight for the Dao treasure Ten Thousand Beast Flowers has officially entered a fever pitch, so the invisible Wang Le wanted to use the clairvoyance power of the Delusion-breaking Dharma Eye to try to find traces of those terrifying existences.

But soon, Wang Le, who could not be found, was completely disappointed. He was helpless and depressed and cursed in his heart: "You are all fucking bastards of thousands of years and turtles of ten thousand years. I don't believe you can do this." I’ve been holding back and not showing up!”

The scolding was followed by scolding, and at the same time, because the terrifying existence of Qinggong Ten Thousand Heavens had not made any movement to this extent, it was obviously against common sense, so Wang Le, who had always been cautious, had to become more vigilant.

And just when this white-hot life-and-death struggle involved the energy of all the heaven-level old monsters, and no one could reach the ground first, suddenly I heard the chaotic shouts and shouts coming from all directions in the beast tide cemetery on the ground. .

Wang Le, who was suspended high in the sky without moving, twitched his ears, then quickly turned his attention away from the melee in the sky, and then looked around in all directions of the beast tide cemetery on the ground.

At this time, they saw countless warriors stepping on the animal bones in the cemetery and rushing towards the place where the Daobao Ten Thousand Beast Flowers grew.

Seeing the endless warriors swarming this way, the invisible Wang Le twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and said in his heart: "For the Dao Treasure Ten Thousand Beasts Flower, so many people have come to die." Browse the reading address:

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