He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1892: Finding wealth in danger

Just as the invisible Wang Le quietly entered within five meters of the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower, he suddenly felt something and raised his head to look high in the sky.

I saw Sakoran and Old Ghost Xu of Jinglei Pavilion who disappeared deep in the clouds in the sky a moment ago, as well as the Arrow God Duo from Xifeng Cliff. They were flying towards this side with various kinds of escaping light from far to near. .

Seeing these three terrifying beings go and come back, the invisible Wang Le couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. Deep down in his heart, he couldn't help but think: "I should have expected this, these old guys who have lived until their eyelashes are empty." , how can you be beaten so easily?!"

As for Sakoran, who was dressed in a green humanoid light ball, he obviously still missed the Taoist Thousand Beasts Flower.

The indifference he showed in front of everyone now seems to be just a show to fool everyone.

In other words, everyone including Wang Le was deceived by Sakran, an old fox.

At this moment, Sakoran, who was speeding towards us, laughed loudly and said, "Sure enough, there are old guys with the same cultivation level as us hiding in the dark. If you and I don't leave, I believe that the two of them will continue to hold back and watch the show!"

At this time, the two figures, one gray and one white, had recovered their figures, one fat and one thin, exuding a rotten aura, as if they were old people who had lived for a long, long time.

When these two terrifying beings saw Sakoran and the other three people leaving and returning, their expressions invariably became very ugly.

Obviously, Sa Keran just swept Old Ghost Xu and Arrow God Duonong away from the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower just now, which was a hard-to-get strategy.

The purpose is to lure the snake out of the hole and lure out the terrifying existence hiding in the dark that is also at the late stage of the martial arts heaven level.

Although the two terrifying beings, one gray and one white, realized that they had fallen into the trap, they did not respond back to Sarkoran, who was full of ridicule.

At this moment, Qing Gong Wan Zhongtian and Que Sifang, who were fighting, had just attacked each other, then quickly distanced themselves, and then suddenly rushed towards Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower almost without any distinction.

In the electric light and flint, the two terrifying beings, one gray and one white, seemed to have been prepared, and they rushed towards Qingong Wanzhongtian and Que Sifang respectively without hesitation.

Almost at the same time, Sakoran, who came from afar, joined the old man who was wrapped in gray light, and together they surrounded Qingong Wanzhongtian.

At this time, Xu Laogui and the Arrow God Duonong, who were following Sakran, joined hands with the old man who was wrapped in white light regardless of the enemy or friend, and launched a violent attack like a storm in all directions without thinking.

In the blink of an eye, these terrifying beings that surfaced one after another split into two large groups in mid-air, forming an extremely terrifying late-stage battle at the Heaven level.

The dazzling light emitted by the two battle groups in the melee was like two lighthouses standing in the vast ocean in the long night!

What's more, the terrifying power erupted in this kind of late-stage melee can completely wipe out the old monsters in the early stage of Heaven-level once they are involved.

Not to mention the thousands of low-level warriors on the ground, who are directly killed in an instant and can only avoid the fate of being far away.

It was precisely because of the sudden melee in the late Heaven Level and the splitting into two battle groups around the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower that it completely blocked the warriors on the ground from continuing to approach the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower.

Even if they were unwilling to do so, they could only do nothing in the face of such terrifying power that was raging like a storm around the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower.

Of course, there are also warriors who are completely crazy about the heaven-defying opportunity of the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower. They continue to rush towards the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower like moths rushing to the flame.

The result, without exception, was the aftermath of the late-stage Tian Tier war, which left no trace behind.

At this moment, no one, including those old monsters at the late Heaven level who were engaged in a fierce battle, would never have thought that in front of everyone, someone was approaching the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower unknowingly.

As the person involved, Mr. Wang relied on his own power to break the illusion, and although he did such an incredible thing,

But he was like a canoe drifting on the vast ocean in a storm when he was near the battle group fighting in the late Heaven Level. There was a possibility of capsizing at any time.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Wang Le, who was invisible, thought in his heart: "It's not okay to go on like this. We must seize the Taoist treasure Ten Thousand Beast Flowers and leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, when these late-stage old monsters of the Heavenly Rank come out, As a result, if I try to fight for the Taoist Treasure Ten Thousand Beasts Flower again, it would be nothing short of a fantasy."

And just as his mind was wandering, Wang Le, who was invisible, came three meters away from the Beast Flower, which was at the edge of the emerald green halo.

The invisible Wang Le looked at the emerald green halo that could block all kinds of strong and weak attacks, and felt a little hesitant in his heart.

He was afraid that the green halo emitted by the Beast Flower would hurt him or even cost him his life.

At this moment, on one side of Wang Le, who was invisible, was a battle group of late-stage heavenly warriors fighting, and on the other side was the mysterious emerald-green halo emitted by the Flower of Beasts.

Faced with such a dangerous and unknown predicament, Mr. Wang, who had long been unable to retreat, flashed a fierce look of determination in his eyes, and said in his heart: "Wealth and honor have always been sought in danger, and we want to seize the heaven-defying Taoist treasure of the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower." Chance, of course, is no exception!”

"Young Master is not a coward without eggs. The worst he can do is lose his head and have a scar as big as a bowl on his neck!"

After thinking of this, Wang Le made up his mind and no longer hesitated, and followed the whole person towards the mysterious emerald green halo!

The moment the invisible Wang Le hit this emerald green halo, his whole body seemed to enter a state of mystery and mystery, with his soul soaring.

And at the moment when Wang Le, who was invisible, was immersed in it and his mind went blank, the blood flowing in his body that had never moved before suddenly became restless and boiling.

At this moment, Wang Le, who was immersed in an inexplicable state, was suddenly awakened by the boiling blood.

Following the invisible Wang Le, he took a quick look and found that he had passed through the emerald green halo and entered within three meters of the Daobao Ten Thousand Beasts Flower.

"Hiss!" The invisible Wang Le gasped, not feeling any joy at all because he was so close to the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower.

This was not the first time Wang Le had experienced the mysterious and mysterious state just now, as if his soul was about to leave the body.

Therefore, he knew very well that once he was immersed in this state and could not extricate himself, he would most likely lose his life unknowingly, and he would not even know how he died.

It can be said that if the blood flowing in the body's veins hadn't stimulated him with the inexplicable agitation and boiling just now, Wang Le believed that he would most likely never be able to wake up again.

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