He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2052: Just along the way

Fei Yuxuan smiled in response. The middle-aged woman standing next to her looked at Hai Wuya coldly and said with a hint of disdain: "Everyone in the world respects you, Master Hai, but I, Cihang Jingzhai, don't."

"So in front of me, you'd better put down your dignity and pride, cooperate obediently, and don't hide anything, otherwise you'll be responsible for the consequences!"

Hai Wuya immediately laughed angrily, snorted coldly, and said with sincere contempt: "Cihang Jingzhai is so prestigious! After so many years, the women who come out are either extremely hypocritical, or domineering and vicious, and none of them are good! "

At this moment, everyone, including Luo Xian and the middle-aged scribe, looked at Hai Wuya with dumbfounded eyes. They even forgot to breathe. The scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Because no one has ever dared to say such harsh comments about Cihang Jingzhai in public, but Hai Wuya actually took the liberty to say it openly.

At this time, the charming smile on Fei Yuxuan's face had disappeared, and what followed was a look of indifference on her face. She looked at Hai Wuya with eyes that were no different from looking at a dead person.

The face of the middle-aged woman standing next to her became even colder. She stared at Hai Wuya with murderous intent in her eyes and said slowly in a cold voice: "If you have the guts, just say it again!"

A deep fear flashed in Hai Wuya's eyes, and he sneered: "Back then, Nanhua Blood Sword Han Ruoshui killed his wife to prove his sermon. The world said that he had no humanity and his character was extremely cruel and ruthless."

"But in my opinion, that means killing is good. It would be best if you kill all of you Cihang Jingzhai witches!"

The completely furious middle-aged woman pointed at Hai Wuya and said with a sinister smile: "Okay! Old guy, you are really tired of living. Even if the King of Heaven comes today, I can't save you!"

"Wait until I capture you, and let you enjoy my Cihang Jingzhai's secret soul-searching method!"

Hai Wuya's expression changed, and he said with a determined sneer: "I would rather have the jade broken than the whole thing! The worst I can do is die!"

Just as the two of them were quarreling with each other, Wang Le, who was hiding in the corner, had already realized that something was wrong. He sighed helplessly and quietly left the inn. He tore off the mask on his face and removed the dragon's hidden power to recover. real body.

When he stepped across the threshold of the inn again, the middle-aged woman happened to be about to take action against Hai Wuya after finishing speaking.

Then Wang Le burst into laughter and said, "I knew I couldn't save him, so I didn't come, but I'm here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Le, who had just entered the inn, instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Xiao Yue, whose face was filled with fear, saw that Wang Le did not leave Wushuang City, but appeared here at the critical moment. His eyes lit up instantly, and he was about to speak when he suddenly realized something and quickly closed his mouth, suppressing the pain in his heart. I was so excited that I didn't dare to show anything.

The moment Hai Wuya saw Wang Le come in, his expression remained indifferent and at the same time he felt relieved.

Because he knew that the killer star was coming, and the demon girl Cihang Jingzhai would not be able to do anything to him.

"Hey, who is this person? How brave he is, how dare he speak so rudely."

"Hey, no matter who this young man is, he is going to be unlucky anyway, and if he loses his life, it will be decided here."

"I wonder what relationship this person has with Master Hai. He actually dared to offend someone from Cihang Jingzhai for the sake of him."


Just as everyone was talking, Fei Yuxuan, who could no longer keep calm, changed her face. Her eyes were filled with hatred and fear, and she slowly said: "Wang Le! Why are you here?"

Wang Le curled his lips with a relaxed face and said: "You are allowed to come, but I can't come? When did this Wushuang City become your Cihang Jingzhai's vegetable garden? There are so many shits to take care of!"

The middle-aged woman looked at Wang Le with a fierce look in her eyes and said coldly: "You were the one who killed Li Chai!"

Wang Le narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the middle-aged woman, he chuckled and asked, "What? Do you want to avenge her?"

When the middle-aged woman was about to speak, she saw Fei Yuxuan holding down the opponent's arm to stop him. Then she looked at Wang Le and asked, "Do you know this Master Hai?"

Wang Le, who never blinked when he lied, smiled and shook his head: "Of course I don't know him."

Fei Yuxuan stared at Wang Le seriously and asked, "We don't know each other, why should we help him?"

Wang Le smiled cheerfully, but his eyes were cold and dangerous as he glanced at Fei Yuxuan, the middle-aged woman, and the head of the aristocratic family beside him, and said lightly: "Because Master Hai spoke to my uncle. .”

Fei Yuxuan's beautiful eyebrows wrinkled slightly and she said softly: "Is it that simple?"

Wang Le shrugged, spread his hands, and replied with cold eyes but a relaxed tone: "Of course it's not that simple."

"Uh!" Fei Yuxuan and everyone else present were stunned.

Wang Le looked at Fei Yuxuan and said, "We are all smart people. Do you think the conflict between Cihang Jingzhai and Nanhua Temple can be resolved?"

Before Fei Yuxuan could answer, Wang Le asked and answered: "Of course not, so when I see the people in Cihang Jingzhai, I must kill them. Otherwise, I will have more disciples of Nanhua Death Watching in the future." .”

Having said this, Wang Le glanced at Hai Wuya's master and apprentice with a nonchalant look and continued: "Save them, just do it along the way. After all, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and killing you That’s the business!”

At this moment, the middle-aged scribe who had not dared to speak for a while looked at Wang Le and said in a deep voice: "So you are Wang Le, the disciple of Nanhua Temple who won the first place in the border training mission!"

Wang Le glanced at the middle-aged scribe coldly and said: "If you have any dissatisfaction with me, we will talk about it later. If you are blind at this time, I don't mind killing you later!"

The middle-aged scribe stared at Wang Le angrily and said, "I am from Qing Palace, how dare you be so presumptuous?"

Wang Le chuckled and said disdainfully: "I don't care if you are in the Qing Palace or the White House, just don't mess with me."

"You!" The middle-aged scribe blushed with anger, but when he thought of all the rumors about Wang Le killing all around the border, like an evil star coming to the world, he suddenly felt timid and closed his mouth again, not daring to say more. One word.

At this moment, Fei Yuxuan, who finally regained her composure, chuckled and said calmly: "Brother Wang is very confident. You can't kill us without the artifact Butterfly by your side."

At this moment, everyone including the middle-aged scribe and Luo Xian were completely shocked.

"Artifact Butterfly? Did I hear it correctly? Is the legend true?"

"Nanhua Temple actually has an artifact butterfly!"

"The recent rumors about Nanhua Temple are indeed true. The artifact butterfly that has been lost for thousands of years has finally been born."


In the midst of some chaotic discussions, Wang Le looked at Fei Yuxuan with a half-smile but said, "If the artifact Butterfly is by my side, you can give it a try."

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