He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2065 Square

Xiao Yue urged happily: "Then what are we waiting for? Let's hurry into the town. Those who have been sleeping in the open these days have not even had a full meal."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't wait to go to Guangcheng Town without waiting for Wang Le and Hai Wuya.

Hai Wuya, who had always doted on his disciples, could only cast an apologetic look at Wang Le and said: "Little friend Wang, let's go!"

Wang Le smiled nonchalantly and said, "I feel hungry after being told by Xiao Yue. I've been eating all those barbecues these days. I'm really bored and have no energy."

The corner of Hai Wuya's mouth twitched, he nodded in sympathy, and said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that Wang Xiaoyou brought so much animal meat with him, which really surprised me."

"Uh... I'm just greedy for this and make Hai Lao laugh." Wang Le touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

Before Hai Wuya could speak again, Wang Le looked at Xiao Yue who had already walked away and said, "Hai Wuya, let's follow him quickly!"

Hai Wuya hummed, and the two of them stopped talking nonsense and chased Xiao Yue hand in hand.

After a while, when the two caught up with Xiao Yue, they were less than fifty meters away from Guangcheng Town.

At this time, at first glance, it is basically a flow of people entering the town to rest. There are different groups of business travelers driving cars to transport goods, warriors traveling in small groups, or taciturn loners, etc.

Wang Le and Hai Wuya, master and apprentice, followed the chaotic and noisy flow of people and poured into Guangcheng Town in a low-key manner.

The world of martial arts is not the world of mortals. To be more precise, the world of martial arts is completely different from the world of mortals in modern society. It is more like the feudal dynasty in ancient times.

Because the secular world of modern society is changing with each passing day, and there are earth-shaking changes in the blink of an eye, while the martial arts world will not change much for decades or hundreds of years, just like the farming society during the feudal dynasty.

Hai Wuya only lived in Guangcheng Town for a while when he was young. When he returned to the town many years later, the crisscrossing streets and row upon row of buildings were still the same as before.

The only difference is that these buildings are a little older, and the stones paving the streets have become more rounded, adding some traces of time.

Hai Wuya didn't express much emotion. He followed the memory in his mind and walked along the street to find a place to eat and stay while introducing the customs and customs of Guangcheng Town to Wang Le.

Wang Le didn't show any sign of impatience and followed Hai Wuya, always listening attentively and asking questions from time to time.

Xiao Yue, who was walking in front, saw that Wang Le and his master were chatting very speculatively, and he couldn't help but secretly complained that this guy was young and not much older than himself, so he looked like a little old man.

After all, Xiao Yue was a young man at heart, so he gradually became impatient, not to mention the bustling and bustling Guangcheng Town. Unconsciously, he left the team alone and disappeared from the sight of Wang Le and Hai Wuya...

After a while, Hai Wuya, who knew his way around, took Wang Le to a three-story restaurant in the central street of the town and stopped in front of it. He smiled with memories in his eyes: "This restaurant has been open in Guangcheng Town for nearly a hundred years. Today I can enjoy it as much as I want." Enjoy your appetite."

Wang Le said with a smile: "Since I entered the martial arts world, the most satisfying thing for me is the delicious food in the cities and towns in various places. It is really unforgettable."

Hai Wuya laughed and said: "I didn't expect that Wang Xiaoyou is still a foodie. I believe that the food and wine that comes first will not disappoint you."

Wang Le chuckled and said, "I hope so."

Just when the two of them were about to enter the restaurant, Hai Wuya looked around and said helplessly: "This kid has wandered off somewhere, let's go in first!"

Wang Le shook his head and said, "It's better to find Xiao Yue before entering the restaurant for dinner!"

"After all, dragons and snakes are mixed in this place.

Xiao Yue is not familiar with the place and his cultivation is limited, so it is better for us to be careful. "

Hai Wuya nodded in agreement, and then stood still. At the same time, he released his late-stage spiritual consciousness and explored from near to far with himself as the center.

Wang Le saw that Hai Wuya had released his earth-level consciousness to Xiao Yue, so he was too lazy to activate the clairvoyance power of the Deception Eye.

However, after feeling Hai Wuya's powerful late-level spiritual consciousness, Wang Le couldn't help but secretly urge himself to open up the dark orifice of the sea of ​​consciousness as soon as possible after rushing back to Nanhua Temple, recovering from his injuries and returning to his subversive state.

Because in the process of rushing these days, Wang Le kept summarizing his gains and losses in cultivation these days.

Now that the bottleneck for advancing to a higher realm has been loosened, what is missing is an opportunity that can come naturally.

After constant reflection and summary, Wang Le had a vague awakening and realized that the opportunity for him to advance to a higher realm was to completely open up the dark orifice of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"I didn't realize this earlier and wasted the development of the dark orifice of the sea of ​​consciousness. I can't do this again when I go back this time. I have to take it seriously." Wang Le decided secretly.

Just when Wang Le was a little distracted and thinking about his promotion to a higher realm, Hai Wuya, who was releasing his earth-level consciousness to look for his disciples, suddenly changed his expression and blurted out: "Oops! This scoundrel is in trouble. Son."

After saying that, Hai Wuya hurriedly greeted Wang Le, left the place in a flash, and rushed towards the other end of the street.

"Uh!" When Wang Le saw this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and muttered to himself: "Every time I come to these crowded towns, something will happen. There has never been an exception. It seems that I am a country bumpkin, and I am only suitable to stay here. In the middle of nowhere.”

Complaints are complaints, Wang Le was not slow at all, and he hurriedly chased Hai Wuya who disappeared into the crowd...

Ten minutes later, when Wang Le walked through the bustling streets to the end and entered the west area of ​​the square city, what he saw was a huge square, more than six or seven acres in size.

I saw small stalls everywhere in the square, selling various weapon refining materials and alchemy medicinal materials, or various magic weapons, and even more strange things.

At a glance, Wang Le saw that the place was full of human heads, and it looked extremely lively and chaotic. Wang Le couldn't help but think of the vegetable market in the world of mortals.

However, the vegetable market sells vegetables, and the service targets are housewives, while the buyers here are martial arts experts with different levels of cultivation.

Although Wang Le felt fresh about the prosperous scene in front of him, business was still more important now.

Wang Le did not turn on his clairvoyance power, and went straight to a place a hundred meters away where a large number of people gathered.

Because Wang Le had long seen Hai Wuya rush into the crowd and never came out again.

ps: That’s it for today, I’ll make it up tomorrow

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