He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2124 Coming hand in hand

In the past few days, Nanhua Temple has been in charge of the most popular Wang Le Palm Artifact Butterfly. Although no forces have come to stir up trouble like the previous Cihang Jingzhai, it has always been peaceful, but it is not without troubles.

That is Han Ruoshui, who should have returned from the world of mortals a long time ago, but there is still no trace of him until now.

If Han Ruoshui hadn't sent a message back through relevant channels, telling him that everything was safe, Nanhua Temple would have been in trouble long ago, and Wang Le would not have had a peaceful life.

According to the news sent back by Han Ruoshui, it seemed that he had found the opportunity to take the last step out of the earthly realm and achieve the heavenly realm of martial arts, so he delayed his plan to return to Nanhua Temple.

This made the leaders, Ji Yinzi and Ji Yang, both happy and worried. They were afraid that something might happen to the senior brother when he broke through the realm of heaven alone.

What's more, today's martial arts world is raging with wars. Looking around, there are constant fighting and bloodshed everywhere. There is no place for peace and quiet. This makes the leaders Ji Yinzi and Ji Yang worry that their senior brother Han Ruoshui is outside. The situation is safe or not.

But no matter how much they worry, they can only pray that their senior brother will be lucky and return safely.

Wang Le was not as worried about Han Ruoshui's safety as his grandfather Ji Yang and head Ji Yinzi.

Because in his opinion, if he doesn't provoke a big killer like Han Ruoshui, then the other person's family will be blessed.

Even if he encounters any unpredictable danger, Wang Le still believes that Han Ruo Shui can turn the danger into good. If not, it can only be said that it is fate.

What's more, Han Ruoshui didn't mention where he was in the martial arts world in the message sent back.

Therefore, even if you want to help, you can't.

And time has passed in such calm days for more than four months.

Wang Le could not be more satisfied with such peaceful days.

For more than four months, Wang Le either stayed in his residence and practiced meditation day and night, or he went into the Sutra Pavilion day and night, eagerly absorbing all the knowledge about martial arts training.

Of course, during this period, Wang Le did not forget to go to the high-grade source stone veins deep in the valley bottom and dig out a large amount of high-grade source stones so that he could better practice.

It can be said that since entering the martial arts world, Wang Le has never experienced and enjoyed such a fulfilling and wonderful time.

Wang Le felt unprecedentedly satisfied with this...

This morning, Wang Le woke up from his trance as usual. After a simple wash and breakfast, he leaned back on a long wicker chair and enjoyed the not too hot morning sunshine.

"In more than a month, I can leave the martial arts world and return to the mortal world."

Wang Le, who was lying on the rattan chair, closed his eyes slightly with a face full of enjoyment, and thought to himself with expectation in his heart.

Although his knowledge is boundless and his martial arts training is extensive and profound, after these four months of study, Wang Le finally gained a clear understanding of the entire training system in the martial arts world, and he is no longer as ignorant and ignorant as before. .

It is precisely because of this that Wang Le no longer has much nostalgia for the martial arts world.

Nowadays, I am looking forward to returning to the earthly world as soon as possible.

If it weren't for waiting for the return of Han Ruoshui, who had no news now, Wang Le would have planned to leave Nanhua Temple and return to Sijiu City to reunite with Mu Xiyan.

After all, after he left, Nanhua Guan thought it would be better if Han Ruoshui was there to take charge, especially since the other party was very likely to be promoted to a heaven-level powerhouse.

When the time comes, the artifact Butterfly will be kept and handed over to Han Ruoshui. Wang Le believes that the safety of Nanhua Temple will not be a problem.

"You'd better come back as soon as possible, otherwise, it would be really hard for me to just leave like this. After all, the martial arts world is in chaos right now, and everyone is in danger!"

Just when Wang Le was praying secretly and thinking wildly, his heart suddenly moved, and he opened his eyes and sat up.

At this moment, I heard familiar footsteps approaching from far away, and then, brothers Ji Yang and Ji Yinzi walked into Wang Le's sight.

"I and your grandpa are so busy that we can't stop, but you are so leisurely."

When the leader Ji Yinzi saw Wang Le leaving the rattan chair and standing up, he couldn't help but smile and curse with envy.

Wang Le smiled indifferently and replied: "Those who are capable should work harder. Who makes the two of you the pillars of Nanhua Temple?"

Ji Yinzi rolled his eyes and said, "But it's not as thick as yours!"

"Uh!" Wang Le's mouth twitched slightly, his face became weird, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.

Ji Yinzi also realized that there was ambiguity in his words, and couldn't help but cough in embarrassment to cover up his embarrassment.

Ji Yang, who was walking behind Ji Yinzi, saw this and quickly stepped forward to look at Wang Le. Then he took the initiative to change the subject and asked, "Grandson, how have your cultivation been these days?"

Even Wang Le shrugged his shoulders and replied with a curl of his lips: "What else can be done? As always, there is no problem."

Ji Yang immediately breathed a sigh of relief, nodded with a smile full of relief: "That's good. With your speed, grandson, I believe it won't be long before you can be promoted to a new martial arts realm again."

"I hope so!" Wang Le replied noncommittally.

Because for Wang Le, what he cares about most is not the speed of practice, but the solidification of his own martial arts foundation. Therefore, it is gratifying to be promoted to a new martial arts realm, but the kingly rule is to stabilize every step he takes on the martial arts road. .

Then Wang Le looked at the two of them, changed the subject again and asked with a smile: "Grandpa, you haven't been back for many days, and the master uncle has not shown up here for more than a month. Why are you doing this today?" Are you up? Is there any news about my uncle?"

Ji Yinzi gave a bitter smile, shook his head with a depressed face and replied: "Of course it's not news from Senior Brother."

A hint of disappointment suddenly appeared on Wang Le's face. He was looking forward to Master Bo Han Ruoshui coming back soon, so that he could return home and leave the martial arts world as soon as possible.

However, he was disappointed, and Wang Le kept asking: "Oh? It's not about the uncle, but it can alert the master uncle to come. It seems that the matter is not simple! What is going on? Son?"

Ji Yinzi did not reply immediately, but looked at Ji Yang, then sighed and said, "Junior brother, you should tell Xiao Le!"

Then Ji Yang nodded, followed by a long sigh, and then said apologetically: "My grandson, you will have to kill again in your last days in Nanhua Temple."

At this time, Wang Le did not show any surprise or surprise, and replied with a faint smile without changing his expression: "It doesn't matter, even if nothing happens in the next few days, my grandson plans to have a good time before leaving Nanhua Temple. Kill."

Ji Yang: "..."

Ji Yinzi: "..."

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