He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2216: Tomb Suppressing Beast

For Wang Le, sleeping in the mountains at night is like eating and drinking. He has long been accustomed to it.

That night, Wang Le dug a cave large enough to fit into the valley cliff in the dark, and then sat cross-legged inside to rest.

After a night of silence, when the sky was bright and the sun shone through the gaps between the branches and leaves into the valley, Wang Le opened his eyes, walked out of the cave, and then moved for a while, keeping the same posture for a long time, with some stiff joints and muscles.

After a night's rest, Wang Le's pale face finally gained some color, and his overall spirit improved a lot.

After all, the amount of spiritual consciousness consumed by activating and activating the four metal pancake-shaped array disks last night was too great.

Although his consciousness was not damaged, Wang Le's spirit was greatly weakened and it took time to recover completely.

But now is obviously not the time to have a good rest. Wang Le plans to find the entrance to the tomb of the First Emperor Yingzheng first, open it, and then take some time to rest and recuperate before entering the underground tomb.

After all, no one can say what will happen in the tomb of the First Emperor Ying Zheng.

You know, there were a lot of things going on in Genghis Khan's underground mausoleum. If Wang Le hadn't been cautious and reacted quickly enough, he might have lost his life there.

So this time when entering the underground tomb of the First Emperor Ying Zheng, Wang Le of course had to be fully prepared.

After washing briefly under a small waterfall in the valley, Wang Le buried a pot and cooked rice by the deep pool under the waterfall.

Wash the rice and wash the pot, place it on the burning fire, take out the fresh beast meat from the Dharma Eye space and chop it into pieces, then put it into the pot to make lean meat porridge.

After filling his stomach to eighty percent, washing the cooking utensils and other supplies and putting them into the Dharma Eye space, Wang Le strolled through the valley and soon came to the area shrouded by the purple beam of light last night.

Looking at the overgrown ground with a stream flowing down from the mountain nearby, Wang Le muttered softly: "It should be right here."

Then he saw that Wang Le no longer hesitated. With a thought in his heart, his Dharma Eye for Destroying Illusion instantly opened, and then he looked deep into the overgrown ground in front of him.

When Wang Le used the Delusion Dharma Eye to see about fifty meters deep into the ground, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and exclaimed in his heart: "There is actually a large formation guarding him."

This means that Wang Le has the power of the Dharma Eye to destroy illusions.

Otherwise, if it were other martial arts experts who used their spiritual sense to detect, they would definitely be blocked by the formation.

By then, it will be a little difficult to find the entrance to the underground tomb of First Emperor Yingzheng, and it will definitely take more time.

After careful perspective observation, Wang Le discovered that because too much time had passed, the formation guarding the entrance to the underground tomb could no longer withstand the corrosion of time and was almost destroyed.

The entrance to the tomb was guarded by guards at the core of the formation.

After pondering for a while, Wang Le made a decision in his heart and kicked off the ground with his feet to fly to the sky above the valley.

Then Wang Le opened his mouth, and the flying sword, the natal magic weapon stored in his dantian, flew out quickly, rising in the wind and blooming with dazzling purple-gold light.

In the following time, Wang Le carefully controlled the flying sword, his natal magic weapon, through his spiritual consciousness, and attacked directly towards the ground at the entrance of the tomb.

"Boom boom boom...!"

There were continuous roars, Wang Le controlled his strength, and purple-gold sword light was swung out from his natal magic weapon Flying Sword, and the big hole on the ground became deeper and deeper.

After a while, the huge ground tunnel reached the edge of the formation.

At this time, Wang Le became more and more cautious. While using the clairvoyance power of the Delusion-breaking Dharma Eye to explore for loopholes in the destruction of the formation, he controlled the flying sword, his natal magic weapon, to dig towards the core of the formation, which was the entrance to the tomb.

As time went by, Wang Le found that he became more and more comfortable controlling his natal magic weapon, the Flying Sword.

This made Wang Le feel that practice makes perfect. In the future, if he wants his natal magic weapon Flying Sword to exert greater power, he must practice regularly.

After a while, Wang Le relied on his extremely powerful cultivation strength to control the flying sword, his natal magic weapon, and finally dug the way to the core of the formation, which was the entrance to the tomb.

After confirming the safety of the tunnel leading to the depths of the ground through the Deception Dharma Eye, Wang Le flew into the tunnel from high altitude.

When Wang Le put away his natal magic weapon, the Flying Sword, and came to the core of the formation, he was blocked by a giant door made of an unknown metal.

To be more precise, it should be called the Gate.

I saw a two-headed beast carved on this huge gate.

I saw this two-headed beast connected by a curved neck. The two beast heads were carved into dragon faces, with huge eyes wide open and a long tongue reaching to the neck.

Each of these two beasts has a pair of giant antlers inserted into their heads. The four antlers are protruding and the images are extremely vivid.

The entire animal face pattern is outlined in three colors of red and gold.

Wang Le raised his head and looked at the ferocious beast engraved on the gate, his eyes filled with admiration.

As a gold-touching captain, Wang Le certainly knew that this was a tomb-suppressing beast.

The so-called tomb beast is a common monster found in tombs. It exists to frighten ghosts and protect the souls of the deceased from intrusion.

The huge metal gate in front of us is ten meters high and about five meters wide. From this alone, we can fully imagine the magnificence of the tomb of First Emperor Yingzheng inside.

Once the door of a tomb is closed, it is the door of death, and the tomb of the First Emperor Ying Zheng in front of us is no exception.

But for Wang Le, who had memorized the structural diagram of the tomb of First Emperor Yingzheng for a long time, it was not a problem at all.

Although it is a death door, Wang Le knows where the mechanism that controls this huge metal gate is located.

As long as the mechanical control of the gate is adjusted properly, the difficulty of opening the gate will be reduced.

This is because Wang Le doesn't want to make things happen, otherwise, he can just use his own force to blow open the floodgate.

Immediately, Wang Le stood up from the ground motionless and came to the two heads of the gate tomb beast.

Then Wang Le said a few words, running the purple gold mana to gather in his fist, and then punched out and hit the node where the two beasts' heads and necks were connected.


Amidst the ear-piercing roar and impact, Wang Le's fist was seen to penetrate directly into the gate.

According to the instructions on the tomb structure map, the place where Wang Le struck with his punch was the thinnest part of the entire gate.

Because there is a mechanism that controls the lifting and lowering of the gate, just like the brain of the human body.

Wang Le groped inside for a while, then his face became less so. He couldn't help but cursed: "Damn it, the control of the machine failed. You are kidding me!"

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