He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2220 Digging

Since you can't find where this inexplicable energy full of vitality comes from through the delusion-breaking Dharma Eye, then it would be a waste of time to further investigate.

Therefore, Wang Le no longer looked into the depths of the medicine field, but turned his attention back to the medicinal materials in the medicine field.

At this time, Wang Le's eyes were full of fire, and he couldn't help but stretched out his tongue and licked his chapped lips. He couldn't hide his excitement and whispered to himself: "The medicinal materials in this medicine field now belong to me, Wang Le." ”

Immediately, Wang Le looked for a safe path from where he was to the medicine field based on the structural diagram that he had memorized in his mind.

Although the distance is not long, Wang Le clearly understands that as long as he accidentally takes a wrong step, it will cause a series of large formations arranged around him.

Wang Le didn't know much about formations and only had a superficial understanding of them, but he had never killed a pig and had seen pigs run away.

He was certain that there would not only be formations to trap people and confuse the enemy, but there would also be serial formations to kill people.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Le has to act cautiously. After all, he only has one life. If it is gone, no matter how precious the medicinal materials are, it will be in vain.

Soon, Wang Le found the area in front of him from the structural diagram in his mind, which was a safe path leading to the medicine field.

Then Wang Le stopped thinking about it, suppressed all the distracting thoughts deep in his heart, and with a movement of his feet, he instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared from the place.

Next, Wang Le rushed towards the medicine field like a swimming snake, instead of walking in the shortest straight line between two points.

Because in the sight of the PoWan Dharma Eye, if he rushes directly towards the medicine field without changing the direction, he will step into the magic circle before taking two steps. Therefore, according to the representation on the structure diagram, Wang Le can only keep changing. Direction, avoid the magic circle on the road in order to reach the medicine field safely.

No matter how far the distance is, there is an end, not to mention that the medicine field is not very far from where Wang Le is.

When Wang Le set foot on the medicine field, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He finally avoided those threatening serial magic circles and entered the medicine field safely.

At this moment, Wang Le, who was in the medicine field, suppressed his overwhelming excitement and calmed down as much as possible.

Then he saw Wang Le's heart move, and he took out the tool used to dig out the Source Stone earlier from the Dharma Eye Space, which was a low-grade magic weapon similar to a hoe.

Of course Wang Le knew that digging for medicinal materials required very professional tools, but he had no preparation at all in advance. Who would have thought that there would be a medicinal field in the tomb of the First Emperor Ying Zheng, which had not been seen all year round, and a large number of precious and rare medicinal materials were planted there.

I knew it was hard to buy in the world, but now Wang Le could only make do with the tools for digging the Origin Stone.

Then Wang Le was seen walking along the edge of the medicine field, first walking to the black Bodhisattva soul-nourishing tree, then slowly squatting in front of the small tree that was only one meter high, and then carefully removing the black soul-nourishing fruits on it. Take them off one by one and put them into your Dharma Eye space.

It took about ten minutes for Wang Le to pick thirty-five soul-nurturing fruits, which were only the size of table tennis balls, from the Black Bodhisattva soul-nurturing tree and put them into the Dharma Eye space one by one.

For Wang Le personally, with his current limited knowledge of elixirs, the most valuable thing to him in the medicinal field in front of him is the Black Bodhisattva Soul-nurturing Tree.

Because the soul-nourishing fruit on the tree can nourish and strengthen the warrior's consciousness, it is what Wang Le needs most at the moment.

"The Black Bodhisattva Soul-nurturing Tree has been blooming for five hundred years.

After five hundred years, it took thousands of years of effort to obtain the soul-nurturing fruit that nourishes and strengthens spiritual consciousness. I was really lucky to get such a heaven-defying treasure, and I got thirty-five of them at once! "

Wang Le thought to himself, full of surprise, and then couldn't help but glance at the soul-nurturing fruit that fell to the ground and was half rotten.

"If I had come earlier, this soul-nurturing fruit would definitely not have been wasted."

When Wang Le thought of this, he couldn't help but laugh, secretly cursing himself for being too greedy.

Now that I have received so many soul-nourishing fruits, I am still not satisfied. I am really greedy and greedy.

But no one can have too much of a good thing, and Wang Le is certainly no exception.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le, squatting on the ridge of the field, glanced at the Black Bodhisattva Soul-nurturing Tree in front of him. After hesitating for a few seconds, he made a decision.

"Putting such a rare and precious treasure in a tomb with a dead person is such a waste of nature. Let me take it out to see the light of day again!" Wang Le chuckled and thought to himself.

Then Wang Le stopped hesitating and picked up the hoe-like magic weapon used to dig out the Source Stone. He pointed it at the Black Bodhisattva Soul-nurturing Tree and started digging carefully, for fear of hurting the roots of the tree.

Fortunately, Wang Le can see into the ground through the Delusion-breaking Dharma Eye. Otherwise, with zero experience, it would be difficult to dig out the Black Bodhisattva Soul-nurturing Tree completely.

After a while, in order to avoid damaging the roots of the Black Bodhisattva soul-nurturing tree, Wang Le dug out the surrounding soil together with it, pressed it with both hands, and moved it into his Dharma Eye space with a thought.

After Wang Le moved the Black Bodhisattva soul-nurturing tree into the Dharma Eye space, he didn't look much at it, nor did he stop to rest. He took the magical instrument from the field ridge to the medicine field, started to dig out the medicinal materials, and then moved them one by one into his Dharma Eye. inside the space.

In the following time, Wang Le, regardless of whether he knew these medicinal materials or not, dug them out one by one and put them into his Dharma Eye space like digging for the Black Bodhisattva soul-nourishing tree without damaging the roots and stems.

This is because among the medicinal materials that Wang Le does not know, there may be something more precious than the Black Bodhisattva Soul-Nourishing Tree, and there may be more than one.

Wang Le is not familiar with most of the medicinal materials in the medicine field, but good things always have their own unique temperament, even medicinal materials are no exception.

In Wang Le's eyes, every unknown medicinal material in this medicinal field has an extraordinary appearance and is obviously not an ordinary thing.

In order not to miss it or regret going to his grandma's house in the future, Wang Le would rather delay some time and enter the depths of the tomb later. He also wanted to dig up all the medicinal materials in this medicine field and put them into the Dharma Eye Space to take away.

For the current Wang Le, his spiritual treasures need to be further explored. What he lacks the most is things like soul-nourishing fruits. Therefore, in the process of digging for medicinal materials, he keeps praying that these medicinal materials will be more beneficial to strengthening his own spiritual consciousness. Good help baby.

As for other medicinal materials, although they are dispensable and not that important in Wang Le's eyes, he must take them back. After all, this rare opportunity is really hard to come by. If you miss it, your life will be ruined. Not again.

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