He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2223 Fear and Awe

For a martial arts expert like Wang Le, as long as he is willing to speed up, he can reach the depths of the tomb very quickly.

However, during the period of caution, Wang Le did not speed up. He followed the markings on the structure diagram and headed for the depths in a leisurely manner.

Of course, in addition to the need to be cautious, there is also the benefit he received from the medicine field before. Wang Le can't help but slow down and use the opened delusion-breaking Dharma Eye to explore every corner around him, trying to find new opportunities. .

As a result, the opportunity that he had been thinking about was not discovered. Instead, the magical arrays discovered through clairvoyance were all kinds of strange, and some of them were half-finished.

Wang Le is not very proficient in the formation of formations, but relying on the clairvoyance ability of the Pandora's Eye, he can discover the connections between formations, arrays, formations, flags and other items.

There is obviously no connection between the formation plates and formation flags of some formations. Wang Le is very sure about this.

It stands to reason that as one goes deeper into the tomb, the defenses should become more and more strict, but the result is the opposite, which makes Wang Le feel more curious and confused.

But that's about it.

Wang Le still understood why curiosity killed the cat.

When Wang Le walked around the area where the Terracotta Warriors and Horses were, he immediately realized that he had entered the deepest part of the tomb.

If nothing unexpected happens, the coffin of First Emperor Ying Zheng should be here.

At this moment, although he was walking on the safe passage indicated by the structural diagram, Wang Le became increasingly vigilant unconsciously.

Wang Le took another deep breath to calm down the uncontrollable excitement and nervousness.

After all, the owner of this underground tomb was not only the first emperor to unify China and establish unparalleled achievements, but he was also the martial arts overlord who suppressed an era and won the peak divine battle.

When Wang Le followed suit and walked forward for a while, he saw a avenue paved with white jade, extending to a magnificent palace at the end.

I saw that this jade avenue, which could run five large trucks side by side, was filled with carved birds and animals, and extended to the steps of the palace in the distance.

At the same time, on both sides of the Jade Avenue, one after another lifelike terracotta warriors and horses were standing there motionless with weapons in their hands, as if they could come back to life at any time.

Wang Le squinted his eyes and looked at the white jade-paved avenue in front of him, with birds and animals carved in the middle. His mind unconsciously turned to records in history books and image clips from period films.

"This should be the legendary royal road. The place in the middle is full of birds and animals. Only emperors can walk on it." Wang Le muttered to himself with colorful eyes.

Of course, if the memory in his mind is correct, Wang Le remembers that in the Ming Dynasty, the royal road was full of birds and animals. In addition to the emperor's ability to walk, there were also imperial examinations for the top three who were eventually admitted. You can walk once in the middle of this royal road.

For the scholars at that time, this was the highest honor.

As for the more detailed content, this is not something Wang Le can know. After all, he is just a history buff, not a history expert.

Stepping onto the royal road paved with white jade,

Wang Le's shoulders sank suddenly, as if he was being held down by a pair of invisible hands.

This shocked Wang Le, and then he regained his composure, because this feeling reminded him of the Forbidden Sky Formation.

The only difference is that the Forbidden Air Formation prevents people from flying in the air, and the heavy feeling of stepping onto the royal road makes it difficult for people to move, let alone fly in the air.

As Wang Le got closer to the palace as he stepped on the royal road, the invisible force pressing on him became stronger and stronger. If it were ordinary people, it would probably be unbearable.

But for Wang Le, who is extremely physically strong, this invisible force pressing on him, even if it gets bigger and bigger, is nothing to mention.

During this period, Wang Lebu forgot to look through the middle of the royal road through the Dharma Eyes, which was full of birds and animals, and did not find any magic circle.

This is because Wang Le is cautious by nature and has enough reason to suppress the impulse and curiosity in his heart. Otherwise, he would have stepped on a place full of birds and beasts at that moment and see what would happen.

There is a saying that if you don't seek death, you won't die, but Wang Le has kept it in mind, especially in this strange environment that is no less dangerous than a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, he must not be careless.

If you are careless and disrespectful, you will be disrespecting the owner here, and God knows how serious the consequences will be.

The master here is an out-and-out big devil. Wang Le respects him extremely, so of course he doesn't dare to be careless or contemptuous.

Closer to home, no matter how long the royal road paved with white jade is, it will have an end. Wang Le walked on it unhurriedly and finally came to the steps in front of the palace.

I saw that in the middle of the royal road, the place full of birds and animals was carved all the way to the steps. The painting style was completely different. Instead of birds and animals, there was a lifelike real dragon carved on it.

This made Wang Le couldn't help but think of the Forbidden City in Sijiu City. The middle of the steps in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony was also carved with a real dragon with teeth and claws.

At this moment, Wang Le, who had a deep connection with real dragons, narrowed his eyes and looked at the long portrait of a real dragon carved on the steps. He couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart, and murmured to himself: "With the little master, A real dragon tattoo is nothing like that.”

As for the specific difference, Wang Le couldn't tell. If he insisted on one point, it would be that Wang Le thought that the real dragon on the steps in front of him was too fierce and lacked a bit of nobility.

But this was just something Wang Le thought about and didn't take it to heart.

Wang Le glanced at the steps in front of the palace from bottom to top and estimated that there were ninety-nine steps in total, so he was not surprised because nine is the most noble number.

Standing in front of the steps, facing the long portrait of the real dragon and the magnificent palace on the top of the steps, Wang Leda felt from the bottom of his heart that he was too insignificant, no different from an ant, and he unconsciously gave birth to A deep sense of fear and awe.

This made Wang Le, who had always been deeply wary, suddenly sober up.

"If I am in this place with fear and awe and cannot stay calm, something bad will happen sooner or later." Wang Le couldn't help but secretly warned.

Then Wang Le's expression became serious.

Although he had not yet stepped onto the steps to enter the palace, he was already surrounded by distracting thoughts, which gave Wang Le a vague feeling of badness.

Not to mention that the invisible force pressing on him had already become more than ten times stronger than at the beginning as he approached the palace, which made Wang Le unable to relax at all.

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