He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2233 Bloody and Evil

Wang Le, who was holding the flying sword of his life tightly, rushed towards the tomb dome. At the same time, he frantically circulated the purple-gold mana in his dantian, and swung out sharp purple-gold sword lights towards the dome!


For a moment, the rocks falling from the tomb dome were like rain, and they all hit Wang Le, who was rushing up against the trend.

In order to escape from the dangerous area as quickly as possible, Wang Le, who was protected by a diamond glazed cover, did not dodge at all during the rampage and allowed the falling rocks to hit him.

If the stone is too big, Wang Le directly swings his magic weapon Flying Sword to split it open, and continues to rush towards the dome without changing his speed.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Le, who flew to the dome of the tomb, let out a long roar, and then carried out the inherited sword skills of Nanhua Temple. While holding the sword skills in his hand, he carried the purple mana and poured it into his whole body, as well as the life he held tightly in his hand. Magic weapon flying sword.

"Man and sword unite!"

In the midst of the electric light and flint, Wang Le, who was united as a man and a sword, burst out with a dazzling purple-gold light, like a small sun dispelling the boundless darkness emitted by the pitch-black flames.

Then Wang Le, who merged with his sword, disappeared into the tomb space and rushed into the ground.

And the pitch-black flames with snarling teeth and claws were like a huge surging tsunami, following Wang Le and burning to the tomb dome. It looked like it was going to burn everything in the world, which made people feel chilling.

For the current Wang Le, when he holds the flying sword, his life magic weapon, even if there are a group of heaven-level old monsters in front of him, they can't stop him from moving forward bravely, let alone the soil and rock layers. .

In just two or three minutes, Wang Le left Ying Zheng's tomb deep underground and rushed into the mountain, splitting the entire mountain from the inside out and flying into the sky.

Under the bright sun, Wang Le, who was separated from his sword, opened his mouth and put away his magic weapon, the flying sword, and then calmly lowered his head to look at the ground.

At this time, the mountain that was split in half began to collapse rapidly, and was completely swallowed up by the pitch black flames that followed from the tombs deep underground.

Wang Le, who was suspended in the sky, couldn't help but frown when he saw this. He didn't want to see the dark flames continue to burn and harm one party.

After all, this was Wang Le's fault.

But facing such a weird black flame, Wang Le also felt that it was very difficult. It was obviously not something that could be extinguished by just sprinkling water.

Just when Wang Le felt the heat wave coming and quickly dodged away, he saw jet black flames rising into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the jet-black flame took on the shape of a huge black lotus, covering an area of ​​at least hundreds of acres.

At this moment, Wang Le, who was hiding high in the distance, could vaguely feel the faint aura of Ying Zheng's soul from the huge black lotus flame.

Just when Wang Le was feeling surprised and confused by this, Ying Zheng's familiar voice sounded in his mind again, saying full of unwillingness and hatred: "When we meet again, I will make you fall into the Abi Hell, and you will never be reincarnated! "

Wang Le chuckled and was about to retort when he saw the huge black lotus flame in the sky suddenly disappearing out of thin air like a flash in the pan.

Following Wang Le, I could no longer feel the breath of Ying Zheng's soul.

At this time, Wang Le also read relevant information from the memory fragments that poured into his mind, and couldn't help but think in his heart with surprise: "Oh my God, this black lotus flame turned out to be the one Ying Zheng mentioned before. The flower of reincarnation!”

As for the more detailed information about the Flower of Reincarnation, Wang Le could not help but mutter to himself with some regret: "There are so many wonders in the world. I didn't expect there to be such a magical existence in the world."

At this moment, although Wang Le does not believe in past and afterlife, the fact that Ying Zheng swallowed the Flower of Reincarnation to retain the memory of his past life, and then reincarnated from the Gate of Reincarnation to the Abandoned Land made him have some doubts about his long-held beliefs. degree of doubt.

But it is only a certain degree of doubt. This is because Wang Le believes that there have never been two identical leaves in the world!

Even if there really is a past life and an afterlife, are the self in the past life and the self in this life really the same person?

In Wang Le's opinion, obviously not!

Thinking of this, Wang Le decided not to think too much, because if he thought about it further, he might get involved and start to doubt life completely.

"Reincarnation is a philosophical question that has different opinions and will never have a single answer!"

Wang Le thought to himself, then he put all the distracting thoughts about reincarnation behind and stopped thinking about it carefully.

At this time, the location of Ying Zheng's tomb was seen on the earth. Because of the burning of the black flames, that is, the flower of reincarnation, everything in this area was reduced to nothingness, forming a huge bottomless pit.

Perhaps in the not-too-distant future, streams from the surrounding mountains and rivers will gather here, and this bottomless pit will turn into a lake with beautiful scenery.

And the real tomb of Ying Zheng has been completely wiped out from this world, leaving no trace.

Wang Le did not feel any regrets about this.

Because in his opinion, the tomb of the First Emperor Ying Zheng was just a huge death pit.

Looking at the thousands of terracotta warriors and horses made of real people, Wang Le felt very uncomfortable.

In Wang Le's eyes, every terracotta warrior and horse is a tragedy, and the civil servants, generals, eunuchs and maids in the palace all make this underground tomb become smoky, full of blood and evil.

It would be better to just be burned by the flower of reincarnation and let the countless innocent souls who died inside get a true rest.

As for the Flower of Reincarnation being swallowed by Ying Zheng in the previous life and entering the Gate of Reincarnation, why it still exists in this life is not something Wang Le can know.

For this reason, Wang Le also carefully digested the memory fragments that poured into his mind, but in the end he did not get a satisfactory answer.

However, Wang Le gained a lot from digesting these memory fragments in Ying Zheng's soul.

Among them is the supreme spiritual consciousness cultivation method that Wang Le dreams of.

After reading the content of the exercises, Wang Le immediately discovered that this set of supreme spiritual consciousness cultivation exercises was incompatible with the cultivation system of the martial arts world.

This is obviously not the martial arts inheritance of the abandoned land, but the martial arts skills of the other side of the world.

Wang Le, who had achieved his wish, was overjoyed and at the same time, full of resentment and regret, secretly sighed: "Oh, this old guy's tomb was burned, it's not a big deal, but it's a pity that so many treasures were destroyed. Er Jing, I didn’t get any of them.”

Just when Wang Le was complaining secretly, his heart suddenly moved, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly realized something.

That is the Taoist treasure that Ying Zheng once mentioned.

Although the flower of reincarnation is extremely miraculous, it is a Taoist treasure that is naturally nourished and cannot be ignored. Wang Le couldn't believe that it was burned to ashes just like that!

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