He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2255 The arrival of Qilin

"How are the results?"

Wang Le smiled and rubbed Lulu's little face and asked casually as he walked into the house.

I saw Lulu replying with pride: "Of course it's the first place."

Wang Le nodded with satisfaction and said: "Then guard against arrogance and impetuosity and continue to maintain it."

Lulu nodded in agreement without hesitation, and walked into the living room hand in hand with one big and one small.

When Wang Le saw that besides Xiao Yuanfang sitting on the sofa, there was also a familiar face that he had not seen for a long time. He was suddenly shocked, and his calm eyes became gleaming.

"Qilin! Why are you here?"

Wang Le looked at the tall young man who quickly left the sofa and stood up, and asked calmly.

I saw a wry smile on Qilin's dark face, and replied: "I am also desperate, and I came here out of desperation. I treat a dead horse as a live doctor."

"Uh!" Wang Le's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought to himself: "It seems like this kid has no confidence in me at all!"

However, when he thought that the last time he made an appointment with Qilin to fight, he was just a rookie who had just opened his innate skills and embarked on the path of martial arts, Wang Le suddenly felt relieved.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le was too lazy to worry about these details. He smiled and let go of Lulu's little hand and said: "Lulu, be good, go back to your room and play by yourself. Brother, I still have things to talk about here."

Lulu nodded in agreement, then left the living room and ran back to her room very wisely.

After Wang Le watched Lulu disappear from sight, he slowly sat on the sofa opposite Qilin and motioned for the other party to sit down too.

Then Wang Le was not in a hurry. He first refilled the cups in front of Xiao Yuanfang and Qilin who were silent, and then made himself a cup of green tea.

After doing all this, Wang Le blew the green tea in the cup and took a sip. Then he put down the teacup in his hand, then looked at Qilin with a calm expression, and said slowly: "When did you come? Something happened to the old guy. ?”

Xiao Yuanfang, who was sitting on the main sofa, interrupted and responded: "Qilin has just arrived. I was thinking about giving you a call, but I didn't expect you to come right after me."

Then Qilin replied with a bitter look on his face: "Although nothing happened, it is only temporary."

Wang Le immediately secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought in his heart: "It's okay, otherwise, no matter how powerful I am, it will be useless."

Thinking of this, Wang Le relaxed and leaned back on the sofa, and then muttered to himself: "As the saying goes, blessings are not disasters, but disasters cannot be avoided. When I left the mortal world and entered the martial arts world a year ago, I once destroyed There were many spies who went to the mortal world to look for traces of the old guy, but I didn’t expect that the day would come when the other party would be in danger.”

After a pause, Wang Le, whose expression remained unchanged, looked at Qilin and asked in a deep voice: "Tell me! What's going on?"

I saw Qilin first pick up the cup and drink up the tea in one breath. He took advantage of this gap to calm down and organize his words as well as possible. Then he said with a solemn face: "Half a month ago, the defense was deployed before the master was buried. Those comrades on the outskirts of the ground lost contact one by one. Seeing that the situation was not good, I immediately mobilized all elites to go to the outskirts to search for the enemy."

After a pause, Qilin couldn't hide the deep sadness in his eyes, and continued slowly with an increasingly lower voice: "In the end, an encounter occurred. Even though we used the most advanced thermal weapons,

Still vulnerable, he was quickly massacred by enemies from the martial arts world. "

At this moment, Wang Le's heart was filled with unspeakable sadness and anger, his deep eyes turned red, and there seemed to be a violent storm inside, and it was changing.

For Wang Le, his military career as a member of the mysterious force was his greatest pride in his life.

Without those unforgettable three years in this life, Wang Le would never be where he is today. Perhaps like those ordinary people, he would be an ordinary white-collar office worker after graduating from college, and he would just be a small boss with a successful career. .

Although Wang Le is not a good person, he has a clear sense of grudges and knows how to be grateful. Thanks to the mysterious force for choosing him.

Now that he learned from Qilin that the mysterious army was almost completely wiped out, how could Wang Le not be heartbroken? ! How can you not be angry? !

Unconsciously, Wang Le clenched his fists with white knuckles, suppressed the ups and downs deep in his heart, and asked in a cold voice: "Where is the military doctor?"

Qilin quickly put away his sad mood, because he understood that now was not the time to be sad, and then looked at Wang Le and replied: "The military doctor is fine. He and I separated from each other. When I came to Sijiu City, he had already gone Return to the ruins to ask for help."

After a pause, Qilin sighed and said: "I hope that senior can successfully seek help from Guixu Temple! Otherwise, Master will really be dead in this calamity."

At this time, Wang Le couldn't help but think that many years after Xiaoyaozi, the number one person in the martial arts world, disappeared in Guixu Temple, if Qingfengzi, the military doctor, was the disciple of the leader of Guixu Temple, if he wanted to ask for reinforcements, other than Qingyangzi, who was his senior brother, he would definitely Apart from helping, the disciples of other branches of Guanzhong are questionable.

But don't forget that Qingyangzi went into seclusion in order to achieve the realm of heaven.

Although it has been a year, not everyone is like Wang Le, a monster who has been promoted at such a terrifying speed.

Thinking of this, Wang Le rolled his eyelids and did not elaborate on the complicated situation of Guixuguan. Instead, he sighed and said, "By the time the military doctor comes back from calling for help, the day lily will be cold."

Before Qilin could speak, Wang Le saw anger hidden in his deep eyes and said faintly: "It seems that I have to make a trip this time. Otherwise, the old guy will be killed by the enemy when he is at his weakest. That would be too much." I’m frustrated.”

"You?" Qilin looked at Wang Le with a shocked expression and couldn't help but wonder.

Wang Le rolled his eyes and said, "You came to Sijiu City just because you wanted me to go there."

After a pause, Wang Le continued: "Since you doubt my strength, what are you doing here?"

I saw that Qilin did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes, of course I came to Sijiu City this time to ask you to help, but it is not the help you thought, but to help me persuade the big guys who live in the red wall. .”

"What's the point of looking for Su Yunping and the others?" Wang Le asked with confusion on his face.

At this time, Qilin gritted his teeth with murderous intent on his face and said, "Of course it will work. I want them to use nuclear weapons immediately to protect Master's safety!"

"As long as there are nuclear weapons, the worst case scenario is that we will die together with the master's enemies!"

Wang Le: "..."

Xiao Yuanfang: "..."

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