He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2264 That’s all

Facing such a powerful senior, what else could Qilin say? He could only blame his own lack of strength.

Immediately, Qilin responded obediently, then found a pen and paper from the house, and based on his memory, he drew a sketch to mark the location of the tomb where the master was buried.

Wang Le, as a former member of the mysterious army, is of course very familiar with the Hundred Thousand Mountains in the Southwest.

So I glanced at the sketch Qilin drew, and then compared it with the memory in my mind. I roughly knew the location where the old guy was buried.

There will inevitably be errors in this, but for Wang Le, who has the Dharma Eye to Destroy Illusion, there is no problem at all.

"It will take a while to pick you up. Let's get the three of them into the house first and treat them so as not to leave any sequelae and become useless."

While Wang Le ordered Qilin, he picked up one from the carport and walked to the house...

After a while, when Wang Le came out of the room where the three of them were placed, Qilin, who had been waiting outside, quickly stepped forward and asked with concern: "How are they doing now?"

Wang Le smiled faintly and replied: "Don't worry, I have eliminated all hidden dangers. When the three of them go to Sijiu City and cultivate themselves for a month or two, they will be good men again."

Qilin immediately breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the three lying inside were his comrades who had been with him through life and death for many years. Now that they were fine, of course he was happy for the three of them.

Just like that, about half an hour later, one green army vehicle after another drove into the market town.

When Wang Le, who was standing on the fourth floor and walked up, saw this, he turned his head and looked at Qilin beside him and said, "Okay, all the banquets in the world come to an end. See you again when we return to Sijiu City."

Qilin looked at Wang Le with a serious face and said in a deep voice: "Senior, no matter what, you must ensure the safety of Master and don't let him fall into the hands of powerful enemies in the martial arts world."

Wang Le gave the other party a reassuring look and solemnly nodded in agreement: "With me here, no one can threaten his life."

After finishing speaking, Wang Le silently patted Qilin's shoulder, then flashed his body and disappeared in front of him. Then he rose into the sky and turned into a purple-gold escape light, flying towards the end of the market town towards the depths of Shiwan Mountain. And go.

"Senior, have a pleasant trip. We are waiting for you in Sijiu City."

Qilin looked at Wang Le who disappeared at the end of the sky and murmured to himself.


This is not the first time Wang Le has come to Shiwan Mountain in the southwest. He has lived here for a long time during his military career.

A year ago, when he went to the martial arts world, he went on a killing spree here. Thinking about it now, it is still fresh in his memory.

Wang Le, who returned to his old place and was busy on his way, had no intention of feeling emotional at all. He just wanted to reach the place where the old guy was buried as soon as possible.

In this case, he can advance and attack, retreat and defend, and have more options.

But things didn't go as planned. Just as Wang Le, who was transformed into a purple-gold escaping light, was flying over a large valley, he suddenly felt clearly that several warriors' spiritual consciousness was locking on him, including two heavenly consciousnesses. Divine consciousness at the early stage of the stage.

When Wang Le saw this, his flying speed immediately slowed down until it stopped, and then he recovered and was suspended in the sky.

Because he clearly understood that since he was being targeted, it was best not to run away, but to sort out the trouble in front of him first.

He didn't want to be stared at by these flies for the rest of the way.

"Wherever you come from, you wild boy, go back to where you came from!"

Before anyone arrived, the sound had already reached Wang Le's ears.

Then he saw three figures rushing out of the valley on the ground and flying straight towards Wang Le.

Wang Le looked at the three martial arts masters who were getting closer and closer, and asked in a nonchalant manner: "You can come to this hundred thousand mountains, but you are not allowed to come. What kind of truth is this?"

"Is it possible that this Hundred Thousand Mountains is your back garden?"

At this time, the youngest of the three people flying over, a man in his thirties, sneered, looked at Wang Le with a mocking look on his face and said, "What a sharp-tongued boy, I hope your cultivation will be better." Don’t disappoint with your strength, otherwise, you will have to stay here for a while.”

Wang Le looked at the other party with an unchanged expression and replied calmly: "Don't worry, I will never let you down."

Before the man could refute, he saw his older companion standing nearby. He looked Wang Le up and down with gleaming eyes, and then said slowly: "You have achieved the level of martial arts at a young age, so that you can fly in the sky." Flying can be said to be a natural talent in this martial arts practice."

After a pause, the older martial arts master suddenly changed the topic and said with disdain in his eyes: "But so what? In front of our hidden Taoist tradition Jinglei Pavilion, he is just a promising person. Young genius, that’s all.”

"Hidden World Taoism Jinglei Pavilion?" The strange color in Wang Le's eyes flashed away, and he couldn't help but secretly muttered that it was really fate. The opponent's early-stage heaven-level warriors and world-walking ones both died in his own hands.

Not to mention the fact that they had snatched away the Taoist Treasure Ten Thousand Beasts Flower from the hands of a group of late-stage heaven-level powerhouses such as Old Ghost Xu of Jinglei Pavilion using an astonishing method to conceal the truth.

Just when Wang Le was calm and thoughtful, none of the three people spoke. The oldest warrior saw that the young man in front of him had no change in his expression when he heard Jing Lei Pavilion. Wary look.

"I wonder which Taoist sect my little friend comes from?"

The oldest warrior asked softly with a hint of politeness in his words.

Wang Le shook his head without hesitation and replied: "I have no sect, I am just a casual cultivator."

Before the other party could ask any more questions, Wang Le's calm face suddenly showed a hint of a smile, and then he asked: "What is the purpose of your Jinglei Pavilion coming here? Is it for the legendary Xiao Zhixuan of the Nine Cloud Dragons?"

The youngest warrior immediately sneered and replied: "Boy, you are asking the question knowingly. Of course we traveled thousands of miles to this mountain to catch that old thief Yunlong Jiuxian!"

At this time, the younger and older warrior next to him looked at Wang Le with a suspicious face and said solemnly: "Aren't you here for Yunlong Jiuxian?"

Wang Le nodded slightly and replied softly: "Of course I am here for him, but I am different from you."

"I came to this Hundred Thousand Mountains to protect him."

"Uh!" The three of them were stunned for a moment, then looked at Wang Le with murderous intent.

Then I saw three more people shouting and asking in unison: "Where is the old thief now?"

:. :

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