He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2270 Sense of Urgency

When the invisible Wang Le caught up with this old monster with the strongest cultivation level, it took him five minutes.

This is because when the opponent discovered that the situation was not good, he paid a heavy price to use a secret method specifically for escaping. The speed of his full flight was no less than that of an average late-stage martial arts warrior, or even three points faster.

As a result, it took Wang Le five minutes to finally catch up even if he didn't have any energy left.

For these heaven-level monsters, five minutes means they can do a lot of things.

And this also made Wang Le realize that today, it would be a bit fanciful to want to decide the country in one battle and eliminate all these old monsters at the heaven level.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no point in thinking too much. The only thing that can be done is to go all out and then see the final result.


A violent collision sound occurred when Wang Le repeated his old trick, trying to chop down this middle-level martial arts master who was using a secret technique with one sword.

Because the sword swung by Wang Le broke through the defensive shield of this mid-level Heaven-level powerhouse, and immediately caused the opponent to subconsciously and fiercely counterattack, thus giving him a real head-on collision.

As a result, this middle-level martial arts warrior could not block Wang Le's blow, and was instantly injured. His left arm left his body and fell to the ground with blood.

Amidst the screams caused by the severe pain, the unsmiling old man showed deep resentment on his face, and shouted angrily: "Wang Le, if you kill me today, my ancestor from Huaying Pavilion will come to your door sooner or later to get you." Your little thief’s life!”

"The Huayin Pavilion of the Hidden World Taoism?" A strange color flashed in Wang Le's eyes. When he was at the border, he had killed an early-stage heavenly powerhouse named Tong Guan, who was from Huayin Pavilion.

Wang Le did not expect that today in this worldly world, he would meet someone from Huayin Pavilion again, and he would also be a middle-level martial arts master!

As his mind wandered, Wang Le couldn't help but laugh and said: "It's not like I have never killed a heaven-level expert from the Huayin Pavilion of the Hidden World Taoism. At worst, I'll kill one, or two of them!"

While he was talking, Wang Le held the magic weapon Flying Sword tightly in his hand and showed no intention of stopping. Three huge purple-gold sword lights were swung out in succession, heading straight towards the man who was barely able to stabilize his body and was still trying to escape. This powerful man in the middle stage of the Heavenly Level of Huayin Pavilion!

His cultivation strength had already increased a lot, but now he was injured. This unsmiling mid-level heavenly expert from Huayin Pavilion had no room to resist in the face of such an offensive frenzy.

Three huge purple-gold sword lights with a length of more than ten feet and a width of two or three feet came one after another. This miserable mid-level heaven-level expert couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

In the blink of an eye, this unsmiling mid-level Heaven-level expert was submerged in the purple-gold sword light, and then disappeared from Wang Le's sight with flesh and blood all over the sky.

Immediately, Wang Le, who was invisible, glanced at the blood and flesh scraps scattered on the ground for the last time, then activated the clairvoyant power of the Deception Eye, and searched in all directions, with himself as the center, in the sky and on the ground.

At this moment, although a little time was wasted in order to kill Huayinge, a mid-level Heaven-level powerhouse from the Hidden World Taoism, which caused the other four early-level Heaven-level powerhouses to escape and disappear from sight, but as the saying goes, do your best to obey fate. Wang Le will definitely try his best to find everyone.

Of course, it would be even better if we could find all four escaped early-stage Heavenly Level warriors.

After a while, Wang Le put away his clairvoyance power, and at the same time, he also removed his invisibility, and his whole figure was in the air again.


With a long sigh, Wang Le's originally calm and indifferent face couldn't help showing a complex expression of disappointment, helplessness and depression, and he said with sincerity: "Those who can achieve the heavenly level of martial arts are indeed not fuel-efficient lamps. Give them a little sunshine and they will be brilliant." !”

After searching for a long time using his clairvoyance power, Wang Le couldn't even find the four shadows of those four early stage powerhouses of the hidden Taoist lineage.

It just gave these heaven-level old monsters a few minutes to escape, and in the end they escaped.

This made Wang Le lament that he underestimated the world's heroes. Especially those heaven-level old monsters from the hidden world should not be underestimated. God knows how many trump cards these guys have in their hands that can turn danger into safety.

From this aspect alone, the rich and profound foundation of the hidden world's Taoism has benefited the heaven-level experts in its sect a lot.

Back to the subject, time disappeared in the continuous fighting between Wang Le and these major sects.

As the sun set in the west, Wang Le did not activate the power of the Dragon's Hidden Destruction Eyes to hide his traces. He once again turned into a purple-gold escaping light and continued to fly towards the depths of Shiwan Mountain, where Yunlong Jiuman appeared and Xiao Zhixuan buried himself. go.

Although this life-and-death fight with the old monsters of the three hidden Taoist heaven-level families has come to an end, Wang Le clearly understands that the four early-stage heaven-level experts who escaped will never give up.

Wang Le believes that in the near future, these three hidden sects will definitely use more powerful forces to seek revenge.

And this is the serious consequence of failing to kill everyone.

But it's too late to say this now, not to mention that Wang Leda had been mentally prepared for this from the moment he started.

Although he was mentally prepared, Wang Le couldn't help but feel a little numb when he thought about the powerful and terrifying forces he would face in the future.

At this point, Wang Le couldn't help but pray in his heart that the old guy would get through the disaster safely and climb out of his coffin as soon as possible to solve these troubles.

At the same time, Wang Le unconsciously felt a sense of urgency to improve his cultivation strength as soon as possible.

In the final analysis, it is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others. As long as his own cultivation strength improves and he reaches the so-called pinnacle of martial arts as soon as possible, he, Wang Le, will have no fear in the face of any powerful and terrifying force.

Even with those old monsters at the pinnacle of martial arts who are hidden in the Taoist tradition, Wang Le dares to fight and is confident enough to win.

Because these old monsters who have reached the peak of martial arts are often in a state of sleeping and being sealed in order to prevent themselves from turning into Taoism and returning to silence, their energy and blood status has long been unable to return to the most powerful peak period.

It is precisely because of this that the only person who can challenge Guixu Guanzhu Xiaoyaozi's position as the first person in the martial arts world is the ancestor of Qinggong, Di Hao, and not those old monsters who are sleeping and suppressing the sect's heritage.

For Wang Le, reaching the so-called pinnacle of martial arts means promoting himself from the early stage of the Golden Core to the middle stage of the Golden Core.

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