He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2433: Going to poverty and falling to hell

The corner of Ji Yang's mouth couldn't help but twitch, he looked at his grandson with a complex expression and said, "Maybe this is your luck!"

"Luck?" Wang Le raised his eyebrows and wanted to refute, but his lips moved and he didn't say anything in the end.

After all, the encounter in front of the grave of his mother Wang Xiaodie allowed his bloodline to evolve, and later he benefited from the experience in Genghis Khan's underground mausoleum and the space at the bottom of the Nanhuaguan Canyon.

For example, the artifact butterfly was found from it, and Wang Le made great contributions to him in subsequent battles.

"Maybe!" Wang Le muttered softly, thinking of these things.

Then Wang Le said: "After my grandson has settled all the matters in the martial arts world and returned to the world of mortals, it's time to go to the underground mausoleum of Genghis Khan."

Ji Yang was immediately startled, and then asked quickly: "What? Didn't the fresh human skin there fly away?"

Wang Le nodded and replied: "After my grandson took one look at the fresh human skin in the coffin, he immediately ran away without daring to stay there for a moment."

After a pause, Wang Le continued with flickering eyes: "I hope the fresh human skin in the coffin is still there, otherwise, my grandson's trip will be in vain."

Ji Yang couldn't help but asked with concern: "Is this dangerous?"

Wang Le smiled slightly and replied with confidence in his eyes: "At this moment, my grandson could only turn around and run away, but that is no longer the case. As long as the fresh human skin in the coffin is still there, my grandson will It will definitely stay.”

After a pause, Wang Le continued with some uncertainty: "Maybe we can get the truth we want from it."

Jiyang nodded slightly and said yes, then suddenly asked: "Grandson, do you think Xiaodie is dead?"

"Uh!" Wang Le couldn't help but be startled, replaying the scene in front of his mother's grave in Fushan in his mind.

Especially the spiritual consciousness contained in that fresh human skin was full of extremely complex emotions. To this day, Wang Le still remembers it fresh.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Le was able to escape with his life in the end. Otherwise, he would have been reduced to ashes and died like that weird old man.

Thinking of this, Wang Le couldn't help but replied in confusion: "Maybe he is dead, maybe he is not dead, only God knows."

Jiyang was silent for a while, then looked at his grandson again, and said with a serious face: "No matter what, we all need the truth, and we will do anything for it!"

Wang Le took a deep breath, forced himself to suppress the ups and downs of thoughts in his heart and regained his composure. A clear look flashed in his eyes, and then he nodded and replied: "Even if I go to poverty and fall into hell, my grandson will still have to deal with this matter." We won’t stop until we get to the bottom of it!”

In the final analysis, this is a matter of life and death related to his biological mother Wang Xiaodie. No matter what, Wang Le must find out. Otherwise, his thoughts will not be clear, which can be said to be a taboo for martial arts people.

Not to mention that for a supreme being like Wang Le, the only one who can destroy him now is himself.

Once you cannot pass this level, in the future when you break through the bottleneck of cultivation and advance to a higher realm of cultivation, when external demons invade, you will be in serious trouble.

This is not the first time Wang Le has experienced the invasion of external demons, and he is fully aware of the power of it. If he fails, he will be trapped in it and unable to extricate himself, and he will die without knowing how he died.

Wang Le shudders just thinking about this crazy way of falling and dying.

Putting this aside, it would be too sad if a person couldn't even figure out his own birth.

Where do you come from and where do you want to go? Although this kind of question seems very philosophical, it is also very realistic.

As Wang Le, who is very likely to be the most powerful existence in this world, no matter from which aspect he looks at it, he must clarify this issue.

Getting back to the topic, Wang Le, who had come to his senses, did not continue to explore this topic with Grandpa Jiyang. Instead, he changed the subject and suddenly asked: "Apart from the top-grade Origin Stone,

The grandson also wanted to know more about the lightning-struck wood. "

"After all, when leaving Guixu Temple, when Senior Qingyangzi handed me the twelve top-grade Origin Stones, he also mentioned that there is a cultivation resource called Thunder Strike Wood, which may be used as a top-grade source stone just like the top-grade Origin Stones. A substitute for the Source Stone.”

I saw a hint of memory in Ji Yang's eyes, and then said slowly: "This lightning strike wood is a very precious cultivation resource. In my grandfather's impression, it is a good material for refining magic weapons. Unexpectedly, in martial arts training, It’s actually on par with the best source stones.”

Wang Le curled his lips, spread his hands and said: "This is the first time I have heard of this lightning strike Mu Sun'er. As for the effect, even senior Qingyangzi can't guarantee it, so the most important thing now is to find one or two A piece of lightning struck wood, let me try it."

"If the effect is really good by then, that would be great. This will give my grandson more options to choose from. Otherwise, he can only focus on the top-quality Origin Stone."

After a pause, Wang Le further said: "Of course, if it has no effect, then my grandson will have to work hard to find a large number of top-quality source stones."

At this time, Ji Yang said: "Wait for grandpa to ask your master uncle to see if there is a treasure like the lightning strike tree hidden in the temple."

Wang Le couldn't help but looked at Grandpa Jiyang with some surprise and said: "There is no such thing as the Lightning Strike at Muguixu Temple, how could there be one at Nanhua Temple?"

Ji Yang immediately rolled his eyes and replied: "Although Nanhua Temple is a second-rate force, don't forget that it was glorious a thousand years ago, and it is no worse than Guixu Temple, which is a hidden Taoist tradition."

"Uh!" Wang Le couldn't help but touch his nose and replied with a smile: "My grandson forgot about this."

Jiyang smiled slightly and couldn't help but joke to himself: "Our ancestors were once wealthy, and maybe we might find one or two pieces of lightning wood in the Guanzhong treasure house."

Wang Le chuckled and said, "It would be best if there really is a lightning strike on the wood. If not, we have to rely on the head master to inquire about the relevant information through the channels in the temple."

Of course, Ji Yang was concerned about his grandson, so after chatting for a few more words, he let the other party rest early, and then hurried out of the mansion to find the leader Ji Yinzi.

After Grandpa Jiyang left, Wang Le went directly back to the two-story building behind the mansion.

Although I haven't stayed here for a long time, it looks very clean inside, which is obviously the work of the housekeeper Li Hongru.

Therefore, there is no need to clean, which saves Wang Le a lot of effort.

After Wang Le entered the bedroom directly, he did not rest immediately. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the bed.

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