He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2442 18-Mother Chain Thunder

Because the distance was too close, and the nature of lightning itself was speed, at this moment, Wang Le had no time to dodge.

Immediately, countless small black lightnings were seen fluttering on the diamond-glazed cover that protected Wang Le's body.

At this time, Lei Zhengying, who retreated to a distance, saw countless black lightnings attached to Wang Le's body, and his pale and beardless face couldn't help but reveal a very proud look of joy.

Boom boom boom——



Amidst the continuous explosions and roars, the diamond-glazed cover that protected Wang Le's body quickly failed.

At this time, Wang Le couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Although Wang Le was prepared for the vajra glass cover to be broken, he didn't expect that it would be broken by tiny black lightning after he persisted for such a short time!

However, when the diamond glazed cover was broken, a lot of tiny black lightning was also consumed.

When the remaining black lightning fell on Wang Le one by one, it was as if electric currents were running around in his skin, trying to destroy his body.

If it were anyone else who had been attacked by this kind of black lightning, his body would have been chopped into a ball of black coal, but Wang Le's body was already so powerful that it was beyond imagination.

You know, when Wang Le broke through and was promoted to the late stage of Jindan, Wang Le didn't know how many times he was struck by lightning, which almost knocked his hair out. However, he still managed to survive it, and finally managed to survive. Make the physical body stronger!

At this moment, Lei Zhengying in the distance stretched out his arms again, and black metal rings were shot out one after another on the left and right.

In the blink of an eye, all the black metal rings on Lei Zhengying's arms flew out and collided with each other one after another, turning into black holes the size of dustpans.

Then, just like before, it instantly fell apart and turned into countless black lightnings.

Immediately, eight dustpan-sized black holes were seen turning into tiny black lightnings, swarming straight towards Wang Le like a majestic rainstorm.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Le was submerged in the lightning rain and disappeared!

At this time, the expressions of all the people who were closely watching this pinnacle divine battle in the sky above the Nanhua Temple changed.

"Oops! Wang Le is in danger!"

"Then what kind of secret method did Lei Zhengying use to generate lightning? It's really terrifying. Wang Le is in danger!"

"It is said that when Thunder Pavilion established its sect, there was a thunder pond in the dojo location it chose, and the black metal ring used by Lei Zhengying most likely came from that thunder pond!"


In the midst of the panic and noisy discussions, an elder suddenly said to Ji Yinzi anxiously: "Master, the war situation is not good now. We must make plans early, otherwise, it will be too late later. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, other elders nearby followed him and agreed.

Before Ji Yinzi could speak, Ji Yang snorted with an ugly face and cursed angrily: "What's there to panic about? My grandson has won three peak divine battles, how could he lose?!"

"Uh!" Everyone was stunned, and one of the elders couldn't help but ask: "Junior Brother Jiyang, didn't your grandson win the Peak Divine Battle twice? Why did it become three times?"

At this time, these questioning conversations also fell into the ears of the disciples on the ground.

Therefore, everyone's eyes fell on Ji Yang.

At this time, Ji Yang's face changed from a solemn and ugly look, and he responded with pride and pride: "Before Xiao Le came to Nanhua Temple this time, he had just been in the ashram of Guixu Temple of the Hidden World Taoism, and met with all the people sitting in the temple. The four peak martial arts masters from Feng engaged in an unprecedented and unprecedented divine battle!"

After a pause, Ji Yang's eyes were filled with relief and he further said: "In a one-on-four situation, my grandson powerfully killed the four peak martial arts masters in Guixuguan and won the final victory, completely overpowering everyone in Guixuguan. Let them bow their heads!"

At this moment, except for Ji Yang and Ji Yinzi, all the elders and disciples in the temple forgot to speak and were completely stunned.

Following the bang, everyone in the crowd screamed.

"Holy shit, is it true? Senior Brother Wang actually killed four top martial arts masters in Guixuguan. It's really terrifying!"

"That's the Guixu Temple of the Hidden Taoist Order, which has the number one person in the martial arts world, Xiaoyaozi! Wang Le actually went on a killing spree there, and the ones he killed were the top martial arts masters, and even more exaggerated, he killed four in a row! I really Can’t believe this is true!”

"If what Elder Jiyang said is true, then how come the current battle with Lei Zhengying is in danger, with life and death unknown?"

"Well, no matter what, I hope Wang Le can win this peak battle! Otherwise, none of us at Nanhua Temple can escape Lei Zhengying's vicious hands!"


In the midst of the exclamations and the incomprehensible comments everywhere, Ji Yinzi finally spoke, breaking the silence and saying to everyone: "Everyone, please be patient. What Junior Brother Ji Yang said just now is true, and I, I also believe that in this peak battle before us, Wang Le will definitely win the final victory, now let’s continue watching!”

At this time, although everyone in the audience was full of pessimism about the peak divine battle in front of them, Wang Le had been overwhelmed by countless black lightnings and had not yet broken through the encirclement.

But the leader, Ji Yinzi, has spoken, firmly believing that Wang Le can win, and everyone can no longer doubt it. They can only wait quietly for the final result!

Just when the elders and disciples of Nanhua Temple fell into a state of uncertainty and panic, Lei Zhengying, who was floating in the sky thousands of feet high, saw that the black lightning in the sky had dissipated, and Wang Le had also disappeared. He couldn't help but burst into crazy laughter, and then shouted: : "A monster who has won two peak divine battles is nothing more than this. No matter how powerful you are, you still can't escape the heaven-defying weapon of my Thunder Pavilion, the Eighteen Sons and Mothers Chain Thunder!"

Speaking of this, Lei Zhengying became more and more crazy and excited, as if he had drunk several jars of old wine, his face turned red, and then he laughed smugly and said: "I, Lei Zhengying, successfully killed Wang Le, who won two peak battles. From now on, the position of the number one person in the martial arts world belongs to me!"

Lei Zhengying's crazy shouts echoed continuously in the sky above the entire Nanhua Temple, making the expressions on the faces of everyone in the temple extremely ugly.

"It's over." A disciple muttered to himself with a gloomy face.

Just as the elders and disciples in the temple were filled with frustration and their eyes were filled with despair as they looked toward the sky, they suddenly saw a familiar figure appear out of thin air in the place where they had been hit by dense black lightning.

"Ah! This is it?"

The sharp-eyed elder could not help but exclaim, with a look of incredible ecstasy on his face! nt

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