He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2459 Star Core

Although he was amazed by the breathtaking appearance and unique temperament of the woman in Yongye Tower, Wang Le had no idea of ​​mercy.

Anyway, since his debut, Wang Le has done many dangerous things.

For people like Wang Le, who have experienced countless horrors of life and death and crawled out from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, no matter whether they were good or evil in life, whether they were heroes or bears, or whether they were beautiful and beautiful, in the end they were just There is just a pile of dry bones in the grave.

After regaining his composure, Wang Le took steps again and started walking along the street.

Since the clairvoyant search of the City Lord's Mansion and Yongye Tower had been completed, Wang Le turned off the clairvoyance ability of the Eye of Deception.

There was no rush to start a fight with the nuns from Cihang Jingzhai right away, so at the end of the walk through the streets, Wang Le walked into a larger store called Yao Ji.

I saw that the items displayed in the store were all-encompassing, including refined magic weapons and even magic weapons that could only be used by earth-level powerhouses.

There are also various elixirs used during martial arts training, and many of them are precious elixirs for breaking through and advancing to a higher level of cultivation.

Of course, magic weapons and precious elixirs like this are of course worth a lot of money.

Nine out of ten warriors who enter the store come here for the elixirs and magic weapons. Wang Le is the only exception.

After taking a quick look at the display cases of elixirs and magic weapons, Wang Le came to the bookcase in the corner of the store.

In addition to some very common and widely circulated martial arts techniques, the books placed above are mostly various notes collected from various places, recording the customs and customs of the martial arts world.

Of course, there are many legendary treasures and opportunities recorded in them.

As for whether it is true or not, you can only try it yourself.

Wang Le thought on his knees and knew that nine times out of ten it was all fake. Otherwise, he would have been robbed completely by others, and it would be the next person's turn to seize the opportunities and treasures.

Soon, Wang Le found what he wanted.

That is the local chronicle of Zhenxing City, recording the past and present life of this second largest city in the central region.

The reason why Wang Le wanted to know about Zhenxing City was because when he searched through the clairvoyance of the Delusion Eye, he found that the building of Yongye Tower gave him an inexplicable feeling of intimacy.

At that time, in the related books of Nanhua Guanzang Sutra Pavilion, it was mentioned that there was Yongye Tower first and then Zhenxing City.

To put it simply, the Yongye Tower has a deeper historical background and has existed for a longer time.

At that time, he needed to look up other things in the Sutra Pavilion, so Wang Le did not read the introduction of Yongye Pagoda in detail.

Let's get back to the subject, and open the local chronicle introducing Zhenxing City. The first page tells about the Yongye Tower.

Among them, it was introduced that the earliest Yongye Tower had been destroyed in the peak divine battle between Emperor Xin, the lord of the human race for more than 6,000 years, and a great sage of the demon race.

"Di Xin?" A strange look flashed in Wang Le's eyes, and he couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "Isn't this the king of Shang Dynasty, King Shang Zhou?"

For Wang Le, who has lived in the mortal world since he was a child, he should not be too familiar with this King Zhou, because he appears in too many movies and TV series.

Although he felt a little strange that King Zhou was a master of martial arts, Wang Le was immediately relieved when he thought that Laozi, Confucius, and Zhuang Zhou were all masters of martial arts.

Closer to home, the earliest Eternal Night Tower was built entirely from extraterrestrial meteorites, and was said to be able to withstand the strongest attacks in the world. However, after the core component of the entire Eternal Night Tower, the star essence located at the top of the tower, was mysteriously lost, it was finally found in the hands of King Zhou. It was reduced to ruins during the peak divine battle between the lord of the human race and the great sage of the demon race.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, the base of the Yongye Tower was well preserved, allowing future generations to build a new Yongye Tower on top.

Of course, the new Yongye Tower is incomparable to the old one.

However, thousands of years have passed, and today, the newly built Yongye Tower has been standing to this day and has never collapsed again.

Seeing this, Wang Le couldn't help but feel a hint of surprise in his eyes.

No wonder I felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy when I searched the Yongye Tower through perspective. It turned out to be because the Yongye Tower was built from extraterrestrial meteorites.

You must know that your physical body has always been trained by the stars and moonlight, becoming stronger and tougher.

After all, when he broke through the bottleneck of cultivation and advanced to a higher realm of cultivation, Wang Leke saw with his own eyes that his body was wrapped in stars and moonlight at the moment when his soul was separated.

And this also solved the mystery of his body becoming stronger and stronger unknowingly.

"Essence of the Stars?" Wang Le put the local chronicles in his hand back on the bookcase and touched his chin thoughtfully.

As for the Essence of the Stars, Wang Le heard them mention it a long time ago while chatting with his grandfather Ji Yang and the leader Ji Yinzi.

The so-called star essence is the core of a star, the essence of which is integrated into one body.

Therefore, the essence of the stars is also called the star core.

There are big and small stars. The bigger the star, the more powerful the star core, and vice versa.

To put it simply, whether it is the sun, the earth, or even the moon, it has its own star core, which is like a person's soul and is indispensable.

The reason why grandpa Jiyang and head Jiyinzi mentioned the essence of the stars in their chat was precisely because the root cause of the great changes in the world's environment lies in this world, which is the star core of the earth.

Due to their limited levels, Grandpa Jiyang and Sect Master Jiyinzi could only learn a few words from their ancestors in the temple and some ancient books, but they never knew more of the secrets.

As for the missing star core of Yongye Tower, no one knows where it ended up.

However, in the local chronicles I just read, there are many legends about star cores recorded.

Among them, what impressed Wang Le the most was the missing star core of Yongye Tower. It was most likely swallowed up by the star core of this world, that is, the earth.

After all, the star core of Yongye Tower is foreign, while the star core of the earth is indigenous. It has the right time and place. It is not impossible but very possible to devour it.

Otherwise, the star core of Yongye Tower has just evaporated out of thin air since it was lost. There is no definite news anymore, and there is no rumor that it was taken by any martial arts master or demon master. Anything, even the slightest rumor.

As for how the earth's star core swallows this foreign star core?

Wang Le thinks he has a good imagination, but he still can't imagine it.

"This is really incredible." Wang Le couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, he saw the young man who had been paying attention here for a long time came over and asked respectfully with a smile on his face: "Senior, do you need any help?"


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