He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2503 Seal

"That's good, remember what you said today."

Wang Le looked deeply at Yuhuan and spoke with a threatening tone.

Then Wang Le didn't think about continuing the conversation and said directly: "I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

After a pause, Wang Le looked at Yuhuan with a serious face, and said in a deep voice: "You Cihang Jingzhai and Nanhua Temple have a feud at first. According to my temperament, you can't get along with everyone in the family. "

"So I hope you will take this opportunity and stop being stubborn. Otherwise, the day when I come to my door, I won't be as easy to talk to as I am today."

After finishing speaking, Wang Le was about to leave when he saw Yuhuan nodding solemnly and saying, "I'll do my best, poor nun!"

Wang Le finally looked at Yuhuan meaningfully and said succinctly: "Do what you want!"

Wang Le stopped talking nonsense, turned around and flew towards the end of the sky outside Zhenxing City.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Le, who was clad in purple-gold escaping light, disappeared like a sharp arrow on the horizon line at the end of the world, never to be seen again.

It wasn't until Wang Le's figure disappeared from sight for a while that Yuhuan came back from her thoughts.

"He only has three to five hundred years to save the Emperor Burial Star. He is too naive." Yuhuan whispered to himself with complicated eyes.

On the issue of finding the Chaos Star Core in its growth stage to save the Emperor's Burial Star, Yuhuan had the same idea as Fairy Jinghong who left in Shattering the Void, and simply did not believe that Wang Le could do it.

But for some reason, deep in Yuhuan's heart, she felt that Wang Le could really do it.

This is because the miracles Wang Le has created along the way are truly amazing.

Especially the speed of this monster's cultivation, the entire martial arts world was dumbfounded.

In just a few years, he had achieved a height in martial arts that no one else could reach in a lifetime, and he had replaced Xiaoyaozi, the master of Guixu Guan, and became recognized as the number one person in the martial arts world.

"I hope he is not daydreaming, but can actually do it!"

Yuhuan looked at the direction where Wang Le disappeared and silently blessed him in his heart.

After all, if the Emperor Burial Star perishes, then there will be nothing.

Yuhuan believes that every resident in this world hopes that Wang Le can succeed.

Thinking of this, Yuhuan felt that after the news was released in accordance with Wang Le's request, if any top force in the martial arts world and the hidden world continue to interfere with this troubled world, it would be really short-sighted and extremely selfish.

When the time comes, even if Wang Le destroys his entire family, he will still be standing on the moral high ground of saving the Emperor Burial Star, and cannot find any fault or fault.

The more Yuhuan thought about it, the more she felt that she couldn't go against Wang Le.

Because whoever confronts this guy will end up miserable. Most of them will lose their lives, including many top beings who have already reached the pinnacle of martial arts.

"I hope the owner of the house can assess the situation and get out of this troubled world as soon as possible! Otherwise, in order to prevent Cihang Jingzhai from being wiped out by that monster Wang Le, the nun will have to clean up his family.


Yuhuan thought to herself with determination, and then fell into Zhenxing City from a high altitude with a heavy heart, intending to gather the disciples in Zhaizhong as quickly as possible, and then return to Cihang Jingzhai.

After all, she didn't dare to neglect anything Wang Le told her.

As for the reconstruction and management of Zhenxing City, Cihang Jingzhai's affiliated forces will naturally take over, so there is no need for her to worry.

Two flowers bloomed, one on each branch. While Yuhuan was still busy in Zhenxing City, Wang Le, who had already left, did not fly far, but landed on the mountain range closest to Zhenxing City.

This is because most of the distractions of Fairy Jinghong were swallowed up in the Space Immortal Tomb before, so we must seize the time to digest it, otherwise it will not be good after a long time.

Wang Le found a cave that had long been abandoned by wild beasts. He cleaned it up and sealed the entrance of the cave without caring about his superiors. Then he quickly meditated and fell into meditation, and began to digest and devour Fairy Jinghong, who was mostly distracted.

He had the experience of devouring the soul of the First Emperor Ying Zheng earlier, so although he was not very proficient in this aspect, Wang Le was able to digest Fairy Jinghong's distractions in an orderly manner.

The next memories of Fairy Jinghong rushed towards the depths of Wang Le's mind like a turbulent river.

But soon, Wang Le discovered that many of the memories could not be read at all, as if they had been sealed one by one.

It's like a flood of memories, carrying sealed boxes that cannot be opened.

Wang Le fished out these sealed boxes, but they couldn't open them at all, so he had to throw them into the flood again.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

What's more, Wang Le clearly understood that those memories that were sealed and could not be read were the most important things that were swallowed up in most of the distraction.

Therefore, the deep sense of loss in Wang Le's heart is self-evident.

"No wonder Fairy Jinghong, a witch, doesn't worry about the young man devouring most of her distractions. The root of her love lies here!"

Wang Le suddenly realized, and thought to himself depressedly.

According to Wang Le's speculation, these sealed and unreadable memories should be secrets about cultivation and inheritance, or secrets that are extremely important and cannot be leaked to the outside world.

At this moment, Wang Le, who was digesting and reading the memory of Jinghong Fairy, was filled with disappointment in his heart, but he quickly cheered up and carefully read the memories that were not sealed.

Because these unsealed memories may not be that important to Fairy Jinghong, but in the eyes of Wang Le, who has achieved the late stage of Jindan, they are of extremely important value.

For example, by reading the memory of Fairy Jinghong and then comparing it with what he learned from the First Emperor Ying Zheng, Wang Le finally realized that the cultivation system of the other world was exactly the same as the ancient cultivation system of Emperor Burial Star.

And this also allowed Wang Le to finally know that the higher realm after the Nascent Soul Stage is called the Divine Transformation Stage.

After becoming a god, there is a period of integration.

The higher realm after the integration stage is the Mahayana stage achieved by Fairy Jinghong.

When Wang Le read the memories related to the Mahayana period, he finally understood why Fairy Jinghong claimed to be immortal, but she still fell after experiencing three disasters and nine calamities.

This is because once a monk reaches the Mahayana stage of cultivation, his lifespan is unlimited, which is the so-called immortality.

But there is no such good thing in the world. The cruel reality is that life span is unlimited, but every once in a while during the Mahayana period, one will encounter various death disasters. Only by surviving it can we continue to live.

And these catastrophes of death are collectively called the three disasters and nine catastrophes!

Because Wang Le's level is limited, in front of the Mahayana stage, he is just a humble existence in the late Jindan stage. Therefore, even after reading these memories of Fairy Jinghong, there are many that he cannot understand and his heart is full of confusion.


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