He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2526 The Spiritual Beauty of Zhong Tian and Di

Traveling through the world of thunder and lightning, as time passed, Wang Le gradually left the edge of the thunder pool.

At this time, the thunder and lightning striking Wang Le became more intensive.

Wang Le, who was naked from head to toe and without any covering, simply did not open the protective shield and allowed the lightning to hit his snow-white but not delicate skin, instead, it was as tough as iron.

No matter how many and dense these white lightnings are, they can't hurt Wang Le at all.

Occasionally, more powerful red lightning would appear and hit Wang Le, leaving a tiny blood mark on his snow-white skin!

But as Wang Le's heart moved, the purple gold magic power in the Dantian circulated and was transferred to the scar along the meridians.

In the blink of an eye, the blood marks struck by the red lightning were smoothed away by Zijin's magic power, and then disappeared, as if they had never existed.

In addition to the fact that as Wang Le's cultivation improved, the healing ability of Zijin's magic power became more and more amazing, and Wang Le's physical body was unusually powerful, possessing powerful self-healing ability.

Precisely because of this, Wang Le was basically unharmed for more than half an hour before and after entering the thunder pool.

Even so, Wang Le did not relax his vigilance and remained extremely cautious, walking forward step by step as slowly as ever.

It could be said that Wang Le had forgotten how long it had been since the last time he walked as neatly as he did today.

Here, except for his powerful body, Wang Le is like an ordinary person without any cultivation.

Of course, moving so slowly and cautiously is not without its rewards.

For example, after this period of adaptation, Wang Le was able to distinguish the strength of lightning according to its color.

The most white lightning is the weakest at the edge. As it goes deeper, there are more and more red lightnings, and they are more powerful than the white ones.

When the white lightning completely disappeared and Wang Le's vision was filled with red lightning, a yellow lightning would occasionally appear.

Its power is stronger than red lightning.

When Wang Le felt the yellow lightning strike for the first time, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

This forced Wang Le to stop and stand there for more than a minute to get used to it before he could recover from it.

Next, when yellow lightning struck Wang Le again, Wang Le, who had adapted, was mentally prepared. He finally did not have to stop and could continue to move forward at the same speed.

As for avoiding the yellow lightning strike, Wang Le never thought about it at all.

You can escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth grade.

According to this trend, yellow lightning is very likely to replace white lightning like red lightning.

Therefore, this kind of unnecessary avoidance is of no use at all. It is better to adapt in advance.

Of course, yellow lightning, which is stronger than red lightning, will definitely cause more serious physical damage to Wang Le.

However, with the extremely powerful purple gold magic power of healing power, coupled with the already extremely tough body, the damage caused by yellow lightning to Wang Le was limited after all.

After a while, Wang Le's eyes suddenly changed. To be more precise, the color of the lightning suddenly changed.

The direct change from red lightning to yellow lightning is not as sufficient as the previous change from white lightning to red lightning.

This situation immediately made Wang Le realize something.

That is, on the next journey, more powerful lightning will most likely come suddenly without warning, leaving you without any mental preparation or even a little time to adapt.

Thinking of this, Wang Le couldn't help but joked in his heart: "I thought it would continue to be so boring! It seems that there are many challenges in the future!"

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, suddenly a white corpse wrapped in lightning appeared in his sight.

Wang Le raised his eyebrows and walked carefully to the humanoid corpse, only to see that the bones were already covered with cracks.

Then Wang Le raised his foot and touched the bones lightly.

With a "click" sound, it was like hitting a domino. The dense cracks on the bones expanded rapidly. Each bone cracked almost at the same time, and then was easily split into pieces by lightning!

"Uh!" Wang Le's mouth twitched, but his eyes couldn't help showing a solemn look.

The corpse in front of him has obviously been dead for a long time, and it has not been turned into powder after being struck by lightning for so long.

Obviously, the martial arts cultivation of this corpse must have been extraordinary during his lifetime, especially his achievements in physical training.

According to Wang Le's estimation, given the physical strength of this corpse, the yellow lightning in front of him would not be able to kill it at all.

In other words, there should be other reasons for the death of this martial arts expert.

As for what the reason is, Wang Le doesn't know, but after careful speculation, it is nothing more than internal and external factors.

The internal reason is that there is something wrong with this martial arts expert himself, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

I am afraid that this martial arts expert will fall due to some external reasons.

For example, because of a sudden change in the thunder pool, this martial arts expert fell into the yellow lightning area before he could enter the depths of the core.

Thinking of this, Wang Le's vigilance has been raised to the extreme, so as not to capsize in the gutter and suffer the same fate as this martial arts expert.

Of course, it would be best if it weren't for some changes in the thunder pool that caused this martial arts expert to fall.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens. Wang Le has to be on guard.

But there’s no need to slow down for that.

After all, walking is slow enough nowadays.

Next, Wang Le continued to set off, walking slowly towards the core of the deep pool.

Just like that, after about a cup of tea, no new bones appeared in Wang Le's sight.

But more and more plants and trees with lightning properties appear in sight.

This made Wang Le sigh with emotion at the wonder of the Creator.

Among these plants were herbs that Wang Le had seen in ancient books.

Even when passing by a large pit more than one meter deep, Wang Le even saw some kind of precious ore used to refine weapons.

And this big pit was obviously dug by humans.

After seeing this, Wang Le couldn't help but regret that the Pohuan Dharma Eye couldn't see through here. Otherwise, he would have to see if there were sourcestone veins deep underground in the Lei Pond!

The purpose is of course to find the best source stone.

After all, there is no need to be surprised no matter what kind of treasures appear in such a beautiful treasure land like Leichi.

Closer to home, Wang Le did not stop because of the medicinal materials and ores he saw, and took them as his own.

After all, in his eyes, these are not more important than the lightning striking the wood.

What's more, the longer he walked in the thunder pool, the more clearly Wang Le could feel the benefits of lightning in tempering the physical body. ...

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