He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2598 with sinister intentions (2)

After a while, Wang Le, who had flown high into the sky, emerged from the clouds and landed on the peak, which was at least five or six thousand meters above sea level.

"Looking at it horizontally, it looks like ridges and peaks, with different heights near and far. I don't know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain."

Standing on the top of the peak facing the wind, Wang Le looked down at the surroundings and couldn't help but whisper Su Shi's famous poem that has been passed down through the ages.

Immediately, Wang Le's heart moved, and the clairvoyance power of the Desolation Dharma Eye was instantly activated, and he followed the information provided by the ancestor of the Tian family and clairvoyantly went to the northeast.

At this time, a staircase appeared in the line of sight of the Dharma Eye.

If this is the case, the key is that through the perspective of the Dharma Eye, Wang Le found that he was not standing on the top of the peak at all, but on a flat ground.

Regarding all this, Wang Le did not show any surprise or surprise on his face.

Because according to the information in the jade slip, the mountain in front of you seems real and fake, both illusory and real.

It can be said that being able to arrange the illusion array like this is simply astonishing.

With the current level of cultivation in the martial arts world, there is simply no way to arrange it.

Only in ancient times could such a phantom formation exist.

What's more important is the formation master with such shocking methods.

"Such a masterpiece is worthy of the sect's orthodoxy from the ancient times. Just seeing this illusory formation makes the trip worthwhile."

Wang Le's eyes showed a look of astonishment, and he couldn't help but sigh sincerely in his heart.

Of course, it’s a sigh of relief. If you don’t find the best source stone during this trip to the secret realm, you will definitely feel deep regret.

After all, Wang Le came here for the top-quality source stone during this trip to the secret realm, and everything else was secondary.

Soon, Wang Le took a deep breath to calm down his worries about gains and losses, and then thought to himself: "Fortunately, I have the Dharma Eye to annihilate delusion, otherwise, it would have taken me an unknown amount of time to reach the top of this mountain. "

You must know that according to the information provided in the jade slips, Wang Le's current location at the peak is the eye of this shocking phantom formation.

And only by finding the formation eye can we take the next step to the Juque Sect Dojo.

Now the white jade steps leading to the Juque Sect's dojo have appeared in the sight of the Dharma Eye.

After gathering himself, Wang Le climbed up the stairs and did not fly off the ground like before.

After all, after passing through the previous phantom formation, now is no longer the time to be in a hurry.

The steps are so long that it is difficult to see what is in the depths due to the clouds and mist.

Of course, for Wang Le, who has the Dharma Eye to destroy delusion, nothing can be hidden.

Wang Le, who was walking on the white jade steps, could clearly see a huge archway erected at the end.

Gradually, the speed of Wang Le's feet became faster and faster, and the white jade steps full of time passed by in the blink of an eye.

In the space of one cigarette, Wang Le walked through the long steps and arrived in front of this archway made of pure jade.

Wang Le, who was like an ant, raised his head and looked at this huge archway that was more than twenty feet high.

I saw three ancient Chinese characters engraved on it. Even after tens of thousands of years of wind and rain, they are still clearly visible.

Faintly, the charm still remains, and I can fully imagine the atmosphere back then.

This made onlookers such as Wang Le a little distracted.

"Juque Sect!" Wang Le read out these three ancient characters softly.

Although it was written in ancient times, it was not a problem for Wang Le, who had devoured Fairy Jinghong's distracted memory, to identify it.

After gathering his thoughts, Wang Le looked back to the front.

After passing through the huge archway in front of you, you will officially enter the Juque Sect Dojo.

Although the door was open and you could step in with one step, Wang Le did not go in immediately.

Because in the line of sight of the Pohuan Dharma Eye, Wang Le could see countless formations of flags and formations hidden in the air in front and deep underground.

The format of these formation flag formation disks is completely different from the formation flag formation disks in today's martial arts world.

If it hadn't been for the memory of Fairy Jinghong's distraction, Wang Le wouldn't have been able to recognize it at all.

Of course, everything changes without departing from its origin, and in the end we all arrive at the same destination through different paths. The formation is the formation, and its essence remains unchanged.

Closer to home, the information provided in the jade slips is actually of little use at this time.

If it was useful, the entire Juque Sect Dojo would have been looted by the three major families in Fengming City.

“In the end, you still have to rely on yourself!”

While Wang Le was complaining in his heart, he did not forget to find the best way to enter the Juque Sect's dojo through the Eye of Deception.

A good beginning is half the battle.

Wang Le didn't want to get off to a bad start.

In this way, after carefully observing and analyzing for a while, Wang Le, who had been staying in place, finally moved.

At this time, Wang Le was seen walking slowly and walked in two meters away from the jade pillar on the left side of the archway.


Wang Le breathed out a sigh of relief as he passed through the archway, with a look of relief on his face.

Because after Wang Le's observation, the jade pillars on the left and right sides of the archway were more than ten meters apart.

And these ten meters are divided into nine different roads.

Each road path is about one meter wide.

The most important thing is that if you enter the archway through different paths, the scenery in front of you will be completely different.

For an evil star like Wang Le who came out of the sea of ​​​​blood from the corpse mountain, he could accurately feel that nine of the ten roads contained dangers without testing them one by one.

Because he felt murderous aura ranging from strong to weak.

In other words, nine out of ten roads are dangerous.

The dangers in these nine roads vary from big to small, and once you step into one, the consequences are unpredictable.

Although Wang Le has unparalleled confidence in his own cultivation strength, he will never rush into a dangerous road without thinking.

What's more, this is the sect's dojo left over from ancient times.

In that legendary era, there were countless powerful men in Shattered Void. There are even powerful practitioners who are stronger than Broken Void at this level.

And this Giant Que Sect has the ability to refine elixirs that can shatter the void.

Obviously, there was no shortage of strong men from the Shattering Void in ancient times, or even stronger top powerful cultivators.

Faced with such a terrifying Taoist sect, Wang Le, who is deeply involved, must be cautious and cautious.

Although the best source stone is good, you still need a life to enjoy it.

"I wonder which path the three major families in Fengming City take every time they come here."

Wang Le couldn't help but think in his heart.

If the path taken by the three major families is exactly the same as Wang Le's, then the ancestor of the Tian family has sinister intentions.

Because the information in the jade slips did not mention this.

Such thoughts flashed through Wang Le's mind, and then he didn't think about it again.

Because at Wang Le's level, he has already experienced too many dangers, and he understands that people's hearts are unpredictable, and no matter how much he thinks, there will be no results.

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