He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2620: Horns

The moment Wang Le entered the ancient tree, his whole body was suspended in the air, and at the same time he felt the world spinning.

When Wang Le calmed down and finally reacted, his feet landed on the ground.

Wang Le took a quick look and saw the small door on the tree above his head.

In other words, Wang Le is now under the ancient tree.

"Is this the treasure trove that the ancestors of the Tian family talked about?"

Wang Le muttered in his heart while looking at the space in front of him, which was in the shape of a cylinder. When he looked up, he couldn't see the top of the space at a glance.

Immediately, Wang Le saw that the walls of the cylindrical space were covered with countless drawers.

This reminded Wang Le of the medicine cabinets that took up the entire wall in traditional Chinese medicine clinics.

Then this large medicine cabinet is equipped with countless small drawers, filled with various medicinal materials in categories.

The cylindrical space where we are now, which is inside the ancient tree, is like a huge "medicine cabinet".

As for whether there are "medicinal materials" in the neatly organized and densely packed drawers on the walls of the space, we have to wait and see.

If an average martial arts expert were to break in, it would take at least a lot of time to go through the drawers on the wall of the space.

The time to leave this secret space is almost here, and there is no time to search all the drawers on the walls of the space.

Even if you release your spiritual consciousness to conduct a search, it will not happen overnight.

Often at this time, the delusion-breaking Dharma Eye fully demonstrates its unparalleled advantages.

Immediately, Wang Le's delusion-breaking eyes quickly looked through the drawers on the wall of the space.

I saw that these drawers were all the same size. On the surface, they seemed to be only twenty centimeters long and less than ten centimeters wide, but there was something inside.

To put it simply, these drawers are similar to storage stones and storage rings. They are all used to store items. The only difference is the size of the space.

Gradually, the clairvoyance speed of Powang Dharma Eye became faster and faster. From the beginning of clairvoyance through drawers, to later, Wang Le directly saw through a large area of ​​​​drawers.

But as he looked through more and more drawers, Wang Le felt a chill in his heart, as if he had fallen into an ice cave and was completely cold.

Because the drawers that have been seen through are all empty inside, without exception.

"I should have expected this!"

Wang Le sighed secretly with a depressed face.

Wang Le was not surprised by this result.

Since the palaces and pavilions in the dojo are empty and the contents inside were taken away by the disciples of the Juque Sect before leaving, of course the valuable cultivation resources and other valuable treasures stored in the treasure house will not be left behind.

At this moment, in the sight of Powang Fayan, although there was nothing in the drawers he had searched, Wang Le was still a little unwilling to do so and continued to look through it.

As time goes by, Wang Le's head has been raised so high that he can see through the drawers on the wall of the higher space.

And in the process, still nothing was gained.

This made Wang Le's patience gradually run out. Faced with the so-called unwillingness, he could only admit defeat in the face of the cruel facts.

Just when Wang Le was about to give up and leave this treasure house space, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and revealed a strange color.

"Eh! Seal?"

At this moment, Wang Le's eyes fell on a drawer on the wall of the space.

I saw that this drawer was different from the others in that it was sealed with a seal, or more importantly, it was sealed with a big red piece of paper similar to a talisman.

As for the material of this note, Wang Le couldn't tell for a while.

It was precisely because of the existence of this big red note with mysterious runes on it that Wang Le's delusion-breaking Dharma Eye failed again.

There was no way to see through the drawer.

Before the change, Wang Le would inevitably feel a little frustrated because the clairvoyance ability of the Desolation Dharma Eye had failed.

But now it was completely the opposite. Wang Le, who was a little frustrated, suddenly became energetic, and his face showed a trace of uncontrollable excitement.

Immediately, Wang Le kicked off the ground with his feet, and his whole body suddenly rose into the sky, flying towards the drawer with the red seal.

Soon, Wang Le, who had risen to a high altitude, stopped, his black and white eyes staring intently at the big red seal attached to the drawer in front of him.

"It can block the clairvoyance of the Master's clairvoyant eyes. This thing is not simple!"

Wang Le looked at the big red seal and thought silently in his heart.

Then Wang Le was seen using his magic power and then swung out his palm.

In the midst of lightning and flint, the fierce palm wind roared out and struck the big red seal.

Just when Wang Le thought that the big red seal affixed to the drawer would not be so easy to remove, he saw that the red seal lost its luster at a speed visible to the naked eye under the blow of the palm wind, and then turned into ashes and scattered away. .

"Uh!" Wang Le looked stunned. Apparently he didn't expect the red seal to turn into ashes so easily. It was so smooth.

At this time, the only thing Wang Le thought about was that from ancient times to the present, this red seal had been wasted by time and was dying.

And the sudden palm wind was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

In any case, the red seal that hindered the clairvoyance of the Deliang Dharma Eye has disappeared, and now it’s time to see what’s inside the drawer.

At this moment, Wang Le's breathing couldn't help but become a little heavier, and his heart was filled with anxiety.

Worrying about gains and losses, Wang Le did not hesitate and directly reached out to pull out the drawer.


When the drawer was slowly opened, a dark animal horn appeared in sight.

"Uh!" Wang Le's hand holding the drawer froze slightly, and there was a strange look in his eyes. He couldn't help but mutter to himself: "What can this thing be used for?"

Although he was confused, Wang Le took out the dark horn from the drawer.

Then I saw this small-looking animal horn placed in the drawer. When I took it out, it suddenly became as thick as a man's arm and was covered with spiral patterns.

"Hey, it's a bit heavy. It looks a bit like a rhinoceros horn."

Wang Le looked at the dark horn in his hand and speculated secretly.

But the rhinoceros horn is obviously not as big as the horn in Wang Le's hand.

Soon, Wang Le put the dark horn in his hand into the Dharma Eye space.

As for the thin base of this dark horn, Wang Le didn't think much about it.

Maybe we can find out from the Thunder Beast then.

After all, this dark horn was left over from ancient times. If anyone in the martial arts world today might know the origin of this horn, it is only Thunder Beast.

Next, Wang Le put away his messy thoughts, followed to the higher drawer, and continued his fluoroscopy search.

Since the contents of one drawer have not been removed, there are the second and third drawers.

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