He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2622 Helpless

Although he was prepared for the worst, Wang Le did not give up and flew straight to the third drawer with a red seal.

The last sealed drawer is located in the top area of ​​the treasure room.

The drawers in this area are not as dense as in other places, with only six drawers in total.

And another thing that is different from other places is that these six drawers are numbered.

The numbered fonts were easy to identify according to Wang Le's memory reading, which was similar to the meaning of the numbers one, two, three, four, five and six.

Now there is only one drawer numbered 1, still with a big red seal, and the other five drawers are already empty.

When Wang Le came to the sealed drawer No. 1, he couldn't help but think to himself: "If nothing unexpected happens, the best things in the treasure house should be stored in these six drawers."

As his mind wandered, Wang Le couldn't help but feel a little excited. After all, the things that could be placed in drawer No. 1 were not the top-grade source stones or higher-level spiritual stones that he wanted, but they were certainly not simple.

As always, when Wang Le's palm wind swept past, the red seal affixed to the drawer dimmed without any accident, and then disappeared into ashes, as if he had completed his historical mission and was finally free, completely disappearing between heaven and earth. .

Wang Le held his breath and slowly opened the drawer in front of him.

This time it no longer emitted the dazzling colorful light like before, everything seemed very dull.

Then he saw an ordinary but familiar seed lying quietly in the drawer.

"Hey!" Wang Le's expression suddenly became strange.

Before opening the drawer, he imagined that there were many things stored in it, such as extremely rare and precious elixirs that could make a person's body become holy, or ancient peerless weapons that were sharper than artifacts, and so on.

Even if it wasn't such a rare treasure, Wang Le would never have imagined that there would be an ordinary seed in the drawer.

What's more important is that this seed is exactly the same as the one currently stored in the Fayan space.

At least on the surface, there seems to be no difference.

You must know that the seed in the Dharma Eye Space was the reason why Wang Le was able to obtain it in the first place.

That's because the martial arts alliance at that time believed that this seed left over from ancient times was useless and had no use at all.

Unexpectedly, a second such seed was discovered today in the treasure house of the ancient Taoist Juque Sect.

For a moment, Wang Le couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't help but murmured in his heart: "Young Master is so lucky. I don't think it's a magic medicine or a magical weapon. I already have one." Give me your seeds!”

"Oh! God, you really know how to play!"

Thinking of this, Wang Le, who was filled with resentment, had no choice but to take out the seed from the drawer and put it into the Dharma Eye Space.

After all, although this seed is worthless, it has been left over from ancient times to the present and has been carefully preserved by the Juque Sect. Obviously, it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Just when Wang Le put the seeds into the Dharma Eye space and was about to leave the treasure house space, his body suspended in the air froze, and his expression changed drastically.

Because at this moment, the two seeds that Wang Le put together merged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the two seeds merged into one, completely integrated into one, and turned into a seed the size of a glass ball, they actually emitted a faint black halo.

At this time, Wang Le, who witnessed this scene in the Dharma Eye Space through his spiritual consciousness, couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart, and a look of fear could not be controlled on his face.

Because this seed, which exuded a faint black halo, looked very weak, but it made Wang Le feel a deep sense of evil.

To use a word that is very popular in the world of mortals to describe it, it is that this enlarged seed is full of negative energy inside and outside, which makes Wang Le very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Wang Le, who was filled with fear, even had the urge to drop the seed.

But soon, Wang Le suppressed this impulse.

"Although this seed is full of evil and makes me feel like I can't control it, it is undoubtedly a good thing that can only be found."

Wang Le thought silently in his heart.

Wang Le even had a vague feeling that this mysterious seed full of evil was even better than the Taoist treasure.

According to Wang Le's always cautious nature, no matter how precious this mysterious seed is, if it is full of danger and the variables are far beyond his control, he will abandon it without hesitation.

But today is different from the past. Now Wang Le has the important task of saving the Emperor Burial Star. The road ahead will undoubtedly be full of difficulties and obstacles.

Therefore, Wang Le must do his best to make all preparations to prepare for future emergencies.

And this mysterious seed in the Fayan space may play a big role in saving the Emperor Burial Star in the future.

Thinking of this, Wang Le decided to keep this mysterious seed.

Just when Wang Le's thoughts were fluctuating, he saw that this seed, which was the size of a glass ball and emitted a faint black halo, was originally floating in the air and suddenly fell to the ground near the Ten Thousand Beasts Tree.

Before Wang Le could react, he saw this mysterious seed burrowing into the soil.

"Uh!" When Wang Le saw this, he suddenly showed a look of surprise. He obviously didn't expect this mysterious seed full of negative energy to do this.

"Is it possible that a towering tree can grow?" Wang Le couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

Suddenly, Wang Le felt the air begin to flow in the Dharma Eye space, and then noticed a large number of high-grade Origin Stones piled together in the distance, as well as a small amount of top-grade Origin Stones collected along the way, which were quickly turned into powder at an extremely terrifying speed.

And the energy in these source stones swarmed towards the mysterious seed in the soil.

In the flash of lightning, Wang Le, whose expression changed drastically, could no longer care about anything else, and quickly transferred the top-quality source stone that had not yet turned into powder from the Dharma Eye Space.

In just one breath, all the Origin Stones stacked in the Dharma Eye space were turned into powder, and all the energy contained in them was absorbed by the mysterious seed in the soil.

The whole process seemed to be slow but was actually very fast. Witnessing such a strange scene, Wang Le felt extremely painful.

Piles of high-grade source stones that were swallowed up by mysterious seeds were nothing at all, but of the top-grade source stones that were finally collected, less than fifty pieces were left.

This made Wang Le's face clouded, and his eyes showed a deep look of despair.

“After searching in the secret realm for so long, it’s okay not to see a single top-grade source stone. Instead, I lost the top-grade spiritual stone. It’s really embarrassing!”

Wang Le couldn't help but sigh bitterly and sighed sincerely.

At this moment, Wang Le felt not only helpless, but also helpless!

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