He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2369 The candle shines thousands of miles away

"As expected!" Feng Vulture said with a smile and a clear face.

Wang Le did not deny it, but looked at Feng Vulture with twinkling eyes, and asked: "Is it possible that you also have the blood of the demon clan?"

After a pause, Wang Le continued: "If the demon clan hadn't disappeared in this world, I would really suspect that you are a member of the demon clan!"

Feng Vulture smiled with a complex expression and said with a hint of bitterness: "It is precisely because my bloodline is impure that I was abandoned back then. Now I can only rely on myself to break the void and leave this world."

"Oh?" A strange color flashed in Wang Le's eyes, and then he couldn't help but be curious and asked: "At that time, the environment of the world changed drastically. How did the demon tribe leave this world?"

Feng Vulture's eyes showed deep awe and longing, and he shook his head without hesitation and responded: "Under the oath, I cannot pronounce it with my mouth."

In order to avoid Wang Le's further questioning, Feng Vulture took the initiative to change the subject and asked in a deep voice: "What is the bloodline of the demon clan in your body?"

Wang Le shrugged his shoulders and asked with a smile: "Do you think I would tell you such a secret thing?"

"Uh!" Feng Vulture couldn't help but laugh and shook his head, mocking himself: "I am confused. Of course, Your Excellency will not tell such a thing."

Then Feng Vulture suddenly changed the subject, looked at Wang Le with a solemn expression and continued: "But the only demon bloodlines that can suppress me are those ancient beasts!"

Before Wang Le could deny it, Feng Vulture went on to say, "You don't need to defend yourself, because the bloodline in my body is the top bloodline among the demon clan, and it belongs to one of the descendants of the ancient mythical beast Phoenix."

"Uh!" Wang Le glanced at the Phoenix Vulture meaningfully, shook his head meaningfully and replied, "We are different."

"It's different?" Feng Vulture couldn't help but frown, and his eyes when he looked at Wang Le were filled with confusion.

Faced with Feng Vulture's question, Wang Le would certainly not tell him that his bloodline was formed through continuous fusion and qualitative changes over and over again.

Rather than a mixed-race descendant born from a partnership between a demon and a human.

While Wang Le remained silent, Feng Vulture raised his eyebrows and said, "That's not right!"

Before Wang Le could ask further questions, Feng Vulture further said: "The demon tribe left this world four to five hundred years ago.

And you are so young, the time doesn't match up at all. "

After all, Feng Vulture looked at Wang Le in surprise and couldn't help but ask, "Why is this happening?"

Then Feng Vulture said: "Is it possible that you are not an aboriginal of the Emperor Burial Star at all, but an outsider?"

Wang Le's mouth twitched and he couldn't help but roll his eyes and said: "You are the outsider, your whole family is outsider!"

Before Feng Vulture could speak, Wang Le waved his hand to stop him and said, "You don't have to guess anymore. Anyway, the weird experience you are going to have is far beyond your imagination."

Phoenix Vulture: "..."

Tian He and the others: "..."

When the three of them were speechless, Wang Le looked at Feng Vulture with a half-smile, and continued: "You care so much about the blood in your lower body."

"It seems that you have murderous intentions towards me. It must be related to your bloodline, right?"

Feng Vulture's face stiffened, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "But I am far from your opponent. Even if I solve my own problems and return to my peak state, I am still a little behind!"

Wang Le immediately sneered and said: "You still have some self-awareness, otherwise, I will kill you here!"

Facing Wang Le's evil spirit, the three people present trembled in their hearts, and the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point, especially Tian He and the two were so frightened that they dared not express their anger!

At this moment, Wang Le's heart moved, he scanned the river below, then looked at Feng Vulture and the others, and said: "It can take as short as half a month, or as long as a month, and I will leave the depths of the restricted area."

"I hope you can find out the whereabouts of Xiaoyaozi, the master of Guixu Temple, as soon as possible."

After saying this, Wang Le will turn into a escaping light and fly away quickly.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Tian family quickly asked: "Little friend Wang, where are you going? Aren't you going back to Fengming City?"

Wang Le, who had just turned around, did not look back, and replied calmly: "When the time comes, I will go to Fengming City to find you. I hope there will be news about Xiaoyaozi, the master of Guixu Temple!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Le turned into a purple-gold light and disappeared in front of the three of them before waiting for the Tian family ancestors to ask further questions, and flew straight to the end of the horizon on the other side of the river.

When the dazzling purple-gold light disappeared from sight, He Yihang breathed a sigh of relief and lamented: "Not to mention what I gained from meeting this monster, I almost lost my life in the secret realm. It's really a shame. You will be in trouble for eight lifetimes!"

The ancestor of the Tian family gave a bitter smile in sympathy, then changed the subject and comforted himself: "It can't be said that we have gained nothing. After all, this boy helped us successfully take out the best alchemy furnace from the dojo!"

He Yihang's heart suddenly trembled, and he quickly nodded in agreement: "Yes, with this top-quality alchemy furnace, the great ancestor can refine the elixir he wants and return himself to his peak condition as soon as possible."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ancestor of the Tian family looked at Feng Vulture with a smile, and then said flatteringly: "When Grand Ancestor you solve your own problems, the Shattered Void will be just around the corner!"

At this moment, Feng Vulture stopped looking towards the end of the horizon. He did not respond to the two of them, but showed regret on his face. He sighed softly and said, "Although this kid is seriously injured, I am not getting better either." Where to go, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to leave so easily!"

He Yihang next to him suddenly looked surprised and said in surprise: "Although Wang Le is injured, it's not that serious, right?"

Feng Vulture chuckled and replied disapprovingly: "With this son, I have invincible confidence. If his injuries were not too serious, he would not stay away from Fengming City."

"After all, we haven't found out the whereabouts of Xiaoyaozi, the leader of Guixu Temple, so staying in Fengming City is the best choice."

I saw He Yihang's expression of surprise, and he immediately looked at Feng Vulture with respect and admiration and said, "It's the great ancestor who shines thousands of miles away and has a vicious eye."

At this time, the ancestor of the Tian family nodded and agreed: "Wang Le did not stay in Fengming City to inquire about Xiaoyaozi. Apart from the reason that he suffered heavy losses in the secret realm, there is no other explanation."

Feng Vulture smiled silently, and then asked the two of them: "With Wang Le's cultivation strength, who can injure him to such an extent?"

Tian He and Tian He looked at each other, and then He Yihang stood up and told the Grand Ancestor Phoenix Vulture in detail what they had experienced in the secret realm...

After a while, He Yihang, who had recounted his experience in the secret realm, looked at Feng Vulture and asked, "Great Ancestor, can that ancient bronze palace on the Immortal Platform really leave this world?"

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