He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2642 1 Straight ahead

He Yihang nodded, then sighed and said sincerely: "I hope this evil star is really gone and will never come back again."

The ancestor of the Tian family chuckled and said: "Although this son's thoughts are unpredictable, he must have really left this time."

He Yihang glanced at the other party and replied noncommittally: "I hope so!"

He didn't talk much about it. As the talker of the two major families in Fengming City, of course he couldn't urinate in the same pot, so after exchanging a few perfunctory words, they went back to their respective homes to find their mothers.

At the same time, Wang Le, who left Fengming City, did not linger any longer in the depths of the forbidden area. He directly followed the route he entered through the vast and boundless forbidden area, returned to the martial arts world as quickly as possible, and then returned to the world of mortals.

In the last moments before the Shattered Void, Wang Le wanted to spend it with the person he loved most...


Time flies by in a blink of an eye. One year and nine months have passed since he came back from the depths of the penalty area, and three months will pass, making it exactly two years.

During this period, Wang Le, who returned to the mortal world, never left again. He always stayed with his family, enjoying the last family happiness before leaving.

Of course, Wang Le's main energy is still spent on practicing and improving his cultivation level.

Under the constant energy provided by the white crystal ball, although Wang Le's cultivation progress is not as exaggerated as a thousand miles, it is still very amazing.

Even so, it took more than a year to finally touch the bottleneck and see the hope of promotion to the Nascent Soul realm.

Northern scenery, thousands of miles of snow falling.

On this early morning in the depth of winter, Wang Le took one last look at the sleeping Mu Xiyan and the infant child, and then left the house reluctantly, wearing purple-gold rays of light that broke through the flying snow in the sky. Flying towards the northeast outside Sijiu City.

When Wang Le left home, Mu Xiyan, who was sleeping soundly in the room, slowly opened her eyes.

"Husband, sooner or later I will break the void and follow in your footsteps!"

Mu Xiyan murmured to herself, her beautiful eyes filled with unprecedented determination...

Half a day later, Wang Le, who had left Sijiu City, finally stopped and stopped flying.

The earth beneath our feet at this time,

The criss-crossing mountains are covered in snow. Without exception, they are all completely covered with snow, and they have long been indistinguishable from each other.

This is the place that Wang Le has chosen for retreat and promotion. It is thousands of miles away from the Forty-Nine City, and there are few people around. Now that the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, there will be no one around, so it is a perfect place for retreat.

In fact, at the beginning, whether it was Grandpa Jiyang, Master Shibo Jiyinzi and other Nanhua Temple elders, or the old guys Xiao Zhixuan and Thunder Beast, they all suggested that Wang Le stay in retreat in the martial arts world to advance and even Shatter the Void.

Because the world of martial arts is far superior to the world of mortals and is more suitable for cultivation.

But in the end, all these people's suggestions were rejected by Wang Le without hesitation.

Because in Wang Le's eyes, a golden nest or a silver nest is not as good as his own doghouse.

Only in this mortal world can he truly relax and feel at ease, like a fish in water, allowing his thoughts to be clear without a trace of distracting thoughts.

All the way to today, Wang Le certainly understands the importance of details.

Many times, it is often because of a problem in a detail that ultimately leads to failure.

As the saying goes, a horseshoe nail can destroy an empire, but Wang Le didn't want this to happen to him.

Therefore, in order to successfully advance to the Nascent Soul Realm during this retreat, Wang Le prepared for a long time in order to perfect all aspects to the extreme, including the place he chose to retreat in. They were all carefully selected and decided as much as possible. To be foolproof.

Just like that, in the freezing cold wind, Wang Le fell directly into the depths of the silver-covered mountains from a height of ten thousand feet.

Soon, Wang Le arrived at the cave he had already chosen.

With a wave of his sleeves, the snow accumulated at the entrance of the cave dissipated, and Wang Le strolled in.

Then Wang Le, who walked into the cave, waved his sleeves again, and the flying snow flying in the air immediately took its direction seriously and flew towards the entrance of the cave.

In the blink of an eye, the entire cave entrance was once again filled with thick white snow.

The cave is narrow outside and wide inside. Wang Le, who walked deep into the cave, sat down quietly in the darkness.

"Finally we've come this far."

Wang Le murmured to himself, his black and white eyes flashing with light, like two stars in the darkness, deep and dazzling!

Then Wang Le, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, waved his hand, and a large number of top-quality source stones stored in the Dharma Eye space filled the surrounding space in the blink of an eye.

Among them are stones that are obviously different from the best source stones, emitting milky white and cyan light.

These are mid-grade and top-grade spiritual stones that are more advanced than top-grade source stones.

As for the origins of these top-grade source stones and mid-to-high-grade spirit stones, it must be said that the thunder beast was very lucky. It was unexpectedly hit by this guy in the martial arts world and broke into an ancient sect's dojo.

Although this ancient dojo has long been reduced to ruins and is far inferior to the intact Juque Sect dojo deep in the restricted area, Thunder Beast managed to find many top-grade source stones and medium-to-high-grade spiritual stones in the ruins treasure house.

According to Thunder Beast, these are just the tip of the iceberg. Most of them cannot stand up to the long river of time and eventually turn into ashes.

For Wang Le, although he has a white crystal ball, the more of these top-grade source stones and medium-to-high-grade spiritual stones is still better.

Because Wang Le had decided to leave this white crystal ball to his wife Mu Xiyan when he shattered the void.

And Wang Le also believed that when he arrived at the Eternal Star, he would naturally be able to get more spiritual stones.

But Mu Xiyan, who stayed in the Emperor Burial Star and had just embarked on the path of martial arts, wanted to go further to reach the peak of the heavenly level and even shatter the void, so she must have a large amount of top-grade source stones.

So it is very necessary to leave the white crystal ball to her.

Of course, the high-grade source stone vein deep in the Nanhuaguan Canyon is enough to support Mu Xiyan until he reaches the peak of the heaven level.

The most important thing is the ultimate leap. This white crystal ball is needed when breaking the void.

Getting back to the topic, after taking out all the top grade source stones and spirit stones stored in the Dharma Eye space, Wang Le slowly closed his eyes, then waved away his distracting thoughts and began to enter meditation.

Before hitting the bottleneck, it is not the first time for Wang Le to adjust his body and mind to the best peak state, and he is already familiar with it.

However, this time is the most critical, for the sake of safety, so it will take longer to adjust.

Just like that, from the moment Wang Le entered concentration, the whole world had nothing to do with him, and his whole body and mind were immersed in a state of retreat and breakthrough...

The flying snow outside stopped, the sun rose and set, light and darkness kept alternating in the cycle, pushing the carriage of time forward and forward again on the road of no return.

Deep in the dark cave, Wang Le's condition also passed bit by bit as time passed, and he finally adjusted to an unprecedented peak state.

When Wang Le woke up from trance and opened his eyes, his whole body couldn't help but bloom with a faint purple-gold halo. At the same time, the blood flowing in his body was like a big river on a stormy night, making waves of roaring waves!


In an earth-shattering roar, Wang Le's aura instantly climbed to its peak!

But then it converged again in the blink of an eye, including the faint purple-gold halo and the roaring sound of blood flow, all disappeared in an instant.

It was as if none of this had ever existed.

this moment!

Wang Le, return to nature!

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