He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2649 Backlash

When the sea of ​​lightning in the pit finally disappeared, Wang Le, who had turned into a skeleton, except for a little aura in his heart and skull, was completely destroyed by the lightning and thunder of the fiery red phoenix.

Since his debut, Wang Le has never suffered such a heavy blow, and he is only a breath away from death.


Wang Le, who was lying on the ground after being hit by the fiery red phoenix lightning, stood up with great difficulty.

Immediately, he saw a strong and powerful heart beating rapidly, and dazzling purple-gold blood rushed out.

Start building new veins and muscles along the heart!

In the blink of an eye, the destroyed Dantian was reshaped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the purple-gold crystals inside once again bloomed with dazzling light.

Just when Wang Le was trying to recover his physical body in the shortest possible time with inhuman perseverance, he suddenly felt a wave of heart palpitations!

In an instant, Wang Le subconsciously looked up at the sky, and saw someone in a pavilion vaguely holding a cone in his left hand and a drum in his right hand, and beating them together in the depths of the dark clouds.

Then he saw a bolt of lightning that was both illusory and real, with ever-changing colors, emerging from the beating of the drum cone.

When Wang Le saw this lightning with changing colors rushing towards him, his whole heart became entangled.

At this moment, Wang Le had never felt that death was so close to him.

At this moment, without any prompting, Wang Le, whose soul was trembling, could clearly feel that the lightning was not directed at the body that was already a skeleton.

But it was directed at the little spiritual light hidden in his skull, which was the Nascent Soul in the Dharma Eye Space.

At the critical moment, the unprotected Nascent Soul's eyes widened in anger. In desperation, the only thing that could be activated was the flying sword, the natal magic weapon that had been hidden in the Dharma Eye Space.


With a roar, the inevitable Nascent Soul rushed out from a little spiritual light in his skull and appeared above his head holding his natal magic weapon, the Flying Sword.

Because at this critical moment of life and death, the physical body is at its most vulnerable in history and cannot withstand any blow!

If the Nascent Soul is still hiding in the physical body and cannot come out,

It will inevitably affect the physical body.

Once the physical body is destroyed, Wang Leke will become a lonely ghost.

Although he could seize a new body for his own use according to the secret method of seizing a body in the distracted memories of the First Emperor Ying Zheng and Fairy Jinghong, their promotion to the Nascent Soul Realm fell short this time.

This means that Shattering the Void has become a luxury, let alone saving the Emperor Burial Star.

Instead of just living an ignoble existence but with no chance of survival, it is better to risk your life and give it a try!

In the flash of lightning, Wang Le, who had figured it all out, rushed out without hesitation and blocked his body!

Then he saw the strange lightning falling from the sky, and with lightning speed, it struck the flying sword thrown by Wang Le Yuanying.

At this moment, I saw that the flying sword, the natal magic weapon that was struck, did not make any sound at all. It directly vaporized and disappeared into the air without a trace, as if it had never existed.

Wang Le's Nascent Soul was in horror. Facing the strange lightning that flew towards him without slowing down in speed, he subconsciously activated Zhu Jiuyin's innate magical power to swallow the sky and devour the earth.

At the moment when this strange lightning was only three inches away from Wang Le's Nascent Soul and could strike with the next breath, a huge purple-gold spiral vortex appeared between the two!

Then I saw this weird lightning plunge into this huge purple-gold spiral vortex and disappeared.

Just when Wang Le, who had narrowly escaped death, was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the purple-gold spiral vortex formed by using Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth suddenly expanded.

It exploded directly with a "boom".


After Wang Le's Nascent Soul flashed this thought, he completely lost consciousness and fell back into the aura of his physical skull.

Obviously, Wang Le used Zhu Jiuyin's innate magical power to swallow the sky and the earth. Although in desperation, he directly swallowed this strange lightning, but due to his current strength and cultivation, he eventually suffered a backlash. .

When the Nascent Soul returned to the physical body and Wang Le fell unconscious, the layers of dark clouds above his head began to disperse, and the palaces and pavilions in the depths disappeared at some point.

Then countless streams of milky white rain fell from the sky, and all of them fell into Wang Le who was in the deep pit.

If Wang Le hadn't passed out at this time, he would definitely be familiar with this.

He will clearly understand that this is God's compensation for him after surviving the thunder tribulation.

Next, Wang Le's skeletal body was seen. Whether it was the flesh and blood on the outside, or the internal organs, etc., they were all recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the milky white rain falling from the sky penetrated the void and entered the Dharma Eye space, nourishing the Nascent Soul that had been severely damaged by the backlash...

After about a cup of tea, Wang Le, who was unconscious in the pit, regained his full appearance. His whole body was full of flesh and blood, and the previous skeleton appearance completely disappeared, as if it was a dream.

The Nascent Soul, which had been severely damaged in the Dharma Eye Space, was no longer sluggish, became full of energy, and was even better than before.

When Wang Le, who was lying in the deep pit, opened his eyes and woke up from his coma, the dazzling sunlight fell into his sight first, and he couldn't help but subconsciously narrowed his black and white eyes.

At this time, the layers of dark clouds that seemed to be able to crush the earth had already disappeared without a trace, let alone the palaces and pavilions deep in the dark clouds.

Wang Le got up from the ground and slowly twisted his body. For a while, the joints in his body kept making "click, click, click" sounds, just like the sound of exploding firecrackers, echoing continuously in the deep pit.

At this moment, Wang Le felt better than ever before, and every muscle in his body was filled with endless strength.

Then Wang Le pushed his feet on the rocky ground, and with a "swish" sound, his whole body flew straight out of the large pit nearly a thousand meters deep like a cannonball.

When Wang Le returned to the ground, he took a quick look and found that the surrounding geographical environment had long been devastated by thunder.

The original mountains, valleys and forests have all disappeared, and there are potholes everywhere.

When Wang Le saw this, he couldn't help but recall the scenes of thunder and disaster he had just experienced, and his eyes couldn't help but be filled with panic and fear.

If Wang Le hadn't been desperate at the last moment and used the magical power of Devouring Heaven and Devouring Earth without hesitation to swallow up that weird lightning, then he would have been rushing to hell and the underworld. On the way.

"This time I almost lost my life. Fortunately, I was lucky in the end. I was able to come back alive after wandering around the gate of hell."

Wang Le couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

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