He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2670 Thunder Thanos

Wang Le's state is not right, he is as smart as a thunder beast, and he can see some clues more or less.

But he would never think that Wang Le was because of Yuan Zun.

One was a young monk who had just become a Nascent Soul, and the other was the ancient Lord of Heaven who had conquered all races in the starry sky.

No matter how rich your imagination is and how far your imagination reaches the sky, you won't be able to involve these two incomparable beings together.

Therefore, Thunder Beast could only think that Wang Le must have thought of other things and looked absent-minded.

"Whether it's reincarnation or coincidence, this ancient era is too illusory. The most important thing is to get to the Eternal Star first."

Wang Le couldn't help but think in his heart.

Only when you reach Eternal Star can you have a better training environment and go further on the road of martial arts.

The mere Nascent Soul realm simply cannot satisfy Wang Le's ambitions and needs.

After all, finding the Chaos Star Core in its growth stage and saving the Emperor Burial Star is not something that cats and dogs can do.

It must be supported by strong strength, otherwise, trying to save the Emperor Burial Star is just a dream.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le threw away the distracting thoughts in his mind, looked at the thunder beast and asked, "Brother Lei, have you got the top-quality spiritual stone?"

Thunder Beast looked at Wang Le deeply with some suspicion, and then he was very sensible and did not ask further questions. Then he nodded and responded: "Fortunately, Yinghuo is a Death Star, and the geographical environment has not changed much, so we will search according to the directions and addresses provided by the ancestors of the clan. The top-grade Origin Stones that were buried went smoothly, and now they are all on Lei’s body.”

"That's good." Wang Le chuckled and nodded, and then said: "The ancient teleportation array must not be very far from here. Without further ado, please ask Brother Lei to lead the way and leave here as soon as possible."

The thunder beast did not hesitate and nodded directly and said: "Okay, Lei also wants to reach the Eternal Star as soon as possible. After all, there are too many unknown variables and dangers when walking in the starry sky of this universe."

After saying that, the Thunder Beast lifted off the ground and flew directly over the canyon.

Wang Le, who hurriedly followed up, saw a hint of surprise in his eyes, and couldn't help but thought to himself: "No wonder the Pohu Dharma Eyes searched the area before, but found no trace of the ancient teleportation array. It turned out to be in the canyon. opposite."

My mind wanders around,

Wang Le stopped thinking about it and chased the thunder beast and disappeared at the end of the yellow-brown sky...

In the space of a cup of tea, Wang Le followed the thunder beast and landed in a place filled with endless gravel.

The gravel here is as big as a two-story villa and as small as a pinky fingernail.

At a glance, you can't see the end at all. They are all gravels of this size, without any exception, like a sea of ​​stones.

"Brother Lei, the ancient teleportation array you mentioned is here?"

Wang Le couldn't help but look at the Thunder Beast and asked, with an undisguised look in his eyes.

The thunder beast nodded in agreement without changing his expression: "Yes, the ancient teleportation array is here. Is there any problem?"

Wang Le shook his head and replied: "Of course there is no problem. I just think there is something weird here that I can't explain."

At this time, a meaningful smile suddenly appeared on the face of the thunder beast, saying: "It's not wrong for you to feel this way."

"Oh?" Wang Le looked at the thunder beast thoughtfully and asked, "Is there something else to say here?"

I saw that the thunder beast did not make any detours, and responded directly: "That's because there were aliens who wanted to destroy this ancient teleportation array, and then had a battle with the powerful people here, which resulted in the scene you and I are seeing now. "

After a pause, Thunder Beast continued: "This was originally the largest mountain range on Yingluo Planet, and the ancient teleportation array is located deep in the mountains."

"In the end, an earth-shattering battle ended. Although the ancient teleportation array was saved, the entire mountain range was destroyed."

Having said this, the Thunder Beast couldn't help but look envious and yearning in his eyes, and continued: "The rubble you and I see now is only one percent of that mountain range. The other mountains were all reduced to ashes and disappeared during the war. Gotta be clean.”

Wang Le's heart trembled, and he said softly: "Such cultivation strength is really something that makes people look up to them and envy them endlessly."

Thunder Beast nodded with deep understanding, and with incomparable desire and expectation in his eyes, he said confidently: "As long as there is enough time, sooner or later, I, Thunder Thanos, will rule the stars and be invincible in the world. !”

Just after Thunder Beast vowed and said these words with full of motivation, Wang Le said with a twitching face: "I have known Brother Lei for a long time, and I didn't know Brother Lei's name until today."

The Thunder Beast snorted and said, "Why, do you have any objections?"

Wang Le quickly waved his hand and said with a smile: "How dare I have an opinion, little brother. Well, the name Thunder Thanos has lofty aspirations and reveals its domineering character. It is simply tailor-made for you, Brother Lei."

The Thunder Beast simply rolled his eyes and was too lazy to talk nonsense with Wang Le anymore. He turned around and hurried forward.

When Wang Le saw this, he chuckled, and then quickly followed him. At the same time, he did not forget to mutter in his heart: "Lin the starry sky? Invincible in the world? Huh, as long as I am here, it is not your turn!"

"I can only say that you and I are in the same era, and this is the tragedy of you Thunder Thanos!"

Although Wang Le is confident enough that his future achievements will far exceed those of Thunder Beast, but now the gap between the two sides is like a ravine.

So I just think about this idea in my heart and don't resort to talking about the thunder beast.

In Wang Le's eyes, actual actions are far less important than making promises.

In this way, in the following time, the Thunder Beast walking in front was not very fast, and it often changed its direction.

Wang Le, who was following behind, saw this and although he didn't ask, he knew very well that Thunder Beast was looking for the specific location of the ancient teleportation array.

After all, it has been too long, and it will take more or less time to find the ancient teleportation array.

Gradually, Wang Le clearly noticed that the terrain was getting lower and lower, and the gravel along the way was getting bigger and bigger, as if traveling through the stone forest, blocking all the sight ahead.

Just when Wang Le couldn't help but ask, the Thunder Beast who had been walking in front suddenly said with a hint of excitement: "We're here!"

"Oh?" Wang Le perked up, and following the direction pointed by the thunder beast, he saw huge rocks covered with shallow runes.

If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all.

"The ancient teleportation array is behind those stones." Thunder Beast said to Wang Le.

Then he saw the thunder beast's pace quicken again, and he walked forward quickly.

While Wang Le hurriedly followed, he did not forget to shout: "Brother Lei, be careful..."

Before he finished speaking, the thunder beast laughed and replied without looking back: "Don't worry, the area around this ancient teleportation array is very safe and there won't be any danger."

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