He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2696 The Doctor’s Benevolence

"Uh!" The young man was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the white egg with some surprise and replied: "Master, you don't think that it appears here, so that the nearby insects, ants, birds and beasts don't dare to approach, do you?"

The old man nodded solemnly and said in a deep voice: "Yes, the life contained in this white egg has a natural blood pressure on the surrounding insects, ants, birds and beasts, causing them to stay away from this place!"

"Hiss!" The young man gasped in fright and asked with a look of horror on his face: "Could it be that this is a powerful monster egg?"

At this time, the frightened old man replied with fear: "No matter whether it is the egg of a monster or not, we must leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible to avoid risking our lives."

The young man hesitated for a moment, but his life was at stake, so he could only nod his head and agree to what Grandpa said and leave here as soon as possible.

"Well, maybe you are a treasure, but for the sake of my life and my grandpa's life, I have no choice but to give up on you."

The young man said to the white egg with a look of reluctance and pity, and at the same time he did not forget to pat the white egg.

Just when the boy took the last shot and stopped, he saw cracks starting to appear on the eggshell that was patted, and they spread in all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Uh!" When the young man saw this scene, he was immediately confused. He just patted it lightly a few times without using any force. How could this happen?

The old man next to him obviously didn't expect this situation to happen, and couldn't help being stunned, but he quickly realized it, grabbed his grandson and shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

Before the old man could pull his grandson out far, he saw the young man who couldn't help but look back and suddenly shouted: "Grandpa, it's a human being!"

"What? Human?" The old man was stunned for a moment, then involuntarily turned back and followed the young man's line of sight to where the white egg was.

At this time, a naked young man with no clothes was seen lying on the broken eggshell with his eyes closed.

At this moment, both the grandfather and grandson were stunned by such an incredible scene.

They tried their best, but they didn't expect that there was a person inside the egg!

When were humans born from eggs?

This is completely against the laws of nature.

The old man asked himself that in his whole life, he had never seen it before or even heard about it. What a ghost.

"Grandpa, didn't you say that it might be a monster egg?" The young man couldn't help but mutter.

"Ahem!" The old man cleared his throat to cover up his embarrassment, then shook his head with a blank look on his face and said: "There are all kinds of wonders in the world, only things we can't imagine, nothing that doesn't exist."

At this time, the young man who was already filled with curiosity deep in his heart could no longer hold back and rushed over.

The old man, who had no time to stop his grandson, could only sigh helplessly, and then chased after him with a worried look on his face.

When the young man saw the young man lying on the ground with his eyes closed, he was attracted by the purple and gold dragon tattoo on his body at the first sight.

Ferocious, domineering, noble...

At this moment, the young man found that he was at a loss for words and could not use accurate words to describe the purple gold dragon on the young man in front of him.

It's really shocking,

It seems to be able to absorb people's soul!

Just when the young man was attracted by this real dragon tattoo, the old man stepped forward and squatted next to the young man with his eyes closed, and followed the young man's wrist pulse with his hand.

"Not dead." The old man said softly.

Then the old man stood up and ordered the young man: "Grandson, carry him back."

"Ah?" The young man who came back to his senses couldn't help but ask: "Grandpa, didn't you say it was dangerous? If you take this guy of unknown origin back, will you get into any trouble?"

The old man sighed, then shook his head and replied: "The so-called benevolence of doctors, once you encounter it, there is no reason not to save it."

Without waiting for the young man to say anything more, the old man turned around and left. At the same time, he did not forget to say hello: "Let's go! Otherwise, it will be dangerous if you haven't walked out of the mountain after dark."

The young man carefully carried the person on his back as instructed, and said with a grin: "As long as this guy is here, no wild beast will come close."

The old man paused for a moment and then replied: "We are not afraid of ten thousand, we are afraid of just in case. To be on the safe side, let's leave quickly!"

After saying that, the old man quickly walked out of the mountain along the route he came from. The young man quickly followed behind and soon disappeared deep into the forest...


Wang Le had a dream.

In the dream, there are no stars, moon, or sun, and there is no light. The whole world is shrouded in darkness.

And he has been walking in this dark world, trying to find an exit and escape from this suffocating and desperate place.

As he walked, white hair began to appear on his head, more and more wrinkles appeared on his face, and his figure gradually became rickety and could no longer stand straight.

Just like this, until Fengzhu was in his dying years, the surroundings were still dark, without a trace of light, let alone an exit from here.

But from beginning to end, Wang Le never gave up.

Because the word "give up" has never been in his dictionary!

Until Wang Le couldn't walk anymore and fell to the ground and was about to close his eyes, Mu Xiyan, whom he cared about most, appeared in front of him with her child in her arms, her face full of worry and anxiety.

Wang Le summoned up his last bit of strength and reached out to touch Mu Xiyan's face.

The moment Wang Le's fingertips touched her face, Mu Xiyan, who was holding the child, turned into a bright light and was never seen again...


Wang Le couldn't help shouting loudly.

When Wang Le finished speaking, he heard a surprised voice next to him: "Ah! You finally woke up!"

"Huh?" Wang Le subconsciously opened his eyes and sat up with his hands on the bed.

"Where am I?"

Looking at the unfamiliar bedroom, Wang Le suddenly had this thought in his mind.

Following Wang Le, a sturdy young man of sixteen or seventeen years old with a tiger-like head appeared in his sight.

At this moment, Wang Le's eyes began to focus, and he came back to his senses completely. He looked at the young man in front of him and asked, "Who are you? What is this place?"

The young man introduced himself with a smile: "My name is Huang Yucheng, and this is Bajiao Town."

Wang Le nodded, remained silent for a few seconds, and then asked: "Is this the Eternal Star?"

"Eternal Star?" Huang Yucheng looked confused, which immediately made Wang Le's heart sink.

Huang Yucheng shook his head and said, "I don't understand what the Eternal Star you are talking about is."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard an old voice from outside the door interjecting: "Grandson, you have to remember that the world we live in is called Eternal Star."

At this moment, Wang Le, whose heart had just sunk to the bottom, was like riding a roller coaster, and instantly reached the peak again, ecstatic! ...

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