He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2706 Don’t reveal your wealth

Faced with Huang Zheng and Wang Le's warnings, Huang Yucheng quickly responded respectfully and did not dare to have any thoughts of refutation.

Especially what he said to Wang Le, to Huang Yucheng's ears, it was simply golden words!

Seeing Huang Zheng's teachable and respectful look, Wang Le couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction, and then took the initiative to change the subject and said to him with a smile: "Go and cook this Qingyun Deer, I believe it will taste good, otherwise, That damned Mr. Zhao won’t want to take it away from you.”

Huang Yucheng nodded in agreement without hesitation, then picked up the two Qingyun deer on the ground and quickly went to the back.

When Huang Zheng and Wang Le returned to the living room and lit the lights and sat down, Huang Zheng sighed and said with gratitude: "If you hadn't come out in time, little friend, I and Yu Cheng would have been in terrible danger. "

Wang Le smiled and replied: "That's because Uncle Huang and Brother Yucheng have their own destiny. Even if I don't rush over, I believe you will be safe."

Huang Zheng stiffened, then nodded calmly and said: "That's true. Even if you don't take action, little friend, I still have ways to save myself."

After a pause, Huang Zheng took the initiative to explain: "When Yucheng and his parents left, they gave me some things so that they could survive the crisis safely."

"It is precisely because of these things that I was able to safely travel from Mengbo to Aolai."

There was no surprise on Wang Le's face, he smiled and nodded: "In that case, you two will return to Mengbo Kingdom, and I will feel relieved."

At this time, Huang Zheng's eyes were filled with gratitude, and he stared at Wang Le and said sincerely: "My dear friend, you don't care enough about yourself to teach Yucheng such a precious skill. I really don't know how to repay you!"

Wang Leman smiled gently and shook his head and replied: "From the moment Uncle Huang saved me, we are no longer outsiders, so there is no need to care about these, let alone thank you."

"If we have to care about it like this, it would be too outrageous."

Huang Zheng saw the sincerity in Wang Le's eyes, and immediately understood that the other party was not being polite, but speaking from the bottom of his heart, and he couldn't help but feel more grateful.

Of course, this full of gratitude can only be buried deep in my heart and cannot be expressed openly. Otherwise, as Wang Le said, it would be too external.

Time passed very quickly, and when the two of them were chatting away from home and abroad, Huang Yucheng also cooked one of the Qingyun deer, burned a large pot and brought it directly to the table.

Of course, at this time, there will definitely be no shortage of wine.

Huang Yucheng then cooked two more side dishes, and then the three of them gathered around the table and started eating large pieces of meat and drinking wine from large bowls.

The meat of Qingyun Deer is fresh and tender, and has an indescribable and wonderful taste after entering the mouth, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

Such a peaceful and warm atmosphere makes Wang Le feel warmer when he is far away from his hometown.

But he understood that such tranquility and warmth were a luxury for him.

There is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. Soon the three of them will go their separate ways, and these days will be gone forever.

And he, Wang Le, has more important tasks waiting for him to complete.

In the years to come, we will only march forward in the storm of blood and fire.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Le cherishes such time.

But time is the most ruthless,

Never rely on human will.

When Wang Le was ready to go back to his room after eating, drinking, and chatting until late, Huang Yucheng, who was reluctant to leave, finally couldn't help but asked: "Brother Wang, can you really not come with us?"

Wang Le paused, smiled and shook his head and replied: "Time is becoming more and more precious to me, and I can't waste it anymore, so I have to act quickly."

After a pause, Wang Le stepped forward and patted Huang Yucheng on the shoulder, and continued: "Brother Yucheng, there is no banquet in the world that must come to an end. In the future, you will understand that this separation is just to prepare for a better reunion next time. .”

Having said this, Wang Le blinked his eyes and chuckled: "Of course, the premise is that there is really a fate between you and me."

This time, before Huang Yucheng could speak again, Wang Le turned around and left the living room, disappearing from the sight of his grandfather and grandson.

"Grandson, your brother Wang is a man who does great things. If it weren't for chance, we wouldn't be in the same world at all."

Huang Zheng came over and patted Huang Yucheng, sighing with emotion on his face, his cloudy eyes filled with endless awe.

At this time, Huang Yucheng clenched his fists and said firmly: "One day, my grandson will catch up with Brother Wang!"

Huang Zheng smiled noncommittally, then turned around and picked up the leftovers on the table.

In Huang Zheng's eyes, Wang Le is a high-ranking god. It is really difficult for his grandson to become like him.

After all, not everyone can cross the stars, only the gods and Buddhas in the sky can do it...


There was no words all night, and it was just dawn. Huang Zheng, his father, and his grandson, with the help of Wang Le, packed up everything and put it into a storage stone.

"This storage stone not only contains the things you have packed, but also the cultivation resources I gave to you, Brother Yucheng."

Wang Le said while handing the storage stone in his hand to Huang Yucheng.

After a pause, Wang Le continued to say with a smile: "These cultivation resources in the storage stone can support your cultivation to the golden elixir stage."

At this point, the smile on Wang Le's face faded, and he warned with a serious face: "Don't reveal your wealth. With so many cultivation resources in your hands, you must not let others know, otherwise, My life is at risk!"

Huang Yucheng, who took the storage stone, responded with a solemn compliment, then saw Wang Le continue: "Before you become stronger, try not to expose your true strength."

"For a monk, if you want to live longer, you must learn to act like a pig and eat the tiger. You must be cautious at all times and never be careless. Do you understand?"

Faced with Wang Le's sincere teachings, Huang Yucheng could only listen.

It wasn't until everything was said that Wang Le told Huang Yucheng how to use the storage stone.

It stands to reason that with Huang Yucheng's current cultivation level, he has not yet developed his spiritual consciousness, so he cannot open the storage stone at all.

However, after Wang Le's improvement, Huang Yucheng could open it by injecting the magic power in his Dantian into the storage stone.

After Huang Yucheng tried three or two times and became proficient in using the storage stone, the three of them stopped staying. Wang Le took Huang Zheng and Huang Yucheng directly off the ground and flew straight into the air.

But the three of them left immediately. It wasn't until Huang Zheng had seen enough of Bajiao Town in the early morning that Wang Le took them out of the town and flew towards the direction of the morning glow and the rising sun...

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