He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2765: 1 word and 9 tripods

Wang Le did not hold back, and nodded with a smile: "Go! Now the Silver Kun is in our hands. As long as we overcome external dangers, we can reach Middle-earth in just a short time."

After finishing speaking, Wang Le and the master and apprentice of the Yunhu Kingdom parted ways in the corridor and returned to their respective residences.

When Wang Le returned to the house, he immediately closed the door tightly and then began to carefully examine his own situation.

After all, he killed so many powerful men in half a day, especially three powerful men in the late Nascent Soul stage who jumped up the ranks. Although Wang Le did not suffer serious injuries, his vitality was severely damaged and he was extremely exhausted physically and mentally.

If he hadn't held on for a breath, Wang Le would have been so tired that he collapsed on the ground. How could he still show calmness and calmness in front of Xu Tingxie and others.

After a while, Wang Le finished checking the body's injuries and secretly rejoiced: "Although the blood vessels and internal organs are somewhat damaged, it is not particularly serious. The main reason is that the mana is severely depleted and it will take some time to recover."

Although this unprecedented cross-level battle has ended, the ups and downs of emotions in Wang Le's heart still cannot be calmed down.

After all, this is the strongest opponent he has encountered since his debut.

As for the great gods-incarnation demons he encountered in the starry sky earlier, although their cultivation was at a higher level, far superior to the late Nascent Soul stage, when Wang Le killed them, they had already suffered heavy losses and their combat power was extremely high. Save one.

And the three late Nascent Soul masters that were killed tonight were all in their peak condition intact.

Although Wang Le's cultivation realm has been trapped in the middle stage of Nascent Soul for some time, the training he has experienced in this process has made his actual combat power far from being measured by his cultivation realm.

Coupled with the real dragon breathing method that he originally practiced, it is even more extraordinary.

It was the existence of these factors that enabled Wang Le to fully unleash his potential tonight with the blessing of the Nine Transformations of Heavenly Silkworm. He killed a group of powerful Nascent Soul masters with great force and had the last laugh!

All in all, Wang Le won a miraculous life-and-death battle at the smallest cost!

This battle not only resolved the crisis on the Yinkun, but also benefited Wang Le a lot from it.

Wang Le gained a lot of insights from the battles due to his continuous battles with powerful men with higher cultivation levels than himself.

As a result, Wang Le felt that he had broken through the existing bottleneck.

Entering the late Nascent Soul stage is just around the corner.

"If possible, when I heal my internal injuries and return to peak condition, I can naturally be promoted to the late Nascent Soul stage."

Wang Le thought silently in his heart.

Relatively speaking, it is undoubtedly easier to advance to a small realm than to break through and advance to a large realm.

After Wang Le's accumulation during this period, especially Wang Le's use of Zhu Jiuyin's innate magical power to swallow the sky and the earth, the digested Nascent Soul was used for his own use, and the benefits were astonishing.

It is precisely because of the amazing benefits gained from it that Wang Le is confident that he can be promoted to the late Nascent Soul in the near future.

"I didn't expect that this time on board the Yinkun, I would have such an opportunity to encounter the Lingshi Mine. God is really helping me."

Wang Le thought to himself expectantly while meditating to regain his energy.

As the saying goes, wealth can lead to gods. Wang Le believes that with a large number of spiritual stones in his pocket, when he goes to Middle-earth, no matter what he wants to do, he will definitely succeed a lot.

For example, buy the weapon refining materials and elixirs you need.

When he was on the Burial Emperor Star, Wang Le was very reluctant to take the magic elixir to improve his cultivation.

Because the medicine is three-part poison, Wang Le did not want to leave any hidden dangers in the process of cultivation, so he never took pills to improve his cultivation.

But after meeting the Yunhu National Master and learning about the cultivation civilization of Eternal Star from him, Wang Le realized how powerful the elixirs here were.

The so-called concept of medicine being divided into three parts poison does not exist here at all.

It can be said that the level of Eternal Star's elixir is so powerful that it completely subverts Wang Le's three views.

In other words, in the future of cultivation, Wang Le can increase his cultivation speed by taking elixirs.

Even in the process of breaking through the bottleneck of the cultivation realm, you can also take pills to assist yourself and promote to a higher cultivation realm more smoothly.

In the process of taking the elixir, it can be said that whether there are enough spiritual stones to purchase the elixir or the materials to refine the required elixir is crucial!

It is precisely because of this that no matter how much risk he has to take, Wang Le has to let Xu Tingxie take him to the Lingshi Mine!

For Wang Le, as long as it can help improve his own cultivation strength, he is willing to take no matter how big the risk is!

After all, time is limited, and there is not much time left for him to find the Chaos Star Core in the growth stage and save the Emperor Burial Star.

Just like that, after making a decision in his heart, Wang Le stopped thinking too much, suppressed all the thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on recovering from his injuries, and soon entered a state of tranquility and emptiness...


Time flew by in a blink of an eye, and seven days flew by.

These days, under Wang Le's intentional instructions, the Yinkun was not traveling very fast.

After all, his condition has not yet returned to its peak, and with a boatload of injuries, his combat effectiveness is basically zero.

Once any dangerous variables are encountered, the situation will not be good.

It is for this reason that Wang Le's order was given.

During these days, Wang Le was not only recovering his own condition, but also expelling the poison of the black dragon ants for Xu Tingxie and even the other monks on the ship.

Of course Wang Le is not a good person, and there must be conditions for detoxifying the black dragon ants for the monks on the Yinkun.

And this condition is that before setting foot on Middle-earth, everyone on the ship must follow his lead!

To put it more concretely and straightforwardly, on this Yinkun, everyone from the late Nascent Soul masters like Xu Tingxie to the coolies in the lowest cabin must serve him as Wang Le!

In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected, not to mention emotion and reason. Wang Le eliminated the conspiracy of Qin Fen, Meng Bayuan and others, and also helped everyone remove the toxin of the black dragon ants.

Under such circumstances, it would not be justified if he did not obey Wang Le!

Of course, when everyone agreed to work for him, Wang Le did not forget to assure everyone that they would never be allowed to work as miners in the Lingshi Mine!

For this reason, Wang Le even made an oath to gain the trust of everyone on the ship.

It can be said that Wang Le is completely true to his word on the Yinkun.

What's more, these monks on the Yinkun are not fools, they all understand one thing clearly.

That is, if you want to set foot on Middle-earth, you must rely on the monster Wang Le.

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