He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2801 Dilemma

Boom boom boom

Boom boom boom

Click click click click


The various sounds produced by the collision of close combat continue to echo over the Black Sea, filling every corner of this world.

The red-robed monk, who was trying to regain his disadvantage, tried his best to get rid of Wang Le's entanglement and avoid continuing to fight hard at close quarters.

This is because Wang Le's physical strength, as the battle deepens, far exceeds the imagination of the red-robed monks, which is simply unbelievable!

In other words, the red-robed monk clearly understood that if he wanted to get rid of the current unfavorable situation for him, he must avoid close combat with Wang Le.

Of course Wang Le will not give up his best method of close combat.

After all, in every battle in the past, the reason why he was able to defeat his opponent across levels and even kill his opponent was because Wang Le's close combat effectiveness was so strong that no one could match him. He had never encountered a match before!

In the following time, although the red-robed monk's wishful thinking was very good, he wanted to open the distance between the two parties, but Wang Le stuck to the other party like chewing gum and could not be separated at all.

The red light and golden light were mixed together without distinguishing each other. He was pressed downwind and unable to move. The living space of the red-robed monk was getting smaller and smaller. As time went by, the number of wounds on his body increased.

As a result, he looked particularly embarrassed, and no longer had the aloof and unrestrained energy he had earlier.

At this time, Wang Le was under the full support of Tiancan Jiubian, and his fists were as heavy as a thousand stones, and he was unable to resist at all!

Although the red-robed monks had profound knowledge and used different tricks that were never repeated, there were flaws everywhere in the sight of Wang Le's Pending Dharma Eye.

The only difference is whether these flaws are big or small.

Therefore, Wang Le's offensive became more intensive and pervasive, making the defense of the red-robed monks even more difficult.

If the red-robed monk had not been rich in actual combat experience, Wang Le would have invaded his door and severely damaged him!

But after all, you can only commit a thief in a thousand days, and there is no way to prevent a thief in a thousand days.

What's more, from the moment Wang Le's offensive frenzy was launched,

It did not gradually begin to stagnate and weaken as time passed.

On the contrary, the rhythm of the offensive has always been high-intensity, and I can't wait to tear the red-robed monk into pieces right away!

Finally, just when the red-robed monk defended himself from Wang Le's secretly hidden sword attack and was about to take a breath, he suddenly saw Wang Le's palm that was about to retract, and suddenly turned into a fist and hit him directly.

With the fist blowing wildly, Wang Le's purple-gold fist was like a small sun, directly breaking through the defensive door of the red-robed monk and hitting the opponent's belly!

The whole process passed in the blink of an eye, leaving no room for the red-robed monk to dodge.

What's more, the red-robed monk who was at a disadvantage had no room to dodge and was already suppressed to death by Wang Le's offensive.


The red-robed monk's entire face was completely distorted under the severe pain, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

At this moment, although his stomach was hit hard and his body was shaking like a river, the red-robed monk still endured it and took advantage of the situation to fly backwards, trying to open the distance between the two parties so that he could escape. Birthday!

That's right, the red-robed monk who suffered heavy losses no longer thinks about winning, but wants to try his best to escape from here!

As for Wang Le's top technique for cultivating his spiritual consciousness, the red-robed monk had long forgotten about it.

After all, my life is almost gone, so I don’t have the time to think about this.

Closer to home, although the red-robed monk no longer pursues victory and only wants to save his life, Wang Le, who has already killed the red-eyed man, has no intention of giving up.

He will not let this guy call himself a pig.

Although this guy has a great background, which can be seen from the fact that there are two servants who are in the late stage of Nascent Soul, Wang Le has no fear, let alone any scruples.

All in all, let's kill these three guys first and then kill them all.

In this way, between chasing and escaping, the red-robed monk escaped very fast, after all, the peak cultivation level of the late Nascent Soul was there.

But don't forget that Wang Le's physical body has withstood the training and baptism of thunder and lightning.

As a result, Wang Le's physical flight speed was far beyond that of ordinary monks.

It can be said that in terms of speed, Wang Le is confident that he can compete with the monks in the realm of gods!

Therefore, Wang Le is not afraid of the speed competition at all.

Soon enough, the chase between the two sides was over in just a few breaths.

The red-robed monk was once again swallowed up and drowned by Wang Le's offensive frenzy.

Dang Dang Dang

bang bang bang

bang bang bang


In the continuous clashing sounds, every part of Wang Le's body became a weapon to attack the red-robed monk.

The storm formed by the fist light and palm wind immediately caused more injuries to the red-robed monk.


Amid the screams, the red-robed monk was not paying attention for a moment, and Wang Le's left leg was swept out, like an iron whip, directly whipping the red-robed monk's waist.

The force of this whip kick was so strong that it not only broke the ribs near the waist, but also shocked the opponent's internal organs!

But that's not the point.

As the red-robed monk was continuously hit by Wang Le, Wang Le's purple-gold magic power continuously invaded his body's meridians and organs!

This made the Red Cannon cultivator miserable, and the meridians in his body were constantly being eroded and destroyed.

As a result, the red-robed monk's combat effectiveness plummeted, and he became a trapped beast with a completely defeated appearance!

At this moment, the white-browed and long-faced monk who had been lingering on the edge of the battlefield saw that his son's defeat was certain, and he couldn't help but fall into a dilemma between heaven and man.

At this moment, the red-robed monk who was caught in a bitter battle finally couldn't help shouting for help: "You bastard slave! Why don't you come here and help me!"

"Ah?" Although there was hesitation in the eyes of the white-browed and long-faced monk, when he thought of the consequences if his young master died here, his heart suddenly tightened, and then he summoned his natal magic weapon, a huge hammer that was dark and glowing with cold light. Then he hit Wang Le without hesitation.

Obviously, the monk with white eyebrows and long face also saw the horror of Wang Le's close combat ability.

After all, even his own young master was no match for him and was completely suppressed, let alone him, a late-stage Nascent Soul monk.

Therefore, the white-browed and long-faced monk had no choice but to control his natal magic weapon to contain Wang Le and help his young master escape.

At this time, Wang Le saw his opponent controlling the giant hammer, his life magic weapon, to fall directly from the sky, as if he was about to smash him into a meat pie. He couldn't help but sneer, his eyes full of disdain.

Then Wang Le continued to suppress the red-robed monk with high intensity, while directly raising his fist above his head to face the magic hammer!


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